Ειδική Αγωγή και εκπαίδευση: Η συνεκπαίδευση στο σχολείο και ο στόχος της ένταξης και της ενσωμάτωσης

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Taxiarhis Vouglanis <tvouglan@hotmail.com>

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( , 2003). Hornby (1999)





Zigmond (2003),
(Hasler, 1996).


( , 2003).
Mitchell (1990), :


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(, & , 2007).
(3) :
a) (one track approach), -

: , , , ,
, , , (Hegarty, 1994).
b) (two track approach),
- & .


(Meister, 2000).

c) (multi-track approach),
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( , 2003). ,

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(LOGSE, 1990).

UNESCO (1994, 2005)



Scruggs & Mastropieri (1996)
28 . ,
Avramidis & Norwich (2002)

Folsom-Meek & Rizzo (2002). Sherrill (2004),

- .

(Rizzo & Vispoel, 1992; Tripp & Sherill, 1991)

(Elliot, 2008).

. Avramidis & Norwich (2002),
: , -,
, ,

(Forlin &
Hopewell, 2006; Loreman et al, 2005; Burke & Sutherland, 2004).
26 ,
(de boer, Pijl & Minnaert, 2011).
: -
(Ofsted, 2004),
(Moberg, 2003).

. 2009
60 ,

(Fakolade, Adeniyi & Tella, 2009).
1992; Houck, 1992).
, (Monaham, Miller &
Cronic, 1997). 1995 .
(Ogbue, 1995). H


. ,

(Mousouli, Kokaridas,
Angelopoulou-Sakantami & Aristotelous, 2008).
Westwood & Graham (2003) ,

& .

- (de
boer, Pijl & Minnaert, 2011; Stoneman, 2001).

- (Gal, Schreur & Engel-Yeger,
2010; Parasuram, 2006).

(Leyser &
Kirk, 2004; Avramidis and Norwich 2002; Balboni and Pedrabissi 2000).
(1-20 )

(Muhanna, 2010).

(Struggs & Mastropieri,

(Cardona, 2000).
Alemany & Villuendas (2004) Alvarez et al (2005).
() ,
- (Villa et al, 1996).
Villa et al (1996) 578
; -.

(Alahbabi, 2009; Avissar, Reiter & Leyser, 2003).
, Schumm & Vaughn (1992),


(Alahbabi, 2009).

(Fakolade, Adeniyi & Tella, 2009; Hutzler, Zach & Gafni, 2005).

(Subban & Sharma, 2006).
Batsiou et al. (2008),









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