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Student Teaching Reflection

This past semester at Wells Elementary School (WES) has been unforgettable and

learning-filled. I have had the chance to observe, co-teach, and teach lessons using skills I have

learned at UMF, from my mentor, from my colleagues, and most importantly, from my students. I

was able to observe many different teaching styles, as well as discover my own style. I had many

opportunities to teach and co-teach with my mentor. I have built many professional and personal

relationships with teachers, staff, administrators, parents, and students at Wells Elementary School.

My student teaching has given me the chance to apply my knowledge, learn new skills, build

relationships, gain confidence, and do what I truly love to do.

In the beginning of the semester, my goals were to foster smoother transitions between

activities, take advantage of student data and use it to improve my teaching, and to reflect on my

teaching more consciously. I believe I have met these three goals throughout the course of this

semester in the following ways: 1) I have created smoother transitions by receiving suggestions and

feedback from my mentor and supervisor and by implementing and using new strategies (bells,

chimes, clapping, call and responses, etc.) to gain students attention before giving transition

directions. 2) I had the chance, during my Teacher Work Sample (TWS), to use student data to

directly inform my teaching. The evidence of this can be found in the individual lesson reflections,

as well as the instructional decision making, analysis of student learning, and reflection and

self-evaluation sections of my TWS. 3) During this semester, I have continuously reflected on and

evaluated my teaching. I always have conversations with my mentor and the ed techs in my room
after I teach to gain insight, as well as positive and constructive feedback.

As I approach the end of my student teaching, I have identified one goal that I want to focus

on and work towards; implementing interactive technology more comfortably and confidently in my

classrooms. The computer teacher at WES and the director of technology for the Wells schools

district are highly knowledgeable when it comes to effective interactive technology. I did

self-initiated two hours of training with the WES computer teacher this semester that were very

beneficial. I plan to seek out additional support from the connections I have made with colleagues

this semester. Although I recognize technology use in my classroom as a weakness, over the course

of this semester, I have implemented successful technology use, and I am actively working on

bettering this piece of my teaching.

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