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Name: Date: / /
Teacher: Total Score: /100

A Choose the correct form of comparative and superlative.

Mike: Hey Linda, how are you? Do you like my new iPhone?
Linda: Hi Mike, I really love it. It's (light) and (thin) than mine.
Mike: Yes, that's true. It's the (new) phone in the class.
Linda: My mom wants to buy a new car. She is complaining because her car is the (small) in
the family.
Mike: My brother recently bought the (expensive) car in town.
Linda: Wow! It is definitely (expensive) than mine.
Mike: Hey, I really want to change my computer, it gives me a lot of problems.
Linda: Don't tell me about!!!!! Mine is (old) than yours but it still works.
Mike: I want to buy a new camera, it's only $49.
Linda: That is a very good price. It's (cheap) than mine.

A / 24 points (3 points each)

B Fill in the correct word (too or enough):

1. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was hot to drink.
2. He isn't strong to lift that heavy box.
3. This jacket is expensive for my pocket.
4. My shoes are small for my feet.
5. I have time to finish the homework.

B / 18 points (3 points each)

C Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1. Who is the____________ (tall) person in your family?
2. My mum is the____________ (good) cook in the world.
3. December is the____________ (cold) month of the year in my country.
4. What's the____________ (dangerous) animal in the world?
5. Ethan is the____________ (happy) boy that I know.
6. Where are the____________ (nice) beaches in your country?

C / 12 points (2 points each)

D Complete the dialogue with:

How about will you takeyou can have it for

I'll let you have it forwould you take

John: Excuse me, how much is this table?

Salesperson: It's $45 but ....................................$42.
John: It's too expensive, ..........................$35?
Salesperson: No, I am sorry.
John: Ok, ............................$38?
Salesperson: No, I am sorry, $42 is the price.
John: Ok, Ok, Ok, .................................$40?
Salesperson: ........................ $41, final price.
John: Ok, I'll take it. Thank you very much.
Salesperson: You are welcome.

D / 15 points (3 points each)

E Multiple choices:

1. My shoes are really I

should buy another pair. a)uncomfortable
b)baggy c)expensive d)plain

2. Your tie is horrible. Why don't you buy a different color?

a)long b)black c)expensive d)short

3. Mike's shirt is too He should change size.

a) pretty b) cheap c) beautiful d) tight

4. I really love your dress!!! It's !

a) long b) tight c) baggy d) beautiful

5. The belt is only $5, wow that's really !

a) small b) cheap c) tight d) bright

E / 15 points (3 points each)

F Should or Can:

Lucy: Hey Jo, how are you? How was your trip to Italy?
Jordan: Oh Lucy, it was beautiful, you see the Coliseum. What an amazing attraction!!!!
Lucy: Really, maybe I go to Italy instead of France. What do you think?
Jordan: Well, I think that you go to both countries since they are very close.
Lucy: Thank you, that's a very good idea.
Jordan: And you also go to Switzerland, it's between France and Italy. You
see the lake of Lucerna, it's amazing!!!
Lucy: Hum, do you think I also visit Zurich?
Jordan: Yes, definitely. It's a very beautiful city!
Lucy: Thank you very much for the recommendations, they were very helpful.
Jordan: No problem Lucy, anytime.

F / 12 points (2 points each)

G Read the text and then complete the sentences about the cities:

I like London a lot because you can visit the famous British Museum, which is one of the most famous
museums in the world. You can also go to The London Eye, where you have an amazing 360 degrees
view of the entire city. You shouldn't miss Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square which are close to
Westminster Abbey.

Go to Paris to visit the famous Eiffel Tower, if you have time, take the elevator up to the third floor. The
view is amazing. You can see the beautiful fountains behind the tower and a very big square across from
the biggest museum in the world, The Louvre.

My favorite city is New York, it has a lot of attractions, such as the famous sculpture of the Statue of
Liberty Island in the middle of New York Harbor. I'd recommend you visit Times Square and do some
shopping around the area. I also suggest you walking along Brooklyn Bridge, the oldest bridge in New

Write the correct name of the cities according to the text:

1. You cant visit a museum here. _______________

2. In this city, theres the biggest museum of the world. _______________
3. Its a good place to go shopping. _____________
4. You can visit a square in this city. _____________________________

G / 4 points (1point each)

Name: Date: / /
Teacher: Total Score: /100

A friend of yours is coming to Brazil and he has emailed you

asking for recommendations of good places to visit, good hotel
she can stay, good restaurants to eat, places to have fun at night

Reply her/his email and give recommendations and


Write it in ink;
Minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 lines;




















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