Artifact 1

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Running head: Artifact 1 1

Artifact 1

Brittany Smith

Edu 210

Dr. Warby

July 11, 2016

Running head: Artifact 1 2

1. The court case Davis v. Monroe County of Board of Education is a sexual harassment case

involving two fifth grade students, LaShonda and G.F. The mother of LaShonda alleged that a

classmate, G.F. was sexually harassing her daughter. The mother of LaShonda, AureliaDavis




SchoolBoardofEducationetal.,(1999),because of the school boards lack of attention to the

alleged harassment, LaShonda was subjected to intimidating, hostile, offensive, and abusive

school environment (page1). Davisclaimedthattheschool'slackofattentioncreatedan






2. The Eleventh Article of the Nevada State Constitution is the only one that addresses

education. This article has ten sections. Section 2 addresses uniformity among schools in a

district. Every six months a school maybe added or managed in each district. Funds cannot be

withheld because of race, sex, religion etc. This section can be helpful to practicing teachers for

many different reasons. The first reason is to know when changes can be made to schools

policies. The second reason is that other colleagues can refer to each other within the same

district regarding school policies. Another reason is the knowledge that your schools funding
Running head: Artifact 1 3

cannot be taken away because of race, sex, religion etc. This section provides helpful legislation

to prevent schools from acting discriminatory.

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