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Ira Sigman

Ms. Gilchrist

ENC 2135

19 April 2017

Presentation Script Draft

[Show the classifieds section and read through circled posts]

The economic landscape of jobs will shift in the next 15 to 20 years as more and more

jobs are automated. With that in mind the growing population will still need to work. In this

fictional newspaper, I will illustrate what is left for only humans to do. There will be three posts

that each demonstrate a facet of change. Explain 2 posts max.

[Show the clarion conversation and highlight the result of the Turing Test]

I will administer the Turing Test to a cognitive architecture. CLARION will fail the test

as all modern AI will. I will also include questions that expand upon the Turing test and show

where cognitive architectures are in understanding human slang. This shows where AI is

currently and how far it must go before it may begin to replace certain jobs.

[Short story based on the trolley problem]

Self-driving cars must be programmed with a specific set of moral standards that account

for complex implications like taking the life of a pedestrian as opposed to risking the life of

passengers. This short story explores this assertion in the context of the classic trolley problem.

The Trolley Problem is the embodiment of moral accountability for observing an act when the

ability to alter the act is withheld. Who is responsible? Who is to blame for death? There are a

couple schools of thought on this, the short story takes on a categorical imperative (Kant).

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