Second Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate: Emily Bennett Date: April 30, 2017

Grade and Topic: Grade 3, Social Length of Lesson: 85 minutes


Mentor Teacher: Professor Townes School: University of Memphis IDT


Unit Objective

This lesson plan is in correlation to our unit in World Geography and Culture.

Lesson Objective

Content Learning Goals and Objectives

Note: Any assessments used should be aligned to the learning goals and objectives.

1. Given a handout of a map, the student will be able to locate the geographical location of
Canada, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and the 50 states to the best of their ability.
2. Given the interactive gaming website, the student will be able to answer 100% of the
questions regarding the geographical location of Canada, Mexico, Central America,
Cuba, and the 50 states of the U.S.
3. Given a list of the 50 states, the student will choose a state, gather information (state
capital and state flower) about the chosen state, and present the information via Prezi
with 100% accuracy.

Student Participation

The goal of this lesson is to allow the student to accurately identify the geographical locations
when given a map. The student should, also, be able to gather key information about a state and
present it to the class. This lesson will enhance the students geographical understanding of a
map, as well as, giving the student the opportunity to gather and present information. This lesson
is a hands-on way for a student to experience both the interactive and independent way of

State/District, Common Core Standards

ISTE Standard(s)

1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop

innovative products and processes using technology.
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
variety of sources and media.
d. Process data and report results


Materials Used

1. Computer
2. Internet Access to:
a. Interactive Activity for South America and Central America:
b. Interactive Activity for United States:

c. 50 States song:

d. Search Information:
3. Hand out
4. Pencil

Technology Integration

The websites above will be used by students to enhance their learning of the content. The
interactive games and the song from Teachertube will help students to practice identifying and
locating the specific countries, states, and continents that are named in the TN state standard.
When the students feel comfortable with the content, the student will choose a state and gather
information about the state on Wikipedia (state capital, state flower). Then, the student will use
the web 2.0 tool, Prezi, to accurately present the information. A sample of the product is
available here in student sample section.

Background and Rationale

Students will demonstrate their ability to locate the 50 states of the U.S., Central
America, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba on a world map. The student will also gather
information about specific states to accurately present to the class.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN social studies standard 3.0 regarding Geography.
By learning the geographical locations on a map, the students will be able to refer to it when we
discuss the continents in our upcoming lessons.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives
and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and
are not part of this lesson.

Procedures and Timeline


Begin by asking the students where they live (continent, state, city).
Explain to the students that we will be learning how to locate and identify where Canada, Mexico, Central
America, Cuba, and the 50 states are on a map.
Pull down a map at the front of the classroom and begin pointing out the geographical locations.
Have the students repeat after the teacher.


Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

After the introduction, the teacher will pass out a 1. Students will complete their handout
handout with a map displayed on it with a word as best as they can.
bank. The teacher will ask the students to do their
best to put the words in their appropriate location
on the map.

At the Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. Have students open to 1. Open Safari on computer

Safari on their computer. desktop.
2. Direct students to the 2. Go to the interactive
interactive gaming pages given gaming activities and teacher
in the materials section and tube song:
the teacher tube song. (
3. Explain to the students _America_Geography.htm)
about the different levels and (
how to move on. web_games.htm )
4. Monitor and assist as (
needed. -50-states-song-283063)
At the Computer Continued (20 minutes)1. Open tab in Safari. Go to
1. After the students practice with the games
and video, tell the students to open another 2. Pick a state.
tab in Safari and go to
2. Ask the students to pick a state. 3. Open another tab on Safari. Go to
3. Once chosen, ask the student to open
another tab in Safari. Open Wikipedia. 4. In Wikipedia, type state name in
4. Tell the students to find their states flower the search engine.
and capital. 5. Find state flower and state capital.
5. Advise students to go to Prezi to 6. Go back to Prezi.
appropriately present their gathered 7. Click new presentation
information. 8. Click Start Blank Template
9. First circle frame: Type Name of
10. Press circle frame in top left
11. Second Frame: Type State Capital
12. Press circle frame in top left
13. Third Frame: Type State Flower
15. Press present at the top right of
the screen.
16. When finished, wait until teacher
gives you further instructions.

After the Computer (20 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. Ask students to raise 1. The student will raise their

their hand after all have hand and wait until teacher looks
completed. at their Prezi.
2. Each student will 2. Students will utilize each
present their work to the other, the interactive games, and
teacher. the video on Teachertube to help
3. When teacher has seen them finish or correct the handout.
all Prezis, ask students to 3. Once completed, students
complete or correct their will close out of the tabs in Safari
handout from the beginning of and hand their completed work to
class by using each other, the the teacher.
interactive games, and video
to help them complete the
4. Ask students to exit out
of the tabs then turn in papers.

The teacher will return to the front of the room and pull down the map. With a stick, point
to a geographical location and ask the class to identify it based on what they have
Assessment Evidence

Geography Lesson

Criteria 1 2 3 4

Interactive games
Did not attempt to Attempted very little
Almost all the All the interactive
and 50 states song
Complete games or Of the interactive Interactive games Games were
Listen to song. Games and did notWere complete Completed and the
listen to the song. And the song was Song was listened to.
Listened to.

Prezi Presentation
Failure to make a Little to no Almost all the All the information
Prezi presentation. Information was Information was Was accurately and
Represented on thePresented on the Creatively presented
Prezi. Prezi. On the Prezi.

Map Handout Failure to complete Very little of the Almost all the All the map was
The map handout. Map was completed. Map was completed.
Accurately completed.


I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.
Student Sample

Visual sample is in drop box but the Link to the sample Prezi Presentation is below:

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