M Bertenshaw CV 2017

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Madison Bertenshaw

2525 E Prince Rd #78/ Tucson, AZ 85716

madisonbertenshaw@gmail.com/ (520) 370-8754


MFA Creative Writing, Poetry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Spring 2014

Peter Gizzi, Megan Lewis and James Tate

B.A. Creative Writing; University of Arizona; Spring 2011

Suma Cum Laude
Graduated with English Honors

Honors and Awards

Graduate and Tuition Scholarship

University of Arizona, Tucson
Fall 2014- Spring 2016

Residential First-Year Experience Student Choice Award

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Spring 2013
First-year students were given the opportunity to nominate a professor or instructor who had a profound
influence on them during their first semester. Nominations were made for a variety of reasons, including:
inspiring students to learn, hosting interesting and motivating lectures, going above and beyond to support
first-year students, helping students adjust to college, challenging students to reach their full potential, etc.

Hattie Lockett Award

University of Arizona
Spring 2011
Established in 1978, the Hattie Lockett Awards are presented annually to students who, in the fall of their
senior year, are judged to have demonstrated the greatest promise as poets.

Federica Hearst Lyrical Poets Award

Spring 2011
Tucson physician Marlys Hearst Witte sponsors the poetry contest in honor of her late parents. The award is
given annually to three poets attending a university in the Southern Arizona region. The award offers a $50
cash prize.

Academy of American Poets Award

University of Arizona
Spring 2010
The Academy of American Poets established its University and College Poetry Prize in 1955. Since 1979, the
University of Arizona has annually awarded a single poet from both undergraduate and graduate submissions.
The award provides a $100 cash prize and mention in the Academys annual report.
Conference Presentations

Bertenshaw, Madison & Coan, Casely & Whittig, Erin (2016, July). Engaging Multiple Perspectives in and
about Writing Program Administration. Presentation at Council of Writing Program Administrators
Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Bertenshaw, Madison & Gustafson, Courtney (2014, April). Bodies in Space: (Re) Positioning the Teaching
Body in the Composition Classroom. Presentation at Engaging Practices: A UMass Boston Conference on
the Teaching of Composition, Boston, MA

Research and Teaching Interests

I am trained to teach writing at the college level. I have experience working one-on-one with students, leading
group discussions, as well as lecturing on topics related to course material, such as conducting research for
scholarly sources, the personal essay and analytical writing. Over the course of two years I have taken two
year-long seminars on teaching pedagogy which addresses issues such as technology and teaching, writing for
second-language learners, and diversity in the classroom.

Teaching Experience

ENGL 101A Basic/Remedial First-Semester Writing

English 101A emphasizes revision and craft in the context of composing first-year assignments in literacy and
the personal narrative, analysis, incorporating documentation, and reflection on writing processes. It is paired
with a one credit discussion section for additional generative writing, peer review, writing activities and
revision. Each section has nineteen students.

ENGL 101 & 102 College Writing: Textual and Rhetorical Analysis
The two English composition courses focus on analysis of texts. Essays vary from the personal narrative,
visual/special analysis, ideological criticism, rhetorical analysis, and research paper. Each section has twenty-
five students.
Fall 2014- present.

ENGL 112 College Writing

College Writing explores the personal essay, a critical response to a scholarly text, the research paper,
documentary films as texts, and a final reflective writing unit. The writing process encourages drafting, peer-
review and generative writing. Each section has fifteen students.
Fall 2012- Spring 2014

Certification and Teacher Training

Office of Instruction and Assessment Certificate in College Teaching

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
This ten-credit curriculum develops the competencies needed to teach effectively in higher education,
including learner-centered theories. The courses range from discussion-based seminars to one-on-one
personalized instruction with mentors. The courses have helped me develop an in-depth teaching portfolio,
new assessment strategies, and leaner-centered activities and pedagogy.
Teaching Second Language Writing Graduate Seminar
This course provides an introduction to the teaching of second, foreign, or additional language (L2) writing in
diverse contexts. The course is grounded in practical and hands-on work with the goal of building your
pedagogical knowledge as well as tools and strategies for working with second language writers across
settings. After completing the course, I will be eligible to teach L2 and international courses at the college

Safe Zone LGBTQ Training

I completed four hours of training with the University of Arizona Safe Zone, a campus-wide program
committed to making the university a safer, more welcoming, and inclusive environment for members of the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community. I have learned successful
communication strategies and techniques to improve communication with students. I am an identifiable
source of support for LGBTQ students, staff, and faculty on our campus.

Professional Development

University of Arizona Transfer and Placement Assistant

I evaluate student transcripts, Transfer Portfolios for upper-division transfer students, CLEP Exams, and
other institutional documents for transfer articulation. I work one-on-one with students during every summer
orientation (domestic and international), the Writing Programs Roster Outreach, and regularly via e-mail
(Microsoft Outlook) to determine placement and evaluate transfer credit. I have worked with PeopleSoft a to
access students information, update writing placements, manually articulate transfer credit and equivalencies,
enter student waivers, and manage the Outlook inbox. I utilize Qualtrics to build surveys and process data
and am familiar with Google forms, collecting data from orientations to assess our placement process and
measure student success and retention.


Creative Writing:

Three Poems Route 9. Issue 5. Online.

Maiden Names: A Villanelle. Persona Magazine Vol. 33. 54. Print.

Mole-Pieced Suit. Persona Magazine Vol. 33. 46-7. Print.

Of Wonder Woman Born. Persona Magazine Vol.32. 28-9. Print.

To Drive a Lady. Persona Magazine Vol. 32. 68-9. Print.

Journal Entries: East of Some Human Border, Northwest of Nogales Persona Magazine Vol. 31. 6.


University of Arizona Poetry Center, Programs Assistant

Spring 2009-Summer 2009
As Programs Assistant I created itineraries and schedules for all visiting poets and guests. I managed details
surrounding major events including the year-long Reading Series and the 2008 Conceptual Poetry Symposium.
I worked closely with Poetry Center staff to organize summer events such as Stanza Bonanza, the 2008-2009
Reading Series, and Summer Fundraiser Benefits.

Literacy Connects, Adult Basic Literacy Tutor (GED Program)

Fall 2016-present
I volunteer with students to assist them in obtaining their GED. I tutor one-on-one in writing, math, social
studies and science. I work with diverse populations from the greater Tucson area for four hours every week.
I have received over twenty hours of training and am required to complete an additional eight hours of
training each additional year I tutor.


English, native speaker

German, proficient reading and speaking
Spanish, intermediate reading and beginner speaking

Professional Association Memberships

Association of Writers and Writers Programs (2011 present)

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