Sarc Fms 2016-2017

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Fortuna Middle

California Department of Education

School Accountability Report Card
Reported Using Data from the 2015-16 School Year

By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC).The SARC contains information about
the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to
prepare a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), w hich describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, w ith specific activities to address
state and local priorities. Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent w ith data reported in the SARC.

For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC W eb page at http://w w w

For more information about the LCFF or LCAP, see the CDE LCFF W eb page at http://w w w

For additional information about the school, parents/guardians, and community members should contact the school principal or the district office.

DataQuest is an online data tool located on the CDE DataQuest W eb page that contains additional information about this school and comparisons of the school to
the district and the county. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system that provides reports for accountability (e.g., test data, enrollment, high school graduates,
dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners).

Internet Access
Internet access is available at public libraries and other locations that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access to the Internet at libraries
and public locations is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrictions may include the hours of operation, the length of time that a
w orkstation may be used (depending on availability), the types of softw are programs available on a w orkstation, and the ability to print documents.

Mr. Vince Zinselmeir, Principal

Principal, Fortuna Middle

About Our School

Fortuna Middle
843 L St.
Fortuna, CA 95540-1921

Phone: 707-725-3415
2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle

About This School

Contact Information (School Year 2016-17)

District Contact Information (School Year 2016-17) School Contact Information (School Year 2016-17)

District Name Fortuna Elementary School Name Fortuna Middle

Phone Number (707) 725-2293 Street 843 L St.

Superintendent Jeff Northern City, State, Zip Fortuna, Ca, 95540-1921

E-mail Address Phone Number 707-725-3415

Web Site Principal Mr. Vince Zinselmeir, Principal

E-mail Address

Web Site

County-District- 12768026007868
School (CDS) Code

Last updated: 12/11/2016

School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2016-17)

Vision Statement

The Fortuna Elementary School District w ill provide an environment that creates an atmosphere of academic excellence.

Mission Statement

The mission of Fortuna Middle School is to develop respectful and responsible students w ho are w ell prepared for high school and beyond by building positive
relationships and connections w ith them and their parents in our community. W e offer a challenging and supportive program of academics, athletics and arts by
setting high expectations that focus on individual success through cooperation w ithin a safe and caring environment. W e w ill treat students w ith consistency
w hile recognizing their individuality and developing them as confident, skilled and successful lifelong learners.

School Description

Fortuna Middle School spans grades five through eight and has an enrollment of 246 students. The fifth and sixth grade classes operate on a block schedule w ith
students rotating classes w ith an average class size of 24 students. The seventh and eighth grade classes operate on an individual class rotation schedule (same as
a traditional high school). The average class size is 21 students.

The school, located in the Fortuna city limits, serves the area that extends north to Ferndale and south to Metropolitan Bridge. The population in the district is
approximately 1,100.

The credentialed staff consists of 11 classroom teachers, 2 resource teachers, a shared ELL teacher, shared music teacher, shared school psychologist, and shared
speech and language specialist, a credentialed Librarian, and administrator. Also, this site includes instructional aides, intervention technicians, custodians, clerical
personnel, food service w orkers, and special support personnel the staff totals approximately 48 people.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Page 2 of 23
2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2015-16)

Grade Level Number of Students

Grade 5 57

Grade 6 58
Grade 7 67

Grade 8 60 50

Total Enrollment 242





Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Last updated: 12/11/2016

Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2015-16)

Student Group Percent of Total Enrollment

Black or African American 0.8 %

American Indian or Alaska Native 3.7 %

Asian 2.5 %

Filipino 0.0 %
Last updated: 12/11/2016
Hispanic or Latino 48.8 %

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 0.0 %

W hite 40.5 %

Tw o or More Races 3.3 %

Other 0.4 %

Student Group (Other) Percent of Total Enrollment

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 78.9 %

English Learners 35.1 %

Students w ith Disabilities 24.4 %

Foster Youth 0.8 %

Page 3 of 23
2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle

A. Conditions of Learning

State Priority: Basic

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Basic (Priority 1):
Degree to w hich teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching;
Pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials; and
School facilities are maintained in good repair

Teacher Credentials
Teachers School District
2014- 2015- 2016- 2016- Teachers with Full Credential
15 16 17 17 Teachers without Full Credential
15.0 Teachers Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence
W ith Full Credential 14 16 14 72

W ithout Full Credential 0 0 0 0 12.5

Teachers Teaching Outside Subject 0 0 0 0

Area of Competence (w ith full 10.0




2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions

2014- 2015- 2016-
Indicator 15 16 17
Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners
Misassignments of Teachers of English 0 0 0 Total Teacher Misassignments
Learners Vacant Teacher Positions

Total Teacher Misassignments* 0 0 0


Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0



2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Note: Misassignments refers to the number of positions filled by teachers w ho lack legal authorization to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc.

* Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English learners.

Last updated: 12/11/2016

Page 4 of 23
2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2015-16)
Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subjects Taught by Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subjects Not Taught by
Location of Classes Highly Qualified Teachers Highly Qualified Teachers

This School 100.0% 0.0%

All Schools in District 99.0% 1.0%

High-Poverty Schools 100.0% 0.0%

in District

Low -Poverty Schools 90.0% 10.0%

in District

Note: High-poverty schools are defined as those schools w ith student eligibility of approximately 40 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low -
poverty schools are those w ith student eligibility of approximately 39 percent or less in the free and reduced price meals program.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2016-17)
Year and month in w hich data w ere collected: December 2014

Textbooks and Instructional Materials/year of From Most Recent Percent Students Lacking Own
Subject Adoption Adoption? Assigned Copy

Reading/Language Arts Yes 0.0 %

Grade 5 - National Geographic 2016

Grade 6 - National Geographic 2016

Grade 7 - Springboard 2016

Grade 8 - Springboard 2016

Mathematics Yes 0.0 %

Math: Grade 5: Mathematics: My Math (2014)

Math: Grade 6: Mathematics: CPM (2014)

Math: Grade 7: Pre-Algebra: CPM (2014)

Math: Grade 8: Algebra Readiness & Algebra: CPM (2014)

Science Yes 0.0 %

Grade 5: Macmillan/McGraw -Hill (2008)

Grade 6: Holt Science and T echnology: Earth Science:


Grade 7: Holt Science and T echnology: Life Science:


Grade 8: Holt Science and T echnology: Physical Science:


Pearson/Prentice Hall: Science

Grade 6: CA Earth Science: 2008

Grade 7: CA Life Science: 2008

Grade 8: CA Physical Science: 2008

History-Social Science Yes 0.0 %

Grade 5: History Alive!: 2004

Grade 6: History Alive!: 2006 & Scott Foresman Social

Studies: 2007

Grade 7: History Alive!: 2006 & Scott Foresman Social

Studies: 2007

Grade 8: History Alive!: 2006 & Scott Foresman Social

Studies: 2007

Foreign Language 0.0 %


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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Health 0.0 %

Visual and Performing Arts 0.0 %


Science Lab Eqpmt (Grades N/A N/A 0.0 %

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements

Fortuna Middle School w as 80 years old and had several facility problems, including: w indow s and doors needed replacing; locks and other security hardw are not
functioning properly due to age; peeling, chipping, or cracking paint around old w ood w indow s; mold w as evident in various places; exposed electrical w ires in
attic and in electrical closets; entire electrical system needs replacing; sew er main line in need of replacement. A new school w as built directly behind the existing
school, and opened October 3, 2011. There have been no upgrades or improvements structurally, only upgrades for technology.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

School Facility Good Repair Status

Year and month of the most recent FIT report: December 2014

Repair Needed and

Action Taken or
System Inspected Rating Planned

Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, Good

Sew er

Interior: Interior Surfaces Good

Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Good

Pest/Vermin Infestation

Electrical: Electrical Good

Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms, Good


Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials Good

Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs Good

External: Playground/School Grounds, Good

W indow s/Doors/Gates/Fences

Overall Facility Rate

Year and month of the most recent FIT report: December 2014

Overall Rating Good Last updated: 12/11/2016

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle

B. Pupil Outcomes

State Priority: Pupil Achievement

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Achievement (Priority 4):
Statewide assessments (i.e., California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress [CAASPP] System, w hich includes the Smarter Balanced Summative
Assessments for students in the general education population and the California Alternate Assessments [CAAs] for English language arts/literacy [ELA] and
mathematics given in grades three through eight and grade eleven. The CAAs have replaced the California Alternate Performance Assessment [CAPA] for ELA and
mathematics, w hich w ere eliminated in 2015. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAAs. CAA items are aligned w ith alternate
achievement standards, w hich are linked w ith the Common Core State Standards [CCSS] for students w ith significant cognitive disabilities); and

The percentage of students w ho have successfully completed courses that satisfy the requirements for entrance to the University of California and the California
State University, or career technical education sequences or programs of study.

CAASPP Test Results in English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics for All Students
Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding the State Standards

School District State

Subject 2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16

English Language Arts / Literacy (grades 3-8 and 11) 16.0% 29.0% 26.0% 36.0% 44.0% 48.0%

Mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11) 11.0% 16.0% 19.0% 23.0% 34.0% 36.0%

Note: Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for
statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
ELA - Grade 5
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 58 54 93.1% 20.4%

Male 22 21 95.5% 19.1%

Female 36 33 91.7% 21.2%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 32 31 96.9% 25.8%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 21 18 85.7% 16.7%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 51 47 92.2% 19.2%

English Learners 25 24 96.0% 25.0%

Students w ith Disabilities 15 13 86.7% --

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total number of
students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on the CAAs
divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
ELA- Grade 6

Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 57 56 98.3% 33.9%

Male 28 28 100.0% 28.6%

Female 29 28 96.6% 39.3%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 34 34 100.0% 26.5%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 17 17 100.0% 41.2%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 46 45 97.8% 33.3%

English Learners 24 24 100.0% 25.0%

Students w ith Disabilities 12 12 100.0% 8.3%

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total number of
students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on the CAAs
divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
ELA - Grade 7
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 70 68 97.1% 38.8%

Male 41 41 100.0% 37.5%

Female 29 27 93.1% 40.7%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 27 26 96.3% 34.6%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 39 38 97.4% 42.1%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 49 48 98.0% 23.4%

English Learners 21 20 95.2% 30.0%

Students w ith Disabilities 18 18 100.0% 5.9%

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total number of
students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on the CAAs
divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
ELA - Grade 8
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 59 55 93.2% 22.2%

Male 31 28 90.3% 11.1%

Female 28 27 96.4% 33.3%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 25 24 96.0% 17.4%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 27 25 92.6% 28.0%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 43 42 97.7% 19.5%

English Learners 14 14 100.0% 7.1%

Students w ith Disabilities 17 15 88.2% --

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total number of
students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on the CAAs
divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Mathematics - Grade 5
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 58 54 93.1% 9.4%

Male 22 21 95.5% 19.1%

Female 36 33 91.7% 3.1%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 32 31 96.9% 3.2%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 21 18 85.7% 22.2%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 51 47 92.2% 8.7%

English Learners 25 24 96.0% 4.2%

Students w ith Disabilities 15 13 86.7% --

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total
number of students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on
the CAAs divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Mathematics - Grade 6

Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 57 56 98.3% 25.0%

Male 28 28 100.0% 35.7%

Female 29 28 96.6% 14.3%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 34 34 100.0% 14.7%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 17 17 100.0% 35.3%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 46 45 97.8% 22.2%

English Learners 24 24 100.0% 4.2%

Students w ith Disabilities 12 12 100.0% --

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total
number of students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on
the CAAs divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Mathematics - Grade 7
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 70 68 97.1% 14.7%

Male 41 41 100.0% 14.6%

Female 29 27 93.1% 14.8%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 27 26 96.3% 15.4%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 39 38 97.4% 15.8%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 49 48 98.0% 10.4%

English Learners 21 20 95.2% 10.0%

Students w ith Disabilities 18 18 100.0% 5.6%

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total
number of students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on
the CAAs divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.
Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Mathematics - Grade 8
Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 60 56 93.3% 14.8%

Male 32 29 90.6% 14.8%

Female 28 27 96.4% 14.8%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino -- -- -- --

Hispanic or Latino 25 24 96.0% 13.0%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- --

W hite 28 26 92.9% 16.0%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 44 43 97.7% 12.2%

English Learners 14 14 100.0% --

Students w ith Disabilities 17 15 88.2% --

Students Receiving Migrant Education Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The Percent Met or Exceeded is calculated by taking the total
number of students w ho met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students w ho met the standard on
the CAAs divided by the total number of students w ho participated in both assessments.

Double dashes (--) appear in the table w hen the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.
Note: The number of students tested includes all students w ho participated in the test w hether they received a score or not; how ever, the number of students tested
is not the number that w as used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students w ho received

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
CAASPP Test Results in Science for All Students

Percentage of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

School District State

Subject 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) 51.0% 33.0% 38.0% 56.0% 41.0% 50.0% -- -- --

Note: Science test results include California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) in
grades five, eight, and ten.
Note: Scores are not show n w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

CAASPP Tests Results in Science by Student Group

Grades Five, Eight and Grade Ten (School Year 2015-16)
Total Number of Students with Valid Percent of Students with Valid Percent Proficient or
Student Group Enrollment Scores Scores Advanced

All Students 116 109 94.0% 37.6%

Male 52 49 94.2% 34.7%

Female 64 60 93.8% 40.0%

Black or African American -- -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- --

Asian -- -- -- --

Filipino 0 0 0.0% 0.0%

Hispanic or Latino 57 55 96.5% 38.2%

Native Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 0 0 0.0% 0.0%

W hite 47 43 91.5% 41.9%

Tw o or More Races -- -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 94 89 94.7% 34.8%

English Learners 39 38 97.4% 15.8%

Students w ith Disabilities 32 28 87.5% 14.3%

Students Receiving Migrant Education 0 0 0.0% 0.0%


Foster Youth -- -- -- --

Note: Science test results include CSTs, CMA, and CAPA in grades five, eight, and ten. The Proficient or Advanced is calculated by taking the total number of students
w ho scored at Proficient or Advanced on the science assessment divided by the total number of students w ith valid scores.

Note: Scores are not show n w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Courses for University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) Admission

UC/CSU Course Measure Percent

2015-16 Pupils Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission --

2014-15 Graduates W ho Completed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 0.0%

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Last updated: 12/11/2016
State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes
The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Other Pupil Outcomes (Priority 8):

Pupil outcomes in the subject area of physical education

California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2015-16)

Percentage of Students Meeting Fitness Standards

Grade Level Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards

5 28.3% 17.0% 5.7%

7 11.9% 22.4% 31.3%

Note: Percentages are not calculated w hen the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for
statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle

C. Engagement

State Priority: Parental Involvement

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Parental Involvement (Priority 3):

Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each schoolsite

Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2016-17)

There are numerous opportunities for parent involvement and input. Fortuna Middle School has an active School Site Council. Parents w ho are interested in
becoming members or attending meetings may contact the principal through the school office for dates and times of meetings.

In addition, Fortuna Union Elementary School District maintains a highly active PTO. The school office can also provide names and phone numbers of officers to
any people w ho are interested in becoming involved. They hold an annual membership drive, publish regular new sletters, and yearly provide a booklet describing
their activities and various contact people. The PTA conducts a survey at the beginning of each school year asking for parents w ho w ould like to volunteer.

Parents are encouraged to contact classroom teachers and volunteer to help support classroom activities.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

State Priority: Pupil Engagement
The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Engagement (Priority 5):

High school dropout rates; and

High school graduation rates

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
State Priority: School Climate
The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: School Climate (Priority 6):

Pupil suspension rates;

Pupil expulsion rates; and
Other local measures on the sense of safety

Suspensions and Expulsions

School District State

Rate 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Suspensions 9.8 12.7 11.1 9.4 7.3 5.9 4.4 3.8 3.7

Expulsions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

Suspensions Expulsions

14 0.12
School Suspensions School Expulsions
District Suspensions District Expulsions
12 State Suspensions State Expulsions





0 0.00
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Last updated: 1/13/2017

School Safety Plan (School Year 2016-17)

Fortuna Middle School has a comprehensive safety plan that is continually being revised and improved upon. Staff members and students are trained annually on
disaster response procedures, and practice drills are conducted monthly. All classrooms have been refitted w ith door locks that can be locked from the inside,
making a lockdow n in the event of outside intruders possible. Emergency backpacks in every room.

In addition to making the facilities safe and improving on disaster procedures, special attention is also given to helping all students feel safe. A School Social
W orker is responsible for promoting this model, teaching classroom lessons in conflict resolution and communications, and addressing the issue of bullying on

Last updated: 12/11/2016

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle

D. Other SARC Information

The information in this section is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorities for LCFF.

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2016-17)

Indicator School District

Program Improvement Status In PI Not in PI

First Year of Program Improvement 2009-2010

Year in Program Improvement Year 5

Number of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 4

Percent of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 80.0%

Note: Cells w ith NA values do not require data.

Last updated: 12/11/2016

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Number of Classes * Number of Classes * Number of Classes *

Grade Level Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Average Class Size 1-20 21-32 33+

K 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

1 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

3 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

5 32.0 0 2 0 26.0 1 12 0 20.8 1 2

6 23.0 0 2 0 26.0 0 19 0 22.9 1 2

Other 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

* Number of classes indicates how many classes fall into each size category (a range of total students per class).

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2015-16)

Title Number of FTE* Assigned to School Average Number of Students per Academic Counselor

Academic Counselor

Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development) 1.0 N/A

Library Media Teacher (librarian) 1.0 N/A

Library Media Services Staff (paraprofessional) N/A

Psychologist 0.5 N/A

Social W orker N/A

Nurse 0.3 N/A

Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist 0.5 N/A

Resource Specialist (non-teaching) N/A

Other N/A

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
*One Full Time Equivalent (FTE) equals one staff member w orking full time; one FTE could also represent tw o staff members w ho each w ork 50 percent of full time.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2014-15)

Expenditures Per
Total Expenditures Per Expenditures Per Pupil Pupil Average Teacher
Level Pupil (Supplemental/Restricted) (Basic/Unrestricted) Salary

School Site $10269.0 $3753.0 $6516.0 $52656.0

District N/A N/A $6517.0 $55639.0

Percent Difference School Site and N/A N/A 0.0% 5.4%


State N/A N/A $5677.0 $71610.0

Percent Difference School Site and State N/A N/A 12.9% 26.5%

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

Last updated: 1/13/2017

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2015-16 SARC - Fortuna Middle
Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2015-16)

Fortuna Middle School offers a variety of special programs and services including: special education, Title I intervention in reading and math, part-time counseling
and nursing services, an after-school 21st Century Grant program, part-time speech and language services, EL services, a G.A.T.E. Program, and a part-time school
social w orker. Supplemental instruction offered before school to those students deemed at risk for not passing the CAHSEE or possible retention.

Last updated: 12/11/2016

Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2014-15)

Category District Amount State Average For Districts In Same Category

Beginning Teacher Salary $35,690 $44,507

Mid-Range Teacher Salary $48,397 $68,910

Highest Teacher Salary $65,633 $88,330

Average Principal Salary (Elementary) $81,634 $111,481

Average Principal Salary (Middle) $81,634 $115,435

Average Principal Salary (High) $ $113,414

Superintendent Salary $121,340 $169,821

Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries 37.8% 39.0%

Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries 4.4% 6.0%

For detailed information on salaries, see the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits W eb page at http://w w w .

Teacher Salary Chart Principal Salary Chart

70000 90000



40000 50000



10000 10000

0 Average Principal Salary Average Principal Salary Average Principal Salary
Beginning Teacher Salary Mid-Range Teacher Salary Highest Teacher Salary (Elementary) (Middle) (High)

Last updated: 1/13/2017

Professional Development

Five days are dedicated to staff development.

Last updated: 12/11/2016

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