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Reading and Writing Portfolio 3

Reading learner profiles

Writing connecting words (1): and, but,
All about me because; a learner profile
Review Present Simple
1 The website is for English learners from
around the world. Read about Valentina. Fill in column A in the table.

name 1 Valentina Sandri 9 Mario Santos
town/city and country 2 Bologna, Italy 10

job/study 3 11

age 4 12

day(s) of English classes 5 13

married or single 6 14

family/relationships 7 Gianluca (boyfriend) 15

free time 8 16 HELP WITH WRITING

Connecting words (1): and, but, because
learner profile 2 a Look at these sentences. Notice how we use and,
but and because.

Valentina positive positive

I study law. Im in my second year.
Sandri I study law and Im in my second year.
Hello, my names Valentina negative positive
and Im 23 years old. I live
Im not married. Ive got a boyfriend.
in Bologna, a beautiful town
in the north of Italy. Im a Im not married, but Ive got a boyfriend.
student at Bologna University. what you do why you do it
I study law and Im in my
I study English. I need it for my course.
second year. I also study English because I need it for my
I study English because I need it for my course.
course. I go to English classes on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Im in Elementary level and I like my classes very much. b Read Valentinas learner profile again. Underline all
Im not married, but Ive got a boyfriend. His names the examples of and, but and because.
Gianluca and hes a restaurant manager. I dont see him TIP In sentences with but, the negative verb can come first
a lot in the week because the restaurant is open in the or second: I dont speak French, but I speak German.
evenings, but we always go out on Sundays. In my free = I speak German, but I dont speak French.
time I read a lot and visit friends. I dont watch TV very
often, but I go to the cinema every Friday.
I want to write to people who study English and live in a
different country to me.

3 Write these sentences with and, but or because. 5 I want to learn English. I need it for my job.

1 I do a lot of sport. I go to the cinema.

I do a lot of sport and I go to the cinema.

2 I dont have breakfast. I have a big lunch. 6 They finish work at 5 p.m. They get home at 6 p.m.

3 I get up early in the week. I start work at 6.30 a.m. 7 We dont go out a lot. We have three children.

4 We dont go to the cinema. We watch a lot of TV. 8 I dont live with my parents. I phone them every day.

4 a Read about Mario. Fill in column B in the table in 1.

learner profile

Mario Santos
Hi, my names Mario. Im 31 years old 1 and live in Curitiba, in Brazil. Im a teacher
2 I teach history and music. I study English on Saturday mornings
3 Im in the Elementary class. My classes are great, 4
I dont always do my homework!
Im married 5 my wifes name is Julia. Weve got two children,
Luciana and Adriano. Lucianas three 6 Adrianos ve. I dont go out
in the week 7 I want to be at home with my family. In my free time I
watch TV 8 visit friends. I never go to the cinema, 9
I sometimes go to concerts at the weekends. I want to write to an English student
in another country.

b Fill in the gaps in Marios learner profile with and, but or because.

5 a Fill in column C in the table in 1 for you.

b Write your learner profile for the website.

Use the information about you in the table in 1.
Use and, but and because.
Use capital letters and punctuation.
Tick the things you can do in English in the
Read and check for mistakes. Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88.
Give your profile to your teacher next class.


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