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From:Ruan Santiago

Chapter One : The unnamed

This was created to my thoughts. First of all, had been few
people I seen which are to be concerned in be someone, to
have your place in the world. They are most concerned in
social status, party and the other folks life.
Im not that kind of guy. Of course is very important have a
good friendship, but the ego of the others are in a high level
and see that had been disgusting and sickly.
Im dont know if this is a disease of my century, but is
incredible know that if you have notion of it you can use it in
your favor.
Till now Im in the university. Have a lot of things I want to
say about the knowledge, but is better say it later. The
principal problem and the ironic one is : This arcaic method
of learning are taking time of me and in return gives a low
amount of knowledge to me.
A example for that is: Im from Brazil and my language is
Portuguese. I, in exactly time, are been writting this amount
of thought in English, maybe have a lot of misspellings, but I
dont have time to take a class and learn in that idiot arcaic
method of learn which will spent five years from my life to
teach me the sentence The book is on the table.

Chapter 2 : The Ego and the Knowledge.

Ill discuss here about the two principals abstractions that
govern the world. I dont want start talking about Ego
because this is not essential to suvivor. Let me begin with
the knowledge.
You need to know before one thing I grow up and still live to
survive and to improve a better life to me. When I was more
young I made myself a question. What I need to do to
escape from the way I was living. You need understand that
I dont have the best kind of life in the world. Problems with
family, terrible local to live and a lower middle class of kid
was I.
I really didnt like my daily, it was necessary to change it,
but how?
How I can be independent to the any other people. This to
me was simply enough. What rules the world is the Money.
To you have money you need satisfy what the system want.
And is ever necessary study, Acquire knowledge. This was
my first relationship with this God, was instinctive, I prayed
to her for he save me. And like any good Father he saw my
efforts and cured my blinded eyes. The system loves
anyone who have a little bit of knowledge in any area. If you
want to survive in the capitalism (not that this is bad) you
really need perceive this.
In the other hand we have the Ego. You live in a society and
than is better you perceive the most fast possible the
existence of a concept called social status.First of all, I hate
this shit. A long time ago a retarded monkey said that he
was the king of the forrest. But monkeys in that time doesnt
know the mean of be a king or even what a king do. And
this retarded monkey continued saying:
Hi guys Im the king of the forrest and you need to follow
my rules and ladies please comes to my tree tomorrow we
need to talk.
Some monkeys accept, others, by the way, continued
doesnt understand why they have to have a king and a few
reject all this bullshit because they decided to create other
The evolution of this idea brought bad influence of the
human thoughts. Because now EVERYONE WANT TO BE
A KING. And here we have various variation. You dont
need exactly rule the people but is good that everyone kiss
your feet, like your photo and think about how great is have
your life. Why be happy with the beaty of nature? Or see
beauty in a architeture. You just can be happy if you affirm
to yourself that your job is good and than is all fine. You
search Money not to survive but to get all the ladies, have
the best car and close this existential empy in your heart.
My idea here is not just bring a critic I want that you
PERCEIVE and than if you want continue with that ok. I
continued and why not?

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