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2&3 John, Jude


1 ~O presbuteroj( eklekth kuria kai toij teknoij authj( ou]j egw agapw en alhqeia
kai ouk egw monoj( alla kai pantej oi` egnwkotej thn alhqeian2 dia thn alhqeian( thn
menousan en h`min kai meq h`mwn estai eij ton aiwna 3 Estai meq u`mwn3 carij( eleoj(
eirhnh para4 Qeou Patroj kai para Kuriou Ihsou Cristou(5 tou Ui`ou tou Patroj( en
alhqeia kai agaph)
[Walk in Christs commandments]
4 Ecarhn lian o`ti eu`rhka ek twn teknwn sou peripatountaj6 en alhqeia( kaqwj
entolhn elabomen para tou Patroj) 5 Kai nun erwtw se( kuria $ouc w`j entolhn grafwn soi
kainhn(7 all8 h]n ecomen9 ap archj% i`na agapwmen allhlouj) 6 Kai au`th estin h` agaph(
i`na peripatwmen kata taj entolaj autouau`th estin h` entolh(10 kaqwj hkousate ap archj(
i`na11 en auth peripathte)12
[Beware of deceivers]
7 ~Oti polloi planoi eishlqon13 eij ton kosmon( oi` mh o`mologountej Ihsoun Criston
ercomenon en sarkiou`toj estin o` planoj kai o` anticristoj! 8 Blepete e`autouj( i`na mh
apoleswmen14 a] eirgasameqa(15 alla misqon plhrh16 apolabwmen)17
9 Paj o` parabainwn18 kai mh menwn en th didach tou Cristou Qeon ouk ecei\ o` de19
menwn en th didach tou Cristou(20 ou`toj kai ton Patera kai ton Ui`on ecei) 10 Ei tij
ercetai proj u`maj kai tauthn thn didachn ou ferei( mh lambanete auton eij oikian\ kai
~~CaireinVV autw mh legete\ 11 o` gar legwn21 autw1 ~~CaireinVV koinwnei toij ergoij autou
toij ponhroij)
Both the text and the notes are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD, . I venture to affirm to the reader that all
original wording of 2 & 3 John and Jude is preserved in this edition, if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a
word Jeremiah 26:2 (see Deut. 4:2 and Luke 4:4, every word [as in 99.6% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of Jude gives
explanation about the apparatus.
dia thn alhqeian rell || --- [10%] [homoioteleuton]
estai meq umwn f35 [48.5%] OC,CP(AVsTR) || 12 hmwn B,0232 [48%] RP,HF,TR,NU || ~ umin [1.5%] || --- A [2%] (I
imagine that the difficulty arose from the use of the future indicative with the verb to be, when the optative or subjunctive would
be expected. We expect may mercy . . . be with you, not the affirmation that it will be. If in truth and love is understood as
modifying the pronoun, then the use of the indicative is explained. Anyone who is in truth and love will have grace, mercy and
peace. The 2 person is presumably correct.)
para f35 A,B,048,0232 [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || apo [20%] CP
kuriou ihsou cristou f35 (91.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 23 A,B,048,0232 (6.2%) NU || ~ 32 (1.2%) || --- (0.8%) (part of
a larger omissionhomoioteleuton) || one other reading (Is not the reading of the eclectic text inferior?)
peripatountaj rell || peripatounta [15%]
grafwn soi kainhn f35 B (73.8%) RP,HF,OC,CP || grafw 23 (12.9%) TR || ~ 312 A,048 (8.9%) NU || ~ 3 grafw 2
(3.6%) || four other variants (0.8%)
all f35 A,048 [85%] || alla B [15%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU
ecomen f35 [32%] || eicomen (A)B,048 [68%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU [Understood as part of a parenthetical aside, the present
makes good sense; render (not as though writing a new commandment to you, but one that we have from the beginning).]
estin h entolh f35 ()048 [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ~ 231 A,B,0232 [15%] NU
kaqwj hkousate ap archj ina rell || ~ 51234 [20%] || 123451 A,048v,0232 [2%]
peripathte rell || peripateite [15%]
eishlqon f35 [82%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || exhlqon (A)B,048,0232 [18%] NU || one other variant
apoleswmen f35 (75.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || apolesomen (5.2%) || apolesamen (0.4%) || apoleshte A,B,048v,0232v
(17.1%) NU || apolesetai (0.4%) || apolhte (0.6%) || apolhsqe (alone) || three other variants (0.6%)
eirgasameqa f35 (B) [82%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || 1 kala [3%] CP || eirgasasqe A,048v,0232v [15%]
plhrh rell || plhrhj [10%]
apolabwmen f35 (76.1%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || apolabomen (5.2%) || apolabhte A,B,0232v (17.9%) NU || apolabete
(0.6%) || one other variant (0.2%)
parabainwn f35 (99%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || proagwn A,B,048,0232 (1%) NU (Is not the Alexandrian reading inferior?)
de f35 [20%] || --- A,B [80%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (Would not John, a Jew, be more likely to write the conjunction?)
tou cristou f35 (89.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- A,B,048 (4.4%) NU || part of a larger omissionhomoioteleuton (6%)
(The Alexandrian omission agrees nicely with their notions of style.)
gar legwn f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ~ 21 A,B,048v [5%] NU || 2 [2%]
2&3 John, Jude

12 Polla ecwn u`min grafein( ouk eboulhqhn2 dia cartou kai melanoj( all3 elpizw
elqein proj u`maj kai stoma proj stoma lalhsai( i`na h` cara h`mwn5 h= peplhrwmenh)6

13 Aspazetai se ta tekna thj adelfhj sou thj eklekthj) Amhn)7


1 ~O presbuteroj( Gaiw tw agaphtw( o]n egw agapw en alhqeia)
2 Agaphte( peri pantwn eucomai se euodousqai kai u`giainein( kaqwj euodoutai sou h`
yuch) 3 Ecarhn gar lian( ercomenwn adelfwn kai marturountwn sou th alhqeia( kaqwj su
en alhqeia peripateij) 4 Meizoteran toutwn8 ouk ecw caran( i`na akouw ta ema tekna en9
alhqeia peripatounta)
[Gaius is commended]
5 Agaphte( piston poieij o] ean ergash eij touj adelfouj( kai eij touj10 xenouj 6 oi]
emarturhsan sou th agaph enwpion ekklhsiajou]j kalwj poihseij propemyaj axiwj tou
Qeou( 7 u`per gar tou Onomatoj11 exhlqon( mhden lambanontej apo twn eqnwn)12 8 ~Hmeij oun
ofeilomen apolambanein13 touj toioutouj( i`na sunergoi ginwmeqa14 th alhqeia)
[Diotrephes is criticized]
9 Egraya15 th ekklhsia( all o` filoprwteuwn autwn Diotrefhj ouk epidecetai h`maj)
10 Dia touto( ean elqw( u`pomnhsw16 autou ta erga a] poiei( logoij ponhroij fluarwn h`maj)
Kai mh arkoumenoj epi toutoij( oute autoj epidecetai touj adelfouj( kai touj boulomenouj
kwluei( kai ek17 thj ekklhsiaj ekballei)
[Demetrius is commended]
11 Agaphte( mh mimou to kakon( alla to agaqon) ~O agaqopoiwn ek tou Qeou estin\ o`
de kakopoiwn ouc e`wraken ton Qeon) 12 Dhmhtriw memarturhtai u`po pantwnkai u`p19

authj thj alhqeiaj) Kai h`meij de marturoumen( kai oidamen20 o`ti h` marturia h`mwn alhqhj

autw rell || --- [30%]
eboulhqhn f35 A,B,048 [70%] RP,HF,CP,NU || hboulhqhn [30%] OC,TR
all f35 [45%] || alla B [45%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU || ~ gar A,048 [9%] || ~ de [1%]
elqein f35 (87.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || genesqai A,B,048 (12.2%) NU
hmwn rell || umwn A,B [20%]
h peplhrwmenh f35 A,048v [98.5%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ~ 21 B [1.5%] NU || ~ 1 hn
amhn f35 (89.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- A,B,048 (8.8%) NU || h carij meta sou (0.4%) || h carij meta sou 1 (1.4%)
toutwn rell || tauthj [10%]
en f35 048v [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 th A,B,Cv [3%] NU
eij touj f35 (90.1%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP [2 (1.9%)] || touto A,B,C,048 (7.4%) NU || two other variants (0.6%) (Is the
reading of the eclectic text not inferior?)
onomatoj rell || 1 autou [15%] (AVs TR)
eqnwn f35 (88.3%) RP,HF,TR,CP || eqnikwn A,B(C)048 (11.7%) OC,NU
apolambanein f35 (91.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || upolambanein A,B,C,048 (7.2%) NU || lambanein (0.6%) || two other
variants (0.4%)
ginwmeqa rell || genwmeqa 048 [30%] CP || ginomeqa C [3%]
egraya f35 C [88%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 ti A(B) [2%] NU || 1 an 048 [10%]
upomnhsw rell || upomnhswn CP
ek rell || --- 048 [20%]
de f35 [25%] TR || --- A,B,C,048 [75%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU (Would not John, a Jew, be more likely to write the conjunction?)
up f35 A,B,048 [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || upo C [1%] NU
oidamen f35 (23%) CP || oidate (61.5%) RP,HF,OC,TR || oidaj A,B,C,048 (15.1%) NU || oida (0.4%) (Soden mentions
r 35
K once in 2 John but not at all in 3 John, when he definitely should have. In 3 John 12 TuT lists ALL 78 basic f MSS ( 0 to
r r
3) for oidamen, but Soden does not mention K in support of this variant. Since he doesnt mention K anywhere in 3 John, we
should not trust his silence. The first person was unexpected and was changed to the expected second personin the context I
would say that the singular is a better correction than the plural.)

2&3 John, Jude

13 Polla eicon grafein(1 all ou qelw dia melanoj kai kalamou soi grayai\2
14 elpizw de euqewj idein se(3 kai stoma proj stoma lalhsomen)4
Eirhnh soi) Aspazontai se oi` filoi) Aspazou touj filouj kat onoma)5

1 Ioudaj( Ihsou Cristou6 douloj( adelfoj de Iakwbou( toij en Qew Patri
h`giasmenoij7 kai Ihsou Cristw8 tethrhmenoij( klhtoij 2 Eleoj u`min kai eirhnh kai agaph
[Why he is writing]
3 Agaphtoi( pasan spoudhn poioumenoj grafein u`min peri thj koinhj swthriaj(9
anagkhn escon grayai u`min parakalwn epagwnizesqai th10 a`pax paradoqeish toij a`gioij
pistei) 4 Pareisedusan gar tinej anqrwpoi( oi` palai progegrammenoi eij touto to krima\
asebeij( thn tou Qeou h`mwn carin11 metatiqentej eij aselgeian kai ton monon Despothn
Qeon( kai12 Kurion h`mwn Ihsoun Criston( arnoumenoi)
[Examples from ancient history]
5 ~Upomnhsai de u`maj boulomai( eidotaj u`maj13 a`pax touto( o`ti o` Kurioj14 laon ek
ghj Aiguptou swsaj( to deuteron touj mh pisteusantaj apwlesen) 6 Aggelouj te15 touj mh
thrhsantaj thn e`autwn archn( allV16 apolipontaj to idion oikhthrion( eij krisin megalhj
h`meraj desmoij aidioij u`po zofon tethrhken) 7 ~Wj Sodoma kai Gomorra( kai ai` peri autaj
poleijton o`moion toutoij tropon17 ekporneusasai kai apelqousai opisw sarkoj e`teraj
prokeintai deigma( puroj aiwniou dikhn u`pecousai)
[Evil men are in the church]
8 ~Omoiwj mentoi kai ou`toi enupniazomenoi sarka men miainousin( kuriothta de
aqetousin( doxaj de blasfhmousin) 9 ~O de Micahl o` arcaggeloj( o`te tw diabolw

grafein f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || grayai soi A,B,C(048v) [11%] NU || 1 soi [4%]
soi grayai f35 [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 grafein aB,C [3%] NU || ~ grafein 1 A,048 [8%] || ~ 21 [4%]
idein se f35 (95%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || ~ 21 A,B,C,048 (4.8%) NU || 1 (0.2%)
lalhsomen rell || lalhswmen [20%] || lalhsai [1%] || lalhsai soi [2%]
onoma rell || 1 amhn [13%] CP
ihsou cristou f35 P72A,B (65.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,NU || ~ 21 (34.4%) CP || 2 (0.4%)
hgiasmenoij f35 (90.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || agaphmenoij P72A,B (9.2%) NU [Is the Alexandrian variant not inferior?]
cristw rell || cristou (26.8%) || --- (3%)
swthriaj f35 (85.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || hmwn 1 P72A,B (10.6%) NU || umwn 1 (2.6%) || hmwn zwhj (0.4%) || umwn
zwhj (0.4%) || hmwn 1 kai zwhj (0.4%) || two others (0.4%) || has a conflation [The addition of the pronoun was a
natural, but not necessary.]
th rell || --- CP
carin f35 C (99.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || carita P72A,B (0.8%) NU [Another inferior Alexandrian variant; the proper form of
the accusative is carin, occurring over 40 times in the NT. Carita occurs only as an Alexandrian variant and even so only
here and in Acts 24:27 (where they just dropped the sigma).]
despothn qeon kai f35 (79.4%) RP,HF,TR || 1323 (2.6%) || 231 ton (4%) CP || 23 (0.6%) || 13 (P72)A,B,C (13%)
OC,NU || 1 P (0.4%) [Is the Alexandrian variant not inferior?]
umaj f B (81.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,[N]U || --- P72A,C (17.2%) || hmaj (1.6%) (N-A uses brackets, but UBS does not

[corrected in the 4 ed.].)
apax touto oti o kurioj f35 (79.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1235 (4.8%) || 21345 (5.4%) || 1234 qeoj (0.6%) ||
~ panta 3451 (3%) [NU] || ~ panta 351 (0.4%) || ~ panta 34 ihsouj 1 (0.4%) || ~ panta 3 ihsouj 1 (2%) ||
~ panta 34 qeoj 1 (1.2%) || 1 panta 3 ihsouj A,B (0.8%) || 1 panta 34 qeoj (1%) || 1 panta 3 qeoj cristoj P || five
other variants (1%) [The Alexandrians really had fun with this one.]
te rell || de A (10.2%)
all f35 C [50%] || alla P72A,B [50%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU
toutoij tropon f35 (88.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 21 P72A,B,C (9%) NU || 1 (0.4%) || 2 (1.6%) || --- (0.4%)
2&3 John, Jude

diakrinomenojdielegeto peri tou Mwsewj1 swmatojouk etolmhsen krisin epenegkein2

blasfhmiaj( allV3 eipen( ~~Epitimhsai soi4 Kurioj!VV 10 Ou`toi de o`sa men ouk oidasin
blasfhmousin( o`sa de fusikwj w`j ta aloga zwa epistantaien toutoij fqeirontai) 11 Ouai
autoij( o`ti th o`dw tou Kain eporeuqhsan( kai th planh tou Balaam misqou execuqhsan( kai
th antilogia tou Kore apwlonto
12 Ou`toi eisin5 en taij agapaij u`mwn spiladej( suneuwcoumenoi afobwj(6 e`autouj
poimainontej\ nefelai anudroi( u`po anemwn paraferomenai\7 dendra fqinopwrina( akarpa(
dij apoqanonta8 $ekrizwqenta%\ 13 kumata agria qalasshj( epafrizonta taj e`autwn
aiscunaj\ asterej planhtai( oi-j o` zofoj tou skotouj eij9 aiwna tethrhtai)
14 Proefhteusen de kai toutoij e`bdomoj apo Adam( Enwc(10 legwn ~~Idou( hlqen
Kurioj en a`giaij muriasin11 autou 15 poihsai krisin kata pantwn kai elegxai12 pantaj touj
asebeij13 autwn14 peri pantwn twn ergwn asebeiaj autwn w-n hsebhsan( kai peri pantwn
twn sklhrwn15 w-n elalhsan katV autoua`martwloi asebeij!VV 16 Ou`toi eisin goggustai(
memyimoiroi( kata taj epiqumiaj e`autwn16 poreuomenoi\ kai to stoma autwn lalei u`perogka(
qaumazontej proswpa wfeleiaj carin)
17 ~Umeij de( agaphtoi( mnhsqhte twn r`hmatwn twn proeirhmenwn u`po twn
apostolwn tou Kuriou h`mwn Ihsou Cristou 18 o`ti elegon u`min o`ti17 en escatw cronw18
esontai empaiktai kata taj e`autwn epiqumiaj19 poreuomenoi twn asebeiwn) 19 Ou`toi eisin oi`
apodiorizontej(20 yucikoi( pneuma mh econtej)

mwsewj f35 A (60%) HF,OC,TR || mwusewj P72B,C (38.8%) RP,NU || mwuseoj CP || ambiguous (1.2%)
epenegkein rell || upenegkein (11.4%) || exenegkein (0.4%)
all rell || alla P72A,B (1%) NU
soi rell || se (4.4%) CP
eisin f35 (85.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 oi P72A,B (14.6%) NU [Is the Alexandrian variant not inferior?]
afobwj rell || umin 1 C (12.2%) CP
paraferomenai f35 A,C (87.6%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || paraferomenoi P72B (3.8%) || periferomenai (4.6%) TR ||
feromenai (3%) || four other variants (1%)
apoqanonta rell || 1 kai (15.8%)
eij f35 P72A,B,C (65%) RP,HF,CP,NU || 1 ton (35%) OC,TR
enwc f35 [70%] OC,TR,CP || e`nwc [30%] RP,HF,NU
agiaij muriasin f35 A,B (90.2%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || 21 C (5.2%) TR || 12 aggelwn (2%) || ~ 2 agiwn aggelwn
(2%) || agiwn aggelwn 2 P || two other variants (0.4%)
12 35 72
elegxai f P A,B,C (89.6%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU || exelegxai (10.4%) TR
pantaj touj asebeij f35 A,B,C (95.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 13 (1.4%) || 23 (0.6%) || pasan yuchn P721852 (alone)
NU || --- part of a larger omission (1.6%) [The reading chosen by NU is bad. Certain very evil persons have been rather
graphically described in verses 4, 8 and 10-13. In verse 14 Jude introduces a prophecy "about these men", the same ones he
has been describing, and the quotation continues to the end of verse 15. Verse 16 continues the description of their perversity,
but verse 17 draws a clear distinction between them and the believers that Jude is addressing. So, Enoch cannot be referring to
25 2
"every soul"the NU reading is clearly wrong, introducing an aberration on the flimsiest of evidence. In fact, Nestle and UBS
stayed with the Majority, reading "all the ungodly". UBS changes to "every soul", without comment! Is this not a curious
proceeding? The UBS editors reverse an earlier position, following just three MSS and the Sahidic version, and do not even
mention it in their apparatus.]
autwn f35 (80%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72A,B,C (18.2%) NU || part of a larger omission (1.8%)
sklhrwn rell || 1 logwn C (14%)
eautwn f35 C (49.4%) NU || autwn A,B (49.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || part of a larger omission P72 (1%)
oti f35 P72A,C (98.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,[N]U || --- B (1.6%)
en escatw cronw f35 (80.1%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 12 cronwn (0.6%) || 12 tw 3 (1.2%) || ep 23 (0.4%) || ep escatou
cronou P72B,C (1.4%) NU || ep escatou tou cronou (A) (5.2%) || ep escatou twn cronwn (4.2%) || ep escatwn
twn cronwn (5.8%) || three other readings (1%)
eautwn epiqumiaj rell || autwn 2 (3.4%) || 21 (5.8%) CP || 2 autwn (3.4%) || two other variants (0.6%)
apodiorizontej rell || 1 eautouj C (18.4%)
2&3 John, Jude

20 ~Umeij de( agaphtoi( th a`giwtath u`mwn pistei epoikodomountej e`autouj(1 en

Pneumati ~Agiw proseucomenoi(2 21 e`autouj en agaph Qeou thrhsate( prosdecomenoi to eleoj
tou Kuriou h`mwn Ihsou Cristou eij zwhn aiwnion)
22 Kai ou]j men eleeite(3 diakrinomenoi\4 23 ou]j de en fobw swzete( ek puroj
a`rpazontej(5 misountej kai ton apo thj sarkoj espilwmenon citwna)
24 Tw de dunamenw fulaxai autouj6 aptaistouj(7 kai sthsai katenwpion thj doxhj
autou amwmouj en agalliasei25 monw sofw8 Qew(9 Swthri h`mwn(10 doxa kai11 megalwsunh(
kratoj kai exousia(12 kai13 nun kai eij pantaj touj aiwnaj! Amhn)14

th agiwtath umwn pistei epoikodomountej eautou f35 (79.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR || 12 hmwn 456 (5.6%) CP || 12456
(1.2%) || 561234 A,B (10.2%) NU || 5612 hmwn 4 C (3%) || ~ 1 eautwn 24 anoikodomeisqe P
2 72
proseucomenoi rell || 1 eautoij P (10%) (basically this same group omits the immediately following eautouj)
eleeite f35 (89.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || eleate B (2%) NU || elegcete A,C (8%) || --- (P72)
diakrinomenoi f35 (89.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || diakrinomenouj (P72)A,B,C (10.2%) NU [If the accusative were original,
who would change it to nominative? Why? The Alexandrians either didnt understand, or didnt like, the original nominative and
changed it to suit.]
en fobw swzete ek (+ tou 10.4% OC,TR,CP) puroj arpazontej f35 (81%) RP,HF(OC,TR,CP) || 345612 C (2%) ||
3456 (1.4%) || ~ 3456 ouj de eleate (eleeite 1.6%; elegcete 3.6%) 12 A,B (10.4%) NU || a variety of conflations
(4.4%) || four other variants P (1%) (OC is in small print.) [Is the Alexandrian variant not inferior?]
autouj f (67.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || umaj B(C) (29.8%) (the AVs TR)NU || hmaj A (1%) || --- (1.4%) || P72 is wild

(Virtually all versions in English read you, but in the context them makes good sense. Jude is assuring his readers that it is
worth the effort to snatch people from the very jaws of hell (v. 23), because God is able to secure them (ones natural tendency
would be to doubt that). In commenting the parable of the lost sheep, the Lord Jesus affirmed that there will be more joy in
heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. It seems that God gets
special pleasure out of cheating the Lake. If umaj were original, who would change it to autouj?)
aptaistouj rell || 1 kai aspilouj C (11.4%) || P72 is wild
sofw f35 (92%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- P72A,B,C (8%) NU [Is the Alexandrian variant not inferior?]
qew rell || --- (5.6%) CP
hmwn f35 (78.4%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 dia ihsou cristou tou kuriou 1 (P72)Av,B,C (21.6%) NU
kai f35 P72 (88%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || --- A,B,C (12%) NU
exousia f35 (78.8%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP || 1 pro pantoj tou aiwnoj A,B,C (13%) NU || 1 pro pantoj aiwnoj (8%) ||
--- P [Is not the Alexandrian gloss obviously infelicitous?]
kai rell || --- (12.1%)
14 35
The citation of f is based on forty-six MSS18, 35, 141, 149, 201, 204, 328, 386, 394, 432, 444, 604, 664, 757, 824, 928, 986,
1072, 1075, 1100, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1503, 1548, 1628, 1637, 1725, 1732, 1754, 1761, 1768, 1855, 1864, 1865, 1876, 1892,
1897, 2221, 2352, 2431, 2466, 2554, 2587, 2626 and 2723all of which I collated myself. 141, 204, 386, 824, 928, 1072, 1075,
1100, 1637, 1855, 1864, 2221, 2554 and 2723 are very pure representatives of f in these three books, with not a single
variant, and so for the exemplars of fourteen others. For all those MSS to have no variants after all the centuries of transmission
is surely an eloquent demonstration of the faithfulness and accuracy of that transmission. Since these MSS come from all over
the Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Constantinople, Bucharest, Aegean, Trikala, Athens, Meteora, Sparta,
Ochrida, Mt. Athos [nine different monasteries], Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the
precise family profileit is reflected in the Text without exception.
I have included six published editions in the apparatusRP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU. RP = Robinson-Pierpont (2005), HF =
Hodges-Farstad, OC = the Greek Text of the Greek Orthodox Church (also used by other Orthodox Churches), TR = Textus
26 3 27 4
Receptus, CP = Complutensian Polyglot, NU = N-A /UBS (N-A /UBS offer changes in the critical apparatus, not in the text;
26 3
the text is still that of N-A /UBS ). Where all six printed editions are in agreement, I arbitrarily limit inclusion in the apparatus to
variants with at least [10%] attestation.
For Jude I used Tommy Wassermans complete collation of over 500 MSS (The Epistle of Jude: Its Text and Transmission,
Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2006), so I imagine the percentages given are very close to the true picture. For 2&3 John I
used ECM, extrapolating from a comparison with TuT, which presumably allows a reasonably close approximation. So I venture
to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants listed with 5 to 1% support (in my
apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed 1%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with 10 to 6% support the margin of
error should hardly exceed 3%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the margin of error should rarely
exceed 10%. However, I guarantee the witness of f , that represents around 17% of the total of extant MSS for these books.
As an arbitrary decision, I have limited the citation of individual MSS to those dated to the 5 century or earlier. I use rell to
indicate that the reading is supported by all other witnesses, and printed editions (of the six included in the apparatus),
compared to the other reading. The Greek font used is Bwgrkl and may be downloaded free from http://www.bibleworks.com.

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