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Mesoweb Publications

The Olmec Notebooks of Miguel Covarrubias

Michael D. Coe

During the summer of 1968 I was in Mexico 0*"((")F% A)% *% ,-$% 5"#.=0(":% '(% 0#--*6#"*&(.%
City with my wife and children, studying with the Spanish director Luis Buuel on the
and classifying the large collection of pottery ,-$% IJ#62+)#+% B"=)#(KL% *)% *+% *"&% .(*-("% '(%
!"#$%&'"((%)(*)#+)%#!%,(-.%(/0*1*&2#+%*&%&'(% sold paintings and drawings by well-known
Olmec site of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan. We Mexican artists such as his friend Miguel
3("(% 4#2+(.% &'("(% *&% )#$(% 5#2+&% 67% 8*12.% B#1*""=62*):%*)%3(--%*)%M"(@B#-=$62*+%*"&N
Joralemon, an undergraduate student in my particularly Preclassic material from sites like
courses at Yale, who was thinking about do- Tlatilco and Tlapacoya.
ing a project on Olmec iconography for his A&% .2++("% 32&'% '2$% #+(% (1(+2+;:% '(%
senior year (1968-1969). spoke to me about the Olmec notebooks that
I had already met George Pepper and B#1*""=62*)%'*.%6((+%O((52+;%#1("%*%5("2#.%
'2)% 32!(% 9(*++(&&(:% 3'#% 3("(% &'(+% -212+;% 2+% of years. I had long heard rumors about them,
Mexico City, and we had become friends. but no one seemed to know what had hap-
<(#";(%'*.%5"(12#=)-7%6((+%*+%2+.(5(+.(+&% 5(+(.%&#%&'($L%&'(7%)(($(.%&#%'*1(%1*+2)'(.%
,-$%5"#.=0("%2+%>#--73##.%*+.%'*.%6((+%*% into thin air. This is the story that George told
&*";(&% #!% &'(% >#=)(% ?+@A$("20*+% A0&212&2()% me:
B#$$2&&((%C>?ABD%.="2+;%&'(%E0B*"&'7%("*F% 8="2+;%&'(%-*)&%7(*"%#"%&3#%#!%B#1*""=62*)P%
G#%*1#2.%6(2+;%)("1(.%*%)=65#(+*%67%>?AB:% -2!(:%'(%*+.%'2)%A$("20*+%32!(%J#)*%B#3(--%'*.%
'(%*+.%9(*++(&&(%'*.%H(.%C32&'#=&%5*))5#"&)D% 6(0#$(%)("2#=)-7%()&"*+;(.:%5*"&20=-*"-7%#1("%
to Mexico, joining a small cohort of other '2)%-#1(%*!!*2"%32&'%J#0Q#%R*;*S+:%&'(%6(*=&2-
,-$% 2+.=)&"7% -(!&2)&)% 3'#% '*.% 6((+% 5-*0(.% ful young prima ballerina of the National
#+% &'(% !*$#=)% C#"% 2+!*$#=)D% >#--73##.% T*--(&% #!% E(/20#% C#!% 3'20'% B#1*""=62*)% 3*)%
Blacklist. Safe in Mexico, George had two 82"(0&#"DF% >(% '*.% $#1(.% $#)&% #!% '2)% 6##O):%

2012 MesowebU%333F$()#3(6F0#$VB#(VB#1*""=62*)F5.!F
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many paintings, and much of his collec- 1971, as A Study of Maya Iconography. This is
tion of Pre-Columbian art out of the house now recognized as a classic in Mesoamerican
in Tizapan to his family house on the Calle studies. My own set of prints is reproduced in
Zamora, in downtown Mexico City. When he the pages that follow.
unexpectedly died in a Social Security hospi- T=&% &'(% )&#"7% .#()+P&% (+.% '("(F% d#"% $7%
tal, on February 4, 1957, at the young age of book Americas First Civilization: Discovering
YZ:%(1("7&'2+;%2+%'2)%*5*"&$(+&:%*00#".2+;%&#% the Olmec (Coe 1968), I thought of including
M(55("%C*+.%0#+,"$(.%&#%$(%$=0'%-*&("%67% *%)5(02*-%)(0&2#+%#+%B#1*""=62*)%*+.%)#$(%#!%
J#)*% B#1*""=62*)D% 3*)% .212.(.% =5% 6(&3((+% the wonderful Olmec drawings in the note-
&'"((% 5(#5-(U% '2)% 6"#&'("% [=2)% B#1*""=62*):% 6##O)F%>#3(1(":%&'(%-*37(")%3*+&(.%&#%O+#3%
J#0Q#:%*+.%\2--2*$%R5"*&-2+;F who, exactly, owned the rights to the draw-
It was Spratling who got the two note- 2+;)e% G'(7% )##+% !#=+.% &'*&% R5"*&-2+;P)% 32--%
books and who took them to his hacienda in '*.% -(!&% &'(% +#&(6##O)% &#% A=."(7% >(56="+%
Taxco Viejo, Morelos. Bill Spratling was an and her husband Mel Ferrer, but by this time
*$*]2+;% 0'*"*0&(":% *+.% *+% 2$5#"&*+&% ,;="(% &'(%&3#%*0&#")%3("(%.21#"0(.F%\'(+%0#+&*0&(.%
in modern Mexican history. It was he who +(2&'("% '*.% (1("% )((+% &'(% +#&(6##O)% #"% '*.%
'*.%)2+;-(@'*+.(.-7%"(121(.%G*/0#P)%!*$#=)% (1(+%'(*".%#!%&'($F
6=&%-*";(-7%.(!=+0&%)2-1("%2+.=)&"7%*+.%$*.(% ^&% 3*)% ,+*--7% .(02.(.% &'*&% ^% )'#=-.% ;(&%
2&% 3#"-.@!*$#=)F% >(% '*.% *% 1("7% -*";(% )2-1("% B#1*""=62*)P)% 32.#3% J#)*% &#% ;21(% &'(% WfF%
3#"O)'#5%3'("(%)(1("*-%.#](+%7#=+;%)2-1("- If anyone had a title to the drawings, it
smiths turned his designs into pieces eagerly 3#=-.%6(%)'(F%^%'*.%+(1("%$(&%J#)*%*+.%3*)%
)#=;'&%67%0#--(0&#")F%>(%3*)%*-)#%*%.(*-("%2+% )#$(3'*&% &(""2,(.:% *)% )'(% 3*)% )*2.% &#% 6(% *%
Pre-Columbian art, especially Olmec, not all 1("7%!#"$2.*6-(%-*.7F%W+0(%E*&&'(3%R&2"-2+;%
#!%3'20':%^P$%)#""7%&#%)*7:%3*)%*=&'(+&20F% "($*"O(.%&#%$(:%IR'(P)%+#%J#)(:%)'(P)%*%G2;("%
[*&(% #+% &'(% +2;'&% #!% A=;=)&% _:% `ab_:% [2-7gK% G'(% )2&=*&2#+% 3*)% "()#-1(.% 3'(+% $7%
R5"*&-2+;%3*)%."212+;%*&%'2;'%)5((.%6(&3((+% !"2(+.% d"(.("20O% h*+.("62-&% d2(-.N*-)#% *%
G*/0#%*+.%^;=*-*:%5"#6*6-7%I=+.("%&'(%2+H=- >?AB%&*";(&%3'#%'*.%*0&=*--7%)5(+&%&2$(%2+%
ence, when his car hit a tree and he was killed. *+%A$("20*+%5"2)#+%!#"%6(2+;%*%B#$$=+2)&N
It turned out that he had willed his collection 5(")=*.(.% J#)*% &#% 2+12&(% =)% 6#&'% &#% -=+0'%
to the people of Taxco, but many things that 2+% &'(% B#1*""=62*)% '#=)(% 2+% G2]*5*+F% ^&% 3*)%
he had owned disappeared after his death *% )=00()):% J#)*% 3*)% *% )=5("6% 0##O% *+.% &'(%
*+.%'*1(%+(1("%6((+%)((+%*;*2+N*+.%&'*&%2)% meal was splendid, and she and I became
the sad case with the famous notebooks. !"2(+.)F%A+.%^%.2.%;(&%'("%5("$2))2#+%!#"%&'(%
>#3(1(":%*--%3*)%+#&%-#)&F%\'2-(%&'(7%3("(% drawings.
2+%R5"*&-2+;P)%'*+.):%'(%-(&%<(#";(%M(55("%6#"- For now, the actual whereabouts of the
"#3%&'($L%<(#";(%&##O%&'($%&#%E(/20#%B2&7% original notebooks remains a mystery.
*+.% '*.% (1("7% 5*;(% 2+% &'($% 5'#&#;"*5'(.%
professionally (with four notebook pages Acknowledgments
to each photograph). That summer (1968) E7% )2+0("(% &'*+O)% ;#% &#% E*"Q*% i-(+*% J20#%
<(#";(%1("7%O2+.-7%-(&%$(%&*O(%&'(%+(;*&21()% B#1*""=62*):% 3'#% #3+)% &'(% 0#57"2;'&% !#"%
6*0O%&#%X(3%>*1(+:%3'("(%^%'*.%&'($%&="+(.% unpublished drawings by her uncle, Miguel
into two sets of prints, and then returned the B#1*""=62*):% !#"% 5("$2))2#+% &#% 5=6-2)'% &'2)%
+(;*&21()%&#%<(#";(F%W+(%)(&%#!%5"2+&)%^%O(5&% (-(0&"#+20%1(")2#+%#!%&'(%+#&(6##O)F
thesis was published by Dumbarton Oaks in
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 3

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 4

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 5
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 6

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 7
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 8

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 9

The horizontal white line at the top is the back of an image on the other side of the notebook page.
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 10
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 11
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 12
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 13
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 14

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 15
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 16

(The image on the right second from the top appears in a different orientation on page 30.
The image at bottom left appears on page 44 in its proper orientation.)
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 17
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 18
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 19
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 20
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 21
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 22

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 23

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 24

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 25

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 26

The image at bottom left was published in Americas First Civilization (Coe 1968:152).
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 27

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 28
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 29
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 30
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 31
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 32
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 33

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 34
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 35
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 36

The image at lower right was published in Americas First Civilization (Coe 1968:145).
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 37
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 38
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 39

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 40

The photograph of this notebook page was printed on a single 8x10 sheet as indicated.
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 41

The photograph of this notebook page was printed on a single 8x10 sheet as indicated.
The image appears on page 48 in its proper orientation.
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 42

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 43

From page 3.

From page 4.

From page 6.
G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 44

From page 8.

From page 14.

From page 16.

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 45

From page 22.

From page 23.

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 46

From page 24.

From page 25.

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 47

From page 27.

From page 33.

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 48

From page 41.

G'(%W-$(0%X#&(6##O)%#!%E2;=(-%B#1*""=62*) 49

References cited
Coe, Michael D.
1968 Americas First CivilizationF%A$("20*+%>("2&*;(:%X(3%c#"OF

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