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COM378 Timesheet Page 1 of 2

Name:__Heather Tidwell_______________________________________
Week #:_7___ Week Dates:____________________________________
2/27/2017- 3/5/2017

BILLABLE TIME (0.10 hr.)

Reading & Exam Strategic
Day Date Papers & Portfolio TOTAL
Homework Studying Plans
Monday 2/27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grand Total of Billable
Tuesday 2/28 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 & Nonbillable Time: 7.1
Wednesday 3/1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Thursday 3/2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Friday 3/3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AGENCY RATE: $120/hr
Saturday 3/4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sunday 3/5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 Billable Charges: $420.00
1.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 3.5 Nonbillable Costs: $432.00

DETAIL: Reading & Homework DETAIL: Research Papers & Memo

Time Per
Day Describe Work Done Time Per Job Day Describe Work Done
Monday Monday
Tuesday Read ch. 6 1.0 Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday

DETAIL: Exam Studying DETAIL: Strategic Plans & Planning

Time Per
Day Describe Work Done Time Per Job Day Describe Work Done
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday Worked on The Plan. Completed rough draft of the
objectives, strategies and tactics
Wednesday Wednesday Created a schedule for remainder of work to be
completed on The Plan
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday Worked on finalizing objective 1 and filling in the
budget and timeline


Time Per
Day Describe Work Done Time Per Job Day Describe Work Done *
Monday Monday Class meeting 1.3
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday Class meeting 1.3
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday Filling in time sheet 1.0
* Filling in time sheets. Organizing files. Staff general-business meetings (i.e., class
meetings). Other nonspecific client/account/project maintenance. Vacation.
Sick/personal days.
COM378 Timesheet Page 2 of 2

Reflect on what you learned about your time management this week--even compared to previous weeks--and explain any patterns you see in the
time you used this week by answering the following questions. Use the spaces below to answer these questions and write your analysis. You may
have to enlarge the cells if your text is longer than the space allows.
What were key lessons or insights about managing PR that you learned this week and why? ---> The key lessons and insights about managing PR
that I learned this week were both from the SPP. My group and I began working on The Plan, which meant that we needed to brainstorm ideas for
objectives, strategies and tactics. I do not consider myself an expert in these areas, so working on this section has helped me gain experience and
further develop my knowledge. In addition, I learned how to format the budget and timeline into a more efficient format than what I am familiar with.
This is beneficial for me to understand, so I can take it with me to my future workplace.

In what areas did you spend more time than you thought you would and why? ---> I spent more time than I thought I would on the SPP. Like I
mentioned previously, this section contains the objectives, strategies, tactics, budget, and timeline, so it requires more brainstorming and
collaborating. Although it took up a lot of time, it is important than we put care into the project, since it is for a real-world client.

In what areas did you spend less time than you thought you would and why? ---> Similar to last week, I spent less time than I thought I would on
the readings. Although I completed all of the necessary components for the readings due on Wednesday, it did not take up as much time compared
to the SPP.

Compared to your past experiences, including other weeks' time sheets, how does your time management this week compare overall? --->
Overall, I felt that my time management this week was excellent. Knowing that we would have to meet for our SPP, my group and I coordinated our
schedules last week, so we could coordinate times to work on The Plan together. Unfortunately, there was not a time that all three of us could meet,
but we managed to work out times that at least two of us in the group could meet on campus and complete parts of the assignment.

In what ways do you think you worked efficiently and can use those lessons for other work you do to develop high-quality products? ---> I felt that
my time management this week was efficient. When my SPP group and I were coordinating times to meet, we found that 5 p.m. or 5:15 p.m. were
the best times for at least two of us to meet. Since I work long hours during the week on homework, classes and internships, I knew that I would be
exhausted. Fortunately, I found that 5 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. were the perfect times to work on the SPP because we weren't putting it off until later, and
I spent time after class being productive instead of going back to my apartment to nap.

In what ways do you think you worked inefficiently, and how must you improve your time usage and the quality of your products? ---> Although I
felt that I worked efficiently on most aspects of the class this week, I do wish that I had spent more time on my portfolio. I do not want to put this off
any further because I will become stressed from procrastination. From now on, I will prioritize some of my time to completing the portfolio.

Given your answers to the previous questions, how would you better manage yourself and your work during your professional career? ---> I will
better manage myself and my work during my professional career by taking any opportunities to gain experience in objectives, strategies and
tactics, plan my time in advance and split large projects up into daily increments.

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