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The Great Songso Al Stewart Year Of The Cat. ‘Words & Music: Al Stewart and Peter Wood ©Copyright 5 Gwrmeth Msi 2Unicheppel Muse Ine ‘Theobald Resa Landon WCL Arihts reserve. Ineralionalcopyidt secured. Moderately Tacet cmajt bm Em Cmaj? bm em mom-ing from a Bo-gart_ mov - in a coun-try where they turned back time, doesn't. give you time for ques - as she locks up your_ arm in hers. morn-ing comesand you're still with __ andthe bus and the tour ists are cmajt Bm ea you go B Pe- ter Lor-re con-tem- Andyou —fol-low till your sense which di- rec- tion com- And you've thrown a= way Your choice and lost your tick-et 50 you Amt 2 Cmajr Bm Em - 3 4 9. 500 plating a crime. She comes out of the sun in 8 silk pletely dis- ap ~ pears, By the bluc- tiled walls near the mar have to stay on. But the drum-beat_ strains. of the night_ — dress, run - ning like a water col - or in the ket stalls, there's a hiid-den door she leads you — re - meinin the thy-thm ofthe new-born 8 on Amt re) ees Don'tbother ask for ex - plan- a - tions.She'lljust tell you that she came “Thesedays;"she says, “T feel my life just like a riv - er run-ning through Youknowsometime_ you're bound to leave her, but for now you'regon-na. stay lec cmt pe 990 em, i To Code Ef DS Cmasr Bs : ro, in the year of the cat. the year of the cat, in the yearof the eat. looks at Well, she you. so cool - ly and her eyes shine like the moon in the sea She comes in and patch = ow = li find what's wait -ing in~ side — cma 5 em, De cmt DB Em De cmt pee sat D # tn fig He HDS Sal Coma | Repeat and fade Coda Cusp sem DB. ¢ Dé oem De HE fe ia y Repeat and fade If It Doesn’t Come Naturally, Leave It. Words & Music: Al Stewart © Copyright 78 Grypeth esi ened room, and in. the lamp-glow torch-es flare up in the night... The hand that sets the farms— a - light. has, thought sawdown in the steeet_ the spir-it of the cen - tu-ry__ spread the word to. those — who're wait-ing ‘on the bor - der. tell ing us that we're all stand-ing on the bor - der. In the vil - lage where I grew. up Inthe is - lands where 1 grew— up noth-ing seems the same. Still you nev - er sce the change from — day_ wo day.— noth-ing seems the sume... Te’sjust the par-terns that re~ main, an emp - ty shell. 16 Noone no - tic = ¢s the cus - toms slip a- way. Butthere’sa, strange - ness in the air___-you feel too well ch aan te. i IE ee a 1 2 Ds. %al Coda Repeat and fade Coda o* 09 Pam ® ie fon the bor - der, Repeat and fade Broadway Hotel. Words & Music: Al Stewart ‘© copyrioh 946 Geyneta Music ‘STheobals Rood Lonton WEL Atri reserved. Iteration copyright acre. Moderately Fe > bn Ba ln Se Hos 3 You told the man inthe Broad-way Ho - tel noth - ing was You asked the man for a room with a view; noth - ing was You made your home in the Broad-way Ho - tek room serv - ice Dray FR Pam chm sane fit q Eo strang- er than be - ing your - said ashe stared at “his came atthe = push ofa Fen ae bm Dmaj7 zy ala FRE Eee a He tear in his roll= a- way, just gave you the roll a-way,— just an put down the steal 2-way,— just a oT 18 Daj? D> che a ae Hr coda Dinar of iE was clear. came near.” noth-ing no. one noth-ing was clear. way. Mist_on a summer's. day, way. That's all there is to say, 1 tied to find a way; sought ic Dmait Am 27 ae ith no one came near.” Fim a asthe night rolls where the light of, © - ver the sign keeps the E REI all a - round your head. ofyour si - lent days. = by in the street day docs-n't touch words he word = a> inyour room, you a— hide - a - side of you face, And 2 e tm D ian* 7 20 chm Ga Coda @ Code 4” oy Dmajt £ Dmajt 2 00 # & He tured a - way, ‘Then as he you asked the oy Dypait chm low all the day; no one came near. Repeat and fade Fem fe Repeat and fade Dmajt a man to stay— He was there . Time Passages. Words & Music: Al Stewart and Peter White © Copyrih 18 Dick ames Mosine Fa Neaptooat aoe Die James Mme Lid, 5 Theale Road, Leadon WC2, ‘Avis reserved. leratonal eon were Moderately E> Bb/Bb Ab/Bb gb Bb Gm? Ab/ob Bb Bb/Eb Gm ab ab sll a a fr, fe aft, S&S late in De-cem- ber. The sky turned to snow. All'round,the day was T'm not the Kind_ to live in the past. The years mim ‘tooshort and the ple-ture is chang-ing. Now you're part of a crowd. They'relaugh-ing at something, The ey Gm Bh Ae Bb Bb fab Gm Ab ded da ed go-ing down slow. Night, like a riv = er, be -_gin- ning to days" too fast. ‘The things you lean on’ are things that don't Last. Well it's mi - sie's loud. ‘A girl comes towards you you once used to know. You 22 Bb Cm Bb Ab ae fap a] a T felt the beat of = my mind go drift- ing in - to Just now and then my Une. gets cast’ «in - to these Feach out your hand, but you're all ‘a - lone in those Ab/Eb Eb Bb time Years go fall- ing in the time ‘There's some-thingback there that you ume T know you're in there; you're just Eb Bb/E> Ab/e> Bb fad -ing light. Time left be - hind.— On, time out of sight On, time 23 Ab Gm Eb Bb/Bb fim af, ean tiek-et on the last train home Uck- et on the last train home tick- et on the last train home v/a eb Bb Ter Aba Abm6/Cb feel your-self starting to turn. be Eb cb 4 aH Don'tknow why you should feel 24 Abmo/oe there's some - thing to om Bb/Eb Ab/ED Eb Bb Gm7 ai. oe on ‘pepe sic. Bee ib HH REE Repeat and fate peng D.S.4 al Coda ¢ Ab Bb ate, Well, the Coda 6 Gm Ab fbb cast Be dbyet abeh BD Bb Gt ab/e> 4 sh pee pets ctr a EH fees it GHD & tae Repeat and fade 25 A Man For All Seasons. Words & Music: Al Stewart ©Copyright 97 Dick ames Masco, ‘Frabjous Mase Appoinate sie DickJames Music Lic, § Thentlde Rot, Lenidon WC, “Allis reserve, intemationalcopy seared, Moderately, with a beat BBR? Chm GL LG” What if you reached the Age of Rea - son Hen-ryPlaa-tag - 2 -net still looks for some - one what if you reached the Age of Res - son Amaj? 3? EB == T only to find there was no re-pricve?o Would you still be a man fo bring good news in his hour of doubt, while Thomas More waits in the on-ly “to find there was no re-prieve?— Would you still be a man BRR? Cam Fie au: HE Ey” BR ae or would you just wateh - ing meas -ures the lura-ing to see how we've come, fac-tions that can’t be un ~ done. lan-terns to turn ack the night, ar have to the Sands run -ning or would you just dis ~ be Bto7 Ctm Ee eae &, and 4 and un ~ cer-tain ~ ty, ob = liv- i = on eo - in = cl- dence, 4 Fim? fae peer down the high - way from ‘Sail-or through dark - ness, he put our de - feats- down’ to B 24°7 cm B/De E chm if HET ro cove = —— — te * + oe SS == —= == here we ter al gy, and reach out for ove onthe Scans the ome 7 nid a And, caught Gy the first zaye SF | chance or ex * pe“ rivence, and) tty one gun — while the man for all sea - sons is be-hind the the man for all sea = sons is be- neath the And I should know by I should know by now 28 A B cim , fia) ag ae’ = = “E ESS = g é wo bo live in, ese them: "An Just day-dreams, de ~ celv-ing; they'll just let you 29 A Fim? era Hl Coda D.S.4al Codad AB wait for the wa = call on Je -ho = wy to ae - cept A Fim? ters of vah, some what the for - wme to cov ser them. cry out to AL fates are un - fold Eater chm 3/Di Hi RR just see the tides __ wait for the boats — some_say they're sure of all that still where the 30 chance rush - ing row Ban lah. ing, to Val - hal ~ 0 - ver them, la. Some Some while BEoT Ctm BDF A Fim? gat" fe. blame should be fall ~ ¢ ing, B Beo7 Cém B/De if 0 Bo You oak ‘round. for HB ca SS chance of fore - stail-ing, but too f it'so = ver and done, man for all. sea fF be-hind the gradual decresc. 31 The Palace Of Versailles. ‘Words & Music: Al Stewart ‘©Copyrigh 97 Dick Sunes Mesic ne. Fabs Music/Approxate Muse. DiglJames Mic Lit, 5 Theabad: Road, Laon WC2, ‘Allright reserved. inte rntonal copy secutes. Moderately slow Em. Am D Gmaj7 maj? Am oo00 6g te ‘i Fe The wands of smoke are ris - ing from the side the mid - night coun - cils, the Ghost of rev- 0 - lu - tion stl So cmaj7/e Am at D4 = a ———: =a 4 =] 6 + = 2 walls of the Bas tille, and through the streets of Par - is runs a lamps are burn - ing low. Oh, you sit” and talk alll through the night, but there's, prowis the Par - is. streets. Down all the rest-less cen= tu - ries, it — ——— —— = = = SSS =| aL “ a 37 Em c a sense of the un - real, ‘The Kings have all de - part - ed; their just no place to go, And Bo - na parte- is com = ing with his wan - ders in ~ com-plete Ie speaks in - side— the cheap red wine of cmaj7/e Am nt foal eet ser-vants are no - where. We burned out all their man- sions in the ar- my from the South. Ma - rat, your days are num- ered, And ca - fe sum ~-mer nights. Its red’ ‘and am- ber voic- es call the of Robes- pi = erre, And still we wait to see the we live hand to mouth while we wait to see the cars at waf fic lights. © Why do you — wait, to see the 33 a a eee oe ee te weer bg c DFAS B oo Won -d'ring = why, __ won = d'ving Why, it ech-oes through the _Ione-ly pal-ace of Am fo lia] Won-d'ring why, 35 Song On The Radio. Words & Music: Al Stewart pyr 1 ick nes MI Mus lAppveainate Musi. Die James Masi Li, § Then tlds Road, Lordon WC ‘AlRhts reserved, interaticnaleopyagit secured Medium Rock beat Beo/ c Bb6/c c abo c bs /c ing my way_ through the waste - land the road in - to town pass - es ber the first_ time 1 saw you: a - lone in the dark— with — what it was— that was pain - ful, but some-timesit's there- in your trough. 1 was chang-ing the ra-di-o sta - tions with my drink, with a candle flame burn-Ing be - fore—— you, ‘and your face. ‘There are times when you just look dis- dein — full of the Bb6/C c Bb6/C. ! eB fe La Be + = SS [Ss SSS cc. Shige ees aay oa ie re ee a Ss oa 4 SS = SSS it that's not the way that you to hear what "1 cir - cle each oth - erin seem = ing — of a gentle mis - no-mer — you put up—such re - sist-ance, er we roll_like the 0 ~cean F fora in its 7 pbs “. & It's too much. Why did — till to gethe Hey shooting star.— lke allthe lights were red? bed at night. you aad me, Pr Bb/F FE AE ‘There's real-ly no hid ing, Til tell you right now what we're goa = na do. We'll go col-lect-ing the days, — — B26 /C c Bb6 ER — like a song on the ra You're on my mind, 3b6/C ( — like a song on the ra - di-o, abo/e. ic 2S Coda 9 Baty] PStetcotee Op T re-mem- I don"t know. Repeat and fade Bb6/C. 0 a a song on the ra lnepeat and fade 39 Flying Sorcery. ‘©Copyright 19% Gwyneth Musici, ‘5 Fheotalls Road, Lordon NCL Allright teserved.Iternstorlcoptigh secured. Moderately, in 2 Tacet With your pho - to - graphs. of Kit - ty Hawk and the bi - planes on your wall, wrapped me up —— in a leath - er coat_ and you took me fora» tide sin comes up —— on Ie - a-rus__ as the night birds sail a - way Am 6 youwere al - ways A= my John - son from the time that you were small. We were drift - ing with the tail _ windwhen the run - way came in sight and lights the maps and di a- grams that Le - 0 mar do. makes. 40. school - room kept you ground while your thoughts clouds came up to gath us and the cock see Faith, Hope and Char i - ty as they bank — get a> way. You were tak - ing off__ in tumed to whice When 1 looked the sky was bove the fields. You can join the fly ing s Em x000 fa brushstrokes. of the day, saw the— land-ing lights. — against your wheels a-gainst_ the youney - er the morn - ing air Ti+ get Moths, your wings— emp-ty; 1” sup -pose — circus; you can touch— rt a lew Are you there— Are you there Are you ther onthe tar - mac with the win - inyour jack - et with the grease doyou have a thought for me— © Em oto Bm Brea) a oi am = emp -ty hang -ar doors_ you stop and Leave the Caught up in’ the slip ~ stream of the The nev - er thought you'd take me un- a Just D Des Emi | aa on glee . B iE Ppt e = — a oe oil drums. be - hind. yous they won't care. com-passroads will guide you an - y - where. call me if you ev - er need re - _ pairs are you there? are you there? are you there? 43, Valentina Way. Words & Music: Al Stewart rab ue Muse Dick James Muse La 5 Theabals Rose, Loon WCL ‘Ait reserved. iteration copyright tere. re Bright beat (J d=d 3) No chord 4a S EE Find an - oth - er lov - er to - mor 1 don’t think she’s read- y to lis find an - oth = er lov - er T don't think she wants to ly fallin’ in-to de = cay. — a but-ter-fly like thet that you're sure - to at - tract — It’s time to re -con - struct— T think she took the boat - time to test. the wa tera = gain. may - be caught the aight ex = press. Well, it’s sad to see, it’s a trag- She's got de - vious les and cha- me - be e dy —that you're wast ing a - iF leon eyes,_and she can't care less._ ~~. Oh, sfo a fd fi ct, ———— Look a - round; tell me, ist real - ly worth the price that you pay — buy yourself a tiek- ec) onan “oy sthing leav = in’ to-day 46 Gsuse on Valeen- ti ~ on Val-en- ti - a7 Ab Bb ee" ay lights and bars Gust fay’ comes down and up the stars, — the night steps out of gus tars. D.S.S and fade

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