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1)1 Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( kai Timoqeoj o` adelfoj( 2 toij
en Kolossaij3 a`gioij kai pistoij adelfoij en Cristw carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou
Patroj h`mwn kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou)4
[Building rapport]
3 Eucaristoumen tw Qew kai5 Patri tou Kuriou h`mwn Ihsou Cristou pantote peri
u`mwn proseucomenoi 4 $akousantej thn pistin u`mwn en Cristw Ihsou kai thn agaphn thn6
eij pantaj touj a`giouj%( 5 dia thn elpida thn apokeimenhn u`min en toij ouranoij( h]n
prohkousate en tw logw thj alhqeiaj 6 $tou euaggeliou tou parontoj eij u`maj kaqwj kai en
panti tw kosmw( kai7 estin karpoforoumenon kai auxanomenon8 kaqwj kai en u`min( afV h-j
h`meraj hkousate kai epegnwte thn carin tou Qeou en alhqeia%( 7 kaqwj kai9 emaqete apo
Epafra( tou agaphtou sundoulou h`mwn( o[j estin pistoj u`per u`mwn10 diakonoj tou Cristou(
8 o` kai dhlwsaj h`min thn u`mwn agaphn en pneumati)
[Christ preeminent]
[Walk worthily of the Lord]
1)9 Dia touto kai h`meij( afV h-j h`meraj hkousamen( ou pauomeqa u`per u`mwn proseucomenoi
kai aitoumenoi i`na plhrwqhte thn epignwsin tou qelhmatoj autou en pash sofia kai
sunesei pneumatikh( 10 peripathsai u`maj11 axiwj tou Kuriou eij pasan areskeian(12 en
panti ergw agaqw karpoforountej kai auxanomenoi eij thn epignwsin13 tou Qeou\ 11 en
pash dunamei dunamoumenoi kata to kratoj thj doxhj autou( eij pasan u`pomonhn kai
12 meta caraj eucaristountej tw14 Patri tw i`kanwsanti h`maj15 eij thn merida tou
klhrou twn a`giwn en tw fwti\ 13 o]j errusato h`maj ek thj exousiaj tou skotouj kai
metesthsen eij thn basileian tou Ui`ou thj agaphj autou( 14 en w- ecomen thn apolutrwsin
dia tou ai`matoj autou(16 thn afesin twn a`martiwn\
[The supremacy of Christ described]
15 o[j estin eikwn tou Qeou tou aoratou( prwtotokoj pashj17 ktisewj( 16 o`ti en autw
ektisqh ta pantata18 en toij ouranoij kai ta19 epi thj ghj( ta o`rata kai ta aorata( eite
Both the Text and the apparatus are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD, . I venture to affirm to the reader that
all original wording of Colossians is preserved in this edition, if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a word
Jeremiah 26:2 (see Deut. 4:2 and Luke 4:4, every word [as in 99.6% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of this book gives
explanation about the apparatus.
ihsou cristou f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 21 P46A,B [5%] NU
kolossaij f35 B [60%] CP,NU || kolassaij (P46A)I [40%] RP,HF,OC,TR
kai kuriou ihsou cristou f35 A,C,I [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- B [20%] NU
kai f35 A,I [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- B,C [2%] NU
thn f35 (86.7%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || hn ecete A,C (11.4%) NU || hn ecetai (1.2%) || --- B (0.7%)
kai f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B,C [5%] NU
kai auxanomenon f35 A,B,C (48%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || --- (52%) TR (The omission could be an easy case of
kai f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR || --- P46A,B,C [5%] CP,NU
umwn f35 C [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || hmwn P46A,B [10%]
umaj f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B,C [5%] NU
areskeian rell || areskian A,C [15%]
eij thn epignwsin f35 (90.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || th epignwsei P46A,B,C,I (4.6%) NU || en th epignwsei (4.1%) ||
three other readings (0.7%)
tw f35 P46A,B,C [65%] RP,HF,TR,NU || 1 qew kai [30%] OC,CP || 1 qew [5%] (OC has small print.)
hmaj f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || umaj B [3%] NU (The context is inclusivefirst person.)
dia tou aimatoj autou f35 [60%] TR || --- A,B,C [40%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU (The omission was presumably deliberate
one wonders why.)
pashj rell || 1 thj [10%]
ta f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46B [3%] NU
ta f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46B [3%] NU

qronoi eite kuriothtej eite arcai eite exousiaita panta diV autou kai eij auton ektistai\
17 kai autoj estin pro pantwn( kai ta panta en autw sunesthken) 18 Kai( autoj estin h`
kefalh tou swmatoj( thj ekklhsiaj\
o[j estin arch( prwtotokoj ek twn nekrwn( i`na genhtai en pasin autoj prwteuwn(
19 o`ti en autw eudokhsen2 pan to plhrwma katoikhsai 20 kai diV autou apokatallaxai ta3
panta eij auton( eirhnopoihsaj dia tou ai`matoj tou staurou autoudiV autou(4 eite ta epi
thj ghj eite ta epi5 toij ouranoij)
[The truth applied]
21 Kai u`maj $pote ontaj aphllotriwmenouj kai ecqrouj th dianoia en toij ergoij
toij ponhroij% 22 nuni de apokathllaxen en tw swmati thj sarkoj autou dia tou qanatou
autou(6 parasthsai u`maj a`giouj kai amwmouj kai anegklhtouj katenwpion autou23 ei ge
epimenete th pistei teqemeliwmenoi kai e`draioi( kai mh metakinoumenoi apo thj elpidoj tou
euaggeliou( ou- hkousate tou khrucqentoj en pash th7 ktisei th u`po ton ouranon( ou-
egenomhn egw( Pauloj( diakonoj)
[What Paul does and why he does it]
[Present everyone perfect in Christ]
1)24 Nun cairw en toij paqhmasin mou8 u`per u`mwn kai antanaplhrw ta u`sterhmata twn
qliyewn tou Cristou en th sarki mou( u`per tou swmatoj autou( o[9 estin h` ekklhsia( 25 h-j
egenomhn egw diakonoj kata thn oikonomian tou Qeou thn doqeisan moi eij u`maj( plhrwsai
ton logon tou Qeou( 26 to musthrion to apokekrummenon apo twn aiwnwn kai apo twn
genewn( nuni10 de efanerwqh toij a`gioij autou\ 27 oi-j hqelhsen o` Qeoj gnwrisai ti,j o`11
ploutoj thj doxhj tou12 musthriou toutou en toij eqnesin( o[j13 estin Cristoj en u`min( h`
elpij thj doxhj\ 28 o]n h`meij kataggellomen( nouqetountej panta anqrwpon kai didaskontej
panta anqrwpon14 en pash sofia( i`na parasthswmen panta anqrwpon15 teleion16 en
Cristw\17 29 eij o] kai kopiw( agwnizomenoj kata thn energeian autou thn energoumenhn en
emoi en dunamei)
[A wealth of confident understanding]
2)1 Qelw gar u`maj eidenai h`likon agwna ecw peri18 u`mwn kai twn en Laodikeia(19
kai o`soi ouc e`wrakasin20 to proswpon mou en sarki( 2 i`na paraklhqwsin ai` kardiai autwn(
sumbibasqentwn21 en agaph kai eij panta plouton1 thj plhroforiaj thj sunesewj( eij

h rell || --- [2%] CP
eudokhsen rell || hudokhsen A [15%]
ta rell || --- CP
di autou f35 P46A,C,048 [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] || --- B,I [20%] (The omission of the emphatic repetition is surely
epi f35 [50%] RP,HF,CP || en A,B,C [50%] OC,TR,NU (The change to in may have been unthinking, but is clearly inferior
beings and things that are an inherent part of Heaven dont need reconciling.)
autou f35 A [40%] || --- P46vB,C,Iv [60%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU
th f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B,C [5%] NU
mou f35 [55%] OC,TR || --- A,B,C [45%] RP,HF,CP,NU (OC has small print.)
o rell || oj C [10%]
nuni f35 A [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || nun B,C [10%] NU
tij o f35 C [40%] OC,TR || ti to P46A,B [60%] RP,HF,CP,NU (In the context the masculine gender is correctP46A,B [4%]
NU are consistent in that they go on to read o[ estin Cristoj, but not the [56%] RP,HF,CP.)
tou rell || --- CP
oj f35 C,I [96%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || o P46A,B [4%] NU
panta anqrwpon rell || --- [10%] CP
panta anqrwpon f35 A,B,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || --- [10%]
teleion rell || --- CP
cristw f35 P46A,B,C [40%] NU || 1 ihsou [60%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP
peri f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || uper P46A,B,C [7%] NU
laodikeia rell || laodikia A,B,C [10%]
ewrakasin f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || eorakasin [10%] || ewrakan A,B [2%] || eorakan P46C [3%] NU
sumbibasqentwn f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || sumbibasqentej (P46)A,B(C) [4%] NU || sumbibasqwsin [1%]

epignwsin tou musthriou tou Qeou kai Patroj kai tou2 Cristou( 3 en w- eisin pantej oi`
qhsauroi thj sofiaj kai thj3 gnwsewj apokrufoi)
4 Touto de4 legw i`na mh tij5 u`maj paralogizhtai en piqanologia)6 5 Ei gar kai th
sarki apeimi( alla tw pneumati sun u`min eimi( cairwn kai blepwn u`mwn thn taxin kai to
sterewma thj eij Criston pistewj u`mwn)
[Christian responsibility]
2)6 ~Wj oun parelabete ton Criston( Ihsoun ton Kurion( en autw peripateite(
7 errizwmenoi kai epoikodomoumenoi en autw kai bebaioumenoi en th7 pistei( kaqwj
edidacqhte( perisseuontej en auth8 en eucaristia)
[Christ VS the world]
8 Blepete mh tij u`maj estai o` sulagwgwn dia thj filosofiaj kai kenhj apathj( kata
thn paradosin twn anqrwpwn( kata ta stoiceia tou kosmou kai ou kata Criston) 9 ~Oti en
autw katoikei pan to Plhrwma thj Qeothtoj swmatikwj( 10 kai este en autw peplhrwmenoi
o[j estin h` kefalh pashj archj kai exousiaj\ 11 en w- kai perietmhqhte( peritomh
aceiropoihtw( en th apekdusei tou swmatoj twn a`martiwn9 thj sarkoj( en th peritomh tou
Cristou( 12 suntafentej autw en tw baptismati\10 en w- kai sunhgerqhte dia thj pistewj
thj energeiaj tou Qeou tou egeirantoj auton ek twn11 nekrwn)
13 Kai u`maj( nekrouj ontaj12 toij paraptwmasin kai th akrobustia thj sarkoj u`mwn
13 14
sunezwopoihsen u`maj sun autw\ carisamenoj h`min panta ta paraptwmata\ 14 exaleiyaj
to kaqV h`mwn ceirografon $toij dogmasin% o] h=n u`penantion h`min( kai auto hrken15 ek tou
mesou( proshlwsaj auto tw staurw\ 15 apekdusamenoj taj arcaj kai taj exousiaj(
edeigmatisen en parrhsia( qriambeusaj autouj en autw)
[Dont be disqualified!]
16 Mh oun tij u`maj krinetw en brwsei h.16 en posei( h. en merei e`orthj h. noumhniaj17
h. sabbatwn( 17 a[ estin skia twn mellontwn( to de swma18 Cristou) 18 Mhdeij u`maj
katabrabeuetw( qelwn en tapeinofrosunh kai qrhskeia twn aggelwn( a] mh e`wraken19
embateuwn( eikh fusioumenoj u`po tou nooj thj sarkoj autou( 19 kai ou kratwn thn kefalhn(
ex ou- pan to swma( dia twn a`fwn20 kai sundesmwn epicorhgoumenon kai sumbibazomenon(
auxei thn auxhsin tou Qeou)

panta plouton f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || pan ploutoj P46B [3%] NU || pan to ploutoj A,C [2%]
kai patroj kai tou f35 (79.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 124 (12.9%) || 234 (1.8%) || 123 (0.7%) || 24 A,C (0.7%) || 23
(0.2%) || 2 ,048 (0.3%) || --- P46B (3%) NU || five other readings (0.8%)
thj f35 A [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46B,C [5%] NU
de f35 C,048 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B [5%] NU
mh tij f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || mhdeij A,B,C,048 [5%] NU
piqanologia rell || peiqanologia [2%] CP
en th f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 A,C,I [2%] || 2 B [3%] NU
en auth f35 B,048v [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- A,C,Iv [4%] NU || 1 autw D [1%]
twn amartiwn f35 (92.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B,C (7%) NU || omit longer stretches (0.5%) (Would not the body
of the flesh, the reading of NU, be something of a tautology?)
baptismati f35 A,C [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || baptismw P46B [2%] NU
twn f35 B [70%] RP,HF,OC,TR || --- P46A,C [30%] CP,NU
ontaj f35 B [45%] || 1 en P46A,C,048 [55%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] (OC is in small print.)
umaj f35 A,C [65%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || hmaj P46B [20%] || --- [15%] TR
hmin f35 A,B,C [70%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || umin [30%] (some TRs)
hrken f35 P46A,B,C [60%] RP,HF,TR,NU || hren [40%] OC,CP
h f35 A,C,I [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || kai P46B [2%] NU
noumhniaj rell || neomhniaj B [2%] NU
swma f35 P46 [95%] RP,HF,OC,CP || 1 tou A,B,C [5%] TR,NU
mh ewraken f35 (83.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 eoraken C (12.3%) || 1 ewrakamen (1.7%) || 1 ewrakwj (0.5%) || 1
ewrakate (0.2%) || ouk 2 (0.3%) || 2 P46A (0.5%) || eoraken B,I (1%) NU
a`fwn rell || afwn [25%]

20 Ei oun apeqanete1 sun2 Cristw apo twn stoiceiwn tou kosmou( ti,( w`j zwntej en
kosmw( dogmatizesqe 21~~Mh a`yh( mhde3 geush( mhde qighj!VV22 $a[ estin panta eij fqoran
th apocrhsei% kata ta entalmata kai didaskaliaj twn anqrwpwn? 23 ~Atina estin logon
men econta sofiaj en eqeloqrhskeia4 kai tapeinofrosunh kai5 afeidia6 swmatoj( ouk en timh
timh tini proj plhsmonhn thj sarkoj)
[Things above VS things below]
3)1 Ei oun sunhgerqhte tw Cristw( ta anw zhteite( ou- o` Cristoj estin( en dexia
tou Qeou kaqhmenoj\ 2 ta anw froneite( mh ta epi thj ghj( 3 apeqanete gar kai h` zwh u`mwn
kekruptai sun tw Cristw en tw7 Qew) 4 ~Otan o` Cristoj fanerwqh( h` zwh h`mwn(8 tote kai
kai u`meij sun autw fanerwqhsesqe en doxh)
5 Nekrwsate oun ta melh u`mwn9 ta epi thj ghj porneian( akaqarsian( paqoj(
epiqumian kakhn( kai thn pleonexian h`tij estin eidwlolatria\10 6 diV a] ercetai h` orgh tou
Qeou epi touj ui`ouj thj apeiqeiaj(11 7 en oi-j kai u`meij periepathsate pote o`te ezhte en
autoij)12 8 Nuni de apoqesqe kai u`meij ta pantaorghn( qumon( kakian( blasfhmian(
aiscrologianek tou stomatoj u`mwn) 9 Mh yeudesqe eij allhlouj( apekdusamenoi ton
palaion anqrwpon sun taij praxesin autou 10 kai endusamenoi ton neon( ton
anakainoumenon eij epignwsin katV eikona tou ktisantoj auton( 11 o`pou ouk eni ~Ellhn kai
Ioudaioj( peritomh kai akrobustia( barbaroj( Skuqhj( douloj( eleuqeroj\ alla ta13 panta kai
en pasin Cristoj)
[Relationships among believers]
12 Endusasqe oun( w`j eklektoi tou Qeou( a`gioi kai hgaphmenoi( splagcna
oiktirmou(14 crhstothta( tapeinofrosunhn( praothta(15 makroqumian\ 13 anecomenoi allhlwn
kai carizomenoi e`autoij( ean tij proj tina ech16 momfhnkaqwj kai o` Cristoj17 ecarisato
u`min(18 ou`twj kai u`meij\ 14 epi pasin de toutoij thn agaphn( h`tij19 estin sundesmoj thj
15 Kai h` eirhnh tou Qeou20 brabeuetw en taij kardiaij u`mwn( eij h]n kai eklhqhte en
e`ni swmati\ kai eucaristoi ginesqe)
16 ~O logoj tou Cristou21 enoikeitw en u`min plousiwj en pash sofia didaskontej
kai nouqetountej e`autouj( yalmoij kai22 u`mnoij kai23 wdaij pneumatikaij en24 cariti adontej
en th kardia1 u`mwn tw Kuriw)2
oun apeqanete f35 [80%] OC,TR || 21 () [5%] || 2 A,B,C [15%] RP,HF,CP,NU
sun f35 A,B,C [95%] RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 tw [5%] OC,TR
mhde f35 A,B,C [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || mh [10%] CP (Twice.)
eqeloqrhskeia rell || eqeloqrhskia C [10%] OC,NU
kai f35 A,C [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] || --- P46B [2%]
afeidia rell || afeideia [10%]
tw f35 P46A,B,C [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || --- [20%]
hmwn f35 B [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || umwn P46C [10%] NU
umwn f35 A [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46B,C [5%] NU
eidwlolatria f35 (C) [55%] OC,NU || eidwlolatreia A,B [45%] RP,HF,TR,CP
epi touj uiouj thj apeiqeiaj f35 A(C)I [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] || --- P46B [1%]
autoij f35 048 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || toutoij P46A,B,C,I [3%] NU
ta f35 B [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] || --- A,C [2%]
oiktirmou f35 A,B,C [80%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || oiktirmwn [20%] TR
praothta f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || prauthta A,B,C [3%] NU
ech rell || ecei [10%] CP || echte [2%]
cristoj f35 C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || kurioj P46A,B,I [2%] NU || qeoj [1%]
umin f35 A,B [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || hmin [10%] CP || hmaj C
htij f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || o A,B,C,048 [2%] NU || oj [1%]
qeou f35 (95.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || cristou A,B,C,I (4.8%) NU
cristou rell || qeou A,C [9%] || kuriou ,I [1%] bo
kai f35 Av,Iv [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- B,C [3%] NU
kai f35 A,Iv [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- B,C [3%] NU
en f35 A,C [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 th P46B [3%] [NU] || --- [2%]

17 Kai pan o[ ti3 an4 poihte en logw h. en5 ergw( panta en onomati6 Kuriou Ihsou(
eucaristountej tw Qew kai7 Patri diV autou)
[Household relationships]
18 Ai` gunaikej( u`potassesqe toij idioij8 andrasin( w`j anhken en Kuriw)
19 Oi` andrej( agapate taj gunaikaj kai mh pikrainesqe proj autaj)
20 Ta tekna( u`pakouete toij goneusin kata panta( touto gar estin euareston9 en10
21 Oi` paterej( mh ereqizete11 ta tekna u`mwn( i`na mh aqumwsin)
22 Oi` douloi( u`pakouete kata panta toij kata sarka kurioij( mh en
ofqalmodouliaij12 w`j anqrwpareskoi( allV en a`plothti kardiaj( foboumenoi ton Qeon)13
23 Kai pan o[ ti14 ean15 poihte( ek yuchj ergazesqe( w`j tw Kuriw kai ouk anqrwpoij(
24 eidotej o`ti16 apo Kuriou lhyesqe17 thn antapodosin thj klhronomiaj\ tw gar18 Kuriw
Cristw douleuete) 25 $~O de19 adikwn komieitai20 o] hdikhsen( kai ouk estin
4)1 Oi` kurioi( to dikaion kai thn isothta toij douloij parecesqe(22 eidotej o`ti kai
u`meij ecete Kurion en ouranoij)23
[Redeem the time]
2 Th proseuch proskartereite( grhgorountej en auth en eucaristia( 3 proseucomenoi
a`ma kai peri h`mwn( i`na o` Qeoj anoixh24 h`min quran tou logou( lalhsai to musthrion tou
Cristou $diV o]25 kai dedemai%( 4 i`na fanerwsw auto( w`j dei me lalhsai) 5 En sofia
peripateite proj touj exw( ton kairon exagorazomenoi) 6 ~O logoj u`mwn pantote en cariti(
a`lati hrtumenoj( eidenai pwj dei u`maj e`ni e`kastw apokrinesqai)
[Concluding remarks]
4)7 Ta katV eme panta gnwrisei u`min Tucikoj( o` agaphtoj adelfoj kai pistoj diakonoj kai
sundouloj en Kuriw( 8 o]n epemya proj u`maj eij auto touto( i`na gnw26 ta peri u`mwn27 kai

th kardia f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || taij kardiaij P46A,B,C [5%] NU
kuriw f35 [96%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || qew P46vA,B,C [4%] NU
o] ti f35 A,B,C [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || o`ti [20%] CP
an f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ean P46B [3%] NU
en rell || --- [10%]
onomati rell || 1 tou [10%]
kai f35 [98%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46vA,B,C [2%] NU
idioij f35 [80%] RP,HF,TR || --- A,B,C [19%] OC,CP,NU || umwn after andrasin [1%]
estin euareston f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 21 A,B,C [5%] NU
en f35 A,B,C [79%] RP,HF,CP,NU || tw [20%] OC,TR || --- [1%]
ereqizete f35 P46B (79.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || parorgizete ()A(C) (19.8%) || four other readings (0.7%)
ofqalmodouliaij f35 C [40%] OC || ofqalmodouleiaij [43%] RP,HF,TR,CP || ofqalmodoulia [10%] NU ||
ofqalmodouleia P46A,B [5%] || ofqalmodouleiai [2%]
qeon f35 P46 [90%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || kurion A,B,C,048 [10%] NU
kai pan o] ti f35 (79.3%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 123 (10.4%) || 234 (1.3%) || 134 (0.5%) || 23 (2.2%) || 12 ote (0.8%) ||
3 P46A,B,C (4.7%) NU || four other readings (0.8%) (Perhaps some 20% evidently have o`ti instead of o] ti.)
ean f35 A,B,C (79.9%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || an P46 (19.1%) || --- (1%)
oti rell || --- CP
lhyesqe f35 P46(A) [80%] RP,HF || apolhyesqe (B,Cv) [20%] OC,TR(NU) || apolhyesqai CP || one other variant
gar f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P46A,B,C [5%] NU
de f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || gar A,B,C [5%] NU
komieitai f35 A,C [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || komisetai B [5%] NU
proswpolhyia rell || proswpolhmyia A,B,C [5%] NU
parecesqe f35 A,B [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || parecete C [18%] CP || parescesqe [2%]
ouranoij f35 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ouranw A,B,C,I [3%] NU
anoixh rell || 1 kai CP
di o] rell || dio [20%]
gnw f35 P46C (87.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || gnwte A,B,048 (10.9%) NU || gnwtai (1%) || --- (0.5%)
umwn f35 P46C (88.1%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || hmwn A,B,048 (11.4%) NU || --- (0.5%)

parakalesh taj kardiaj u`mwn( 9 sun Onhsimw( tw pistw kai agaphtw adelfw( o[j estin ex
u`mwn\ panta u`min gnwriousin1 ta w`de)2
10 Aspazetai u`maj Aristarcoj( o` sunaicmalwtoj mou( kai Markoj o` aneyioj
Barnaba $peri ou- elabete entolaj\ ean elqh proj u`maj dexasqe auton%( 11 kai Ihsouj o`
legomenoj Ioustoj( oi` ontej ek peritomhj ou`toi monoi sunergoi eij thn basileian tou Qeou\
oi`tinej egenhqhsan moi parhgoria)
12 Aspazetai u`maj Epafraj( o` ex u`mwn( douloj Cristou(3 pantote agwnizomenoj u`per
u`per u`mwn en taij proseucaij( i`na sthte4 teleioi kai peplhrwmenoi5 en panti qelhmati tou
Qeou) 13 Marturw gar autw o`ti ecei zhlon polun6 u`per u`mwn( kai twn en Laodikeia kai
twn en ~Ierapolei)
14 Aspazetai u`maj Loukaj( o` iatroj o` agaphtoj( kai Dhmaj) 15 Aspasasqe touj en
Laodikeia7 adelfouj( kai Numfan kai thn katV oikon autou8 ekklhsian)
16 Kai o`tan anagnwsqh parV u`min h` epistolh( poihsate i`na kai en th Laodikewn9
ekklhsia anagnwsqh( kai thn ek Laodikeiaj i`na kai u`meij anagnwte)
17 Kai eipate Arcippw( ~~Blepe thn diakonian h]n parelabej en Kuriw( i`na authn
4)18 ~O aspasmoj th emh ceiri Paulou) Mnhmoneuete mou twn desmwn) ~H carij meqV u`mwn)

gnwriousin f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || gnwrisousin P46B [3%] NU
w`de rell || w=de f35 [40%] (I include this information for the record, and so as not to lose sight of it; since there is no contrast in
meaning here, and I am not aware that the Autographs contained breathing marks, I stay with the conventional spelling.
However, it may be noted that the difference between w- de and w-de would be indistinct in most MSS; the simple expedient
reflected in f35 resolves the ambiguity.)
cristou f35 P46 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 ihsou A,B,I [4%] [NU] || ihsou 1 C [1%]
sthte f35 A,C [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || staqhte B [1%] NU || hte I [2%]
peplhrwmenoi f35 P46 [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || peplhroforhmenoi A,B,C [3%] NU
zhlon polun f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 2 ponon A,B,C [4%] NU || four other readings [1%]
laodikeia rell || laodikia A,C [10%]
autou f35 [92%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || autwn A,C [6%] || authj B [1%] NU || --- [1%]
laodikewn f35 B [85%] HF,OC,TR,NU || laodikaiwn A,C [15%] RP,CP
amhn f35 [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- A,B,C,048 [5%] NU
The citation of f35 is based on thirty-seven MSS18, 35, 201, 204, 328, 386, 394, 444, 604, 757, 824, 928, 986, 1072, 1075,
1100, 1248, 1249, 1503, 1548, 1637, 1725, 1732, 1761, 1768, 1855, 1864, 1865, 1876, 1892, 1897, 2080, 2352, 2466, 2554,
2587 and 2723all of which I collated myself. 18, 444, 1732, 1864, 2552 and 2723 are perfect representatives of f35 in
Colossians, as they stand, as were the exemplars of another eight. The uniformity is impressive. Since these MSS come from all
over the Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Constantinople, Aegean, Trikala, Meteora, Athens, Mt. Athos [seven
different monasteries], Bucharest, Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family
profileit is reflected in the Text without exception.
I have included six published editions in the apparatusRP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU. RP = Robinson-Pierpont (2005), HF =
Hodges-Farstad, OC = the Greek Text of the Greek Orthodox Church (also used by other Orthodox Churches), TR = Textus
Receptus, CP = Complutensian Polyglot, NU = N-A26/UBS3 (N-A27/UBS4 offer changes in the critical apparatus, not in the text;
the text is still that of N-A26/UBS3).
In the statements of evidence I have included the percentage of manuscript attestation for each variant, within either ( ) or
[ ]. I have used ( ) for the evidence taken from TuT, which I take to be reasonably precise. For the variant sets that are not
covered there I had to revert to von Soden and the apparatus of N-A27, supplementing from other sources where possible
(Scrivener and Tischendorf)the percentages offered, I have used [ ] for these, are extrapolations based on a comparison of
these sources.
I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants listed with 5 to 1%
support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed 1%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with 10 to 6% support
the margin of error should hardly exceed 3%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the margin of error
should rarely exceed 15%.
As an arbitrary decision, I have limited the citation of individual MSS to those dated to the 5 th century or earlier. I use rell to
indicate that the reading is supported by all other witnesses, and printed editions (of the six included in the apparatus),
compared to the other reading. The Greek font used is Bwgrkl and may be downloaded free from

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