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Sophia RendaDate: March

23, 2017
English 1, 9th Grade: 47 minutes, 2nd period
The Lotus Eaters in The OdysseyUnit

In this lessons, we will continue reading The Odysseyby Homer
emphasizing the allusions that these myths form the basis of. After
reading The Lotus Eaters section, we will view modern day
adaptations of these stories and explore the continuities of certain values
and lessons.

Essential Questions
Why are ancient stories still relevant and retold today?
What qualities make someone a hero?
How do myths reveal values about certain cultures?

Students will independently answer questions and analyze quotes.

Students will identify how a writer uses characterization to develop a
Students will compare creative renderings of similar stories from
different time periods.

CC.1.3.910.CAnalyze how complex characters develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
CC.1.3.910.JAcquire and use accurately grade appropriate general academic
and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
CC.1.3.910.KRead and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading
independently and proficiently

-student notebooks-slides
-Odyssey Packet-The Odyssey by Homer excerptsin Elements
of Literature

9:17-9:27 Do Now: Vocabulary Fill in the Blank.


9:27-9:32 Discuss creative dialoguesstudent wrote inspired by H.D.s
Callypso Speaks. Possibility for students to share if time/interest.
-Who did you choose and why?
-How did you go about writing it? All at once or did you edit?
Did anyone make an outline?
- What was challenging?
-What was something you did well?[a]
9:32-9:45 Turn to p. 373 and refresh where we are in story.
-What has Odysseus just sharedat King Alcinouscourt?
What happened after he left Troy?
Student volunteer to read The Lotus Eaters out-loud.
Discuss: What happens to those who eat the lotus flower? How
does Odysseus respond? What does this show us about
Odysseus character?
-Students add Lotus Eaters to Timeline [b]in packet and answer
question #5. If time, fill out a quote in Characterization of an Epic Hero
Sectionof packet.

9:45-10:00:View Modern Adaptations:[c]

. Poppies scene from The Wizard of Oz
. Pose questions about similarities: group on journey trying to get
home, looked over by the good witch (goddess Athena parallel),
narcotic effect of flowers and the differences: hero, Dorothy is
taken over and her crew must revive her
. Percy Jackson- Lotus Flowers Scene
. Similarities/differences? What messages of partying might this
convey? (as distraction) What does Percy decide to do at the end?
(Leaves like Odysseus; both heros)
(10:00-10:02): Why do you think these film directorschose to
imitate[e]The Lotus Eaters? What might they be trying to say about
what drugs/vices can do to people? What might Odysseuss/Percy
Jacksons action in those moments say about how a hero responds to

10:02: Homework: Study for vocab quiz (Monday)!


Group reading will allow for auditory readers to listen, and

comprehension questions will allow for clarification before students must
independently answer questions in packet. Viewing modern adaptations
of the story will serve visual learners. I will be circulating to help
students if they have questions while independently reading/answering
questions. Students who do not finish answering questions may complete
at home.


Comprehension questions during the reading will allow me to

gauge student engagement and understanding of the plot. Discussion of
the film renderings will further demonstrate understanding of the story,
particularly as it relates to universal themes and how a hero responds in
moments of crisis. Eventually I will be collecting and grading their
packets as well, which will show me active engagement and depth of


Asking the right discussion questions. Making efforts to ensure that

I am asking questions with claritythat students will understand and be
able to richly engage. Either use an index card or project questions onto
slides to help myself.
[a]Are you recording this for your inquiry?
[b]good tool for this text
[c]great choices.
[d]Yes! This isi a great example of pulling a day lesson together.
[e]You could start a step before this and have s's problematize if
these scenes (I suppose just TWOO as PJ is clearly derivative)
are inspired by TO or happy coincidences. Then the s's can
uncover the universality of the temptation theme.

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