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Group Project Assessment Concepts of Teamwork/Collaboration Rubric

Below Proficient (1) Approaching Proficient (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

TEACHER QUALITY STANDARD III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their
Teamwork students. ELEMENT G: Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language.
THE TEACHER: Models effective communication skills. THE TEACHER: Maintains a positive, productive and respectful relationship with colleagues.

Team members communicate

Some team members Team members communicate well, regularly, being clear about time
Team members have significant
communicate better than and are clear about expectations conflicts. Communication between
trouble communicating and
Communication others, with some being difficult and deadlines. At times group individual teammates takes place
contacting one another, making
to contact. members may be unreachable, often; entire group meets as a whole
group work difficult.
but they inform one another. at times.

Team members have trouble Team members know their roles

Team members work well together to
Team members work working together, but and work well together, resolving
create a seamless finished product;
independently and without collaborate loosely creating a disagreements to create a finished
evidence supports strong connection
Collaboration collaboration; no connection product that does not flow well; product; evidence supports a
between content areas and little to no
established between content evidence supports some connection between content areas
areas, or significant redundancy. connection between content and there are few examples of
areas, redundancy apparent. redundancy.
Each team member is clear of
Each team member is clear on what
Some team members contribute what is expected of them,
Some team members do a little is expected of them, completes
Contribution much more than others and completes tasks with few time
more than others. assigned tasks thoroughly and on
workload is very uneven. extensions and makes up for
lapses in work.

Team members do not listen to Team members are open and Team members are extremely
Team members are respectful
Respect one another and have rude receptive to new ideas, with minor respectful and open to one anothers
to one another at times.
interactions. disagreements. ideas.

Group Project Assessment Written Reports and Presentation Rubric

Below Proficient (1) Approaching Proficient (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

Mostly accurate analysis of

Written content accurately Written content accurately analyzes
Does not fully provide an explicit and implicit content.
analyzes explicit and implicit explicit and implicit content that goes
accurate analysis of explicit and There is an identifiable central
content and demonstrates a beyond summary to provide
Discussion Posts implicit content. Central idea is idea, some evidence and
strong central topic, clear details, coherent, compelling, comprehensive
(Content) unclear, evidence is missing or comprehension of content.
supporting arguments. Largely and appropriate presentation of
irrelevant; inappropriate to task or Does not address counter
appropriate to task, purpose, and ideas with skilled argument, purpose,
audience. arguments; not appropriate to
audience. and voice.
task or audience.

Has a consistent command of the

Some coherence, clarity, and conventions of English as well as Demonstrates strong command of
There is little or no coherence,
cohesion of ideas. An attempt MLA style. Mostly error-free, errors MLA conventions and presentation,
clarity, and cohesion of ideas. The
at structure. Inconsistent do not impede understanding. and shows deliberate care to be error
style does not suit the task. There
Discussion Posts command of MLA style and Style is engaging and voice is free. Employs elevated style and
is little or no command of
(Format) Standard English conventions. evident. Central idea is evident. fluency with strong voice.
standard English, MLA formatting
Some attempt to suite style to Organization is developed logically Organization is purposeful, coherent,
and conventions.
task. and structure supports the clear and serves to deliver the
progression of ideas. content logically and powerfully.

Below Proficient (1) Approaching Proficient (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

Chosen presentation methods and

Chosen presentation methods Chosen presentation methods Chosen presentation methods and
tools align with course
and tools do not align with and tools align with course tools align with course expectations
expectations and most elements
Presentation course expectations. Elements expectations but are found and all elements contribute towards
(Methods) contribute towards an increased
of presentation fail to effectively ineffective at times. Elements an increased understanding of the
understanding of the projects
increase understanding of of presentation distract from projects major topics.
major topics.
projects major topics. the projects major topics.

Fails to identify any important Identifies some important Identifies most important findings in
Identifies most important findings
findings in the research. Majority findings in the research. the research without including too
in the research. Includes some
Presentation of information is irrelevant to the Includes a substantial amount much fine print. Includes a logical
unnecessary information or
(Content) topic and action plan remains of unnecessary information and action plan for other educators to
proposes an unclear action plan.
undefined. action plan remains undefined. follow, based on the research,

Organized in a cohesive, logical,

Organizational issues strongly Some organizational errors Organized in a logical way. Flow is
easy-to-follow way. Main and sub-
detract from effectiveness of detract from the effectiveness sometimes a little choppy and
Presentation topics are clear, highlighting
(Organization) presentation. Relationships of presentation. Relationships relationships between topics are
relationships between the areas of
between topics are not between topics are unclear. not always clear.

Delivery of presentation severely Errors in the delivery of Presentation is delivered in a clear Ideas are delivered in a clear and
inhibits understanding of the presentation deter from overall and orderly manner, proving engaging manner, proving strong
topic. Numerous grammatical understanding of the topic. familiarity with subject matter and familiarity with subject matter and
and/or spelling errors exhibited in Numerous grammatical and/or organizational concepts. Few organizational concepts. Little to no
(Delivery) final product; verbal fluency spelling errors exhibited in final grammatical or spelling errors grammatical or spelling errors found
detracts from effectiveness; product; verbal fluency detracts found in text elements; acceptable in text elements; fluency is
graphic elements are from effectiveness; and fluency; and graphic elements exceptional; graphic elements are
inappropriate for the projects numerous errors found within have little to no errors. error free.
topic. graphic elements.

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