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A Study Analyzing the Usability EES

Written by Scout Ferguson

ENGL317 Technical Writing
16 April 2017

Table of Contents
EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................... 3
ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................................. 3
TASKS............................................................................................................. 3
EVALUATION METRICS......................................................................................... 4
LIKERT SCALE................................................................................................... 4
INTERFACE NAVIGATION...................................................................................... 5
ENTERING INPUTS AND CODE............................................................................... 6
USING SPECIAL CHARACTERS............................................................................... 7
COMMENTING................................................................................................... 8
APPLYING UNITS................................................................................................ 9
OBTAINING THE SOLUTIONS................................................................................. 9
APPLYING AND RETRIEVING MATERIAL PROPERTIES.................................................10
CREATING TABLES........................................................................................... 11
CREATING PLOTS............................................................................................. 12
FORMATTING EQUATIONS.................................................................................. 13
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................13
APPENDIX A: RAW USABILITY DATA...............................................15

A multi-variable and non-linear equation solver, EES, was analyzed for its
capability of first-time users completing simple tasks. Using a computer program
to aid in engineering calculations is a must in todays face-paced society. EES is
a very popular option when it comes to engineering due to its simplistic layout
and endless possibilities of build in functions. Engineering students in their
freshman or sophomore years should use this document to aid their learning of
EES. This analysis of usability is geared towards users with little to zero
experience with the software.

This test of usability of EES was performed off-campus using VLab on a 2011
iMac (21.5-inch screen) with the OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 operating
system. VLab is a University of Idaho specific website that allows free access for
students to mathematical modeling and engineering software. In addition to using
VLab to access the software, an Excel spreadsheet was used for evaluating task
scores and reporting the task comments.

The software is readily available on all on-campus computers. VLab gives

University of Idaho students the option to use the software at home. However, it
does take some time to set up. Contacting the university ITS Desk is the best
way to set up VLab access on a personal computer.

First-time users should begin to learn EES in a distraction-free environment. It is
crucial to learn the basics of the software in a focused manner. That being said, it
is also advised to learn the software with a small group of engineers who have
the same intentions. This usability testing was performed in a distraction-free
environment without any other individual present, just like it was recommended

Ten tasks were evaluated for their usability for EES. These tasks are as follows:

1. Interface Navigation
2. Entering Inputs and Code
3. Using Special Characters
4. Commenting
5. Applying Units
6. Obtaining the Solutions
7. Applying and Retrieving Material Properties
8. Creating Tables
9. Creating Plots
10. Formatting Equations

Evaluation Metrics
The following five metrics will be used for the evaluation of EES:

Effective: How easy the task is to complete without too much


Efficient: How long did the task take to complete?

Engaging: How much did the software aid in completing the task?

Error Tolerant: Did the software make it easy to debug an error?

Easy to Learn: How user-friendly was the software?

Likert Scale

NOTE: A possible of 20 points (up to four points for each of the five metrics) can be
achieved for every task using the Likert Scale above. The software can achieve a total of
200 points. A score of 4 represents the best usability experience and a score of 1
represents a very unfriendly usability experience.

Interface Navigation
New users may feel discouraged from trying out new software if the interface
looks too complicated or if it requires tutorials prior to using. The layout of the
interface will determine how fast a user can navigate through the software. The
faster an individual can learn, the more efficient they will become with the

The EES interface (when opened up using the default viewer settings) consists of
a toolbar at the top with a large blank window called the Equations Window
below it. Almost all of the coding will be done in the Equations Window. Figure 1
shows what the user should see when first opening up the software. First time
users may be overwhelmed with not knowing what the nameless buttons do in
the toolbar. It is best to hover the cursor over a button and see what description
the text gives.

Figure 1: This is the default-viewing interface for EES when the software is
opened up.

Entering Inputs and Code

The main purpose of EES is to solve complex systems of equations. For
engineers, most of the equations have already been established throughout
history and have been taught in classes. It is the users responsibility to type in
the equations that are needed. The Equations Window is where the user types
their code of equations.

Along with the equations, users must also have known inputs so that the
integrated solver knows which numbers go where. For every unknown variable,
there must be an equal amount of equations. For example, if there are three
unknown variables, then there must be three relatable equations. Figure 2 shows
that there is an equation and two known variable inputs. There is one equation
because there is on unknown variable.

Figure 2: Two known inputs and one known equation are entered in the
Equations Window. Once the solve button is clicked, the unknown variable z
can be found.

Unfortunately, the lines of equations only appear on a single line. This means that
fractions can only be typed in as x/y or power equations must be input as x^2.
Viewing equations in a formatted version is possible and will be covered in a later

As noted before, the equation is a little difficult to read since it can only be
expressed on one line of code. In actuality, the equation should read as:
2 2 2
x + y =z
Comparing this to x^2+y^2=z^2, it can be noted that first time users may have a
bit of a difficult time making sure the equations are set up correctly.

Using Special Characters

For engineers, communicating via Greek Letter and variables containing
subscripts and superscripts is very important. Many of the engineering equations
involve multiple variables that are from the Greek alphabet. Luckily, the software
allows users to use these special symbols and characters.

Users using EES will find it slightly difficult to incorporate Greek letters into their
code. There is not a drop down window or list that individuals can copy and paste
the actual Greek letter. Instead, users must spell out each of the letters- and they
must be spelled correctly! If multiple equations contain the same symbol, it has to
be typed out each and every time it is used. The one positive note to take away
from using Greek letters is that they appear how they should in the Solutions
window. Figure 3 shows the Equation Window to the left containing a spelled out
Greek letter and shows to the Solution window to the right with the actual letter.
Subscripted variables should be written as A_1. Figure 3 also demonstrates the
transformation of code to Solution variable for subscripted variables.

Figure 3: Users need to know how to spell the Greek letters. Fortunately, they
show up in the correct manner within the Solutions window.

Engineers need to communicate their ideas effectively. Therefore, it is very
important to comment out a code so that others know what it is they are looking
at. EES has a very simple method of commenting and allow users to write in a
comment on the same line as a piece of code. This makes explaining equations
and inputs very easy.

Figure 4: Two inputs can be seen as the black text along with a related comment
in blue text. Each variable has a comment entered in a different way.

EES allows users to comment a number of ways. Enclosing text with either
quotation marks or { } will turn the text into a comment. If a user has a lengthy
span of words, highlighting and then right-clicking will give the option to make it a
comment. Comments are easily distinguishable. They turn a blue color when
correctly formatted. Figure 4 shows how much meaning a comment can make!

Applying Units
Numbers mean nothing to engineers unless units are involved!

EES does an excellent job incorporating units into ever piece of information that
the user provides. Units can be entered next to inputs in the form of [your units
here]. EES recognizes all units from all systems (SI and English). Once a unit
system is picked, EES will solve all equations and inputs with respect to that
system. Units of [ft] cannot be used along with units of [m]. EES constantly
performs a sanity check for the user and makes sure that the unknown variables
units are set in the Solutions window and that the order of magnitude is
consistent throughout. There is an Automatic Units feature, however, that can
sometimes prove to be somewhat unreliable.

Figure 4 shows how units should be assigned to a variable in the Equation

Window. It can also be noted that green text appears: No unit problems were
detected. This is a fantastic piece of information for the EES user. It is very clear
that the units worked out and that the code does not have to be debugged. In the
case that the expected units turn out to be wrong, EES will navigate the user
through a couple of steps within the Solution window, stating that units of this
were expected, not units of that. The software helps the guide the
troubleshooting process.

Obtaining the Solutions

The Solution window has already been briefly mentioned while describing the
previous task of setting up appropriate units. Once an engineer has their desired
code and known variables set in the Equations Window, it is time to get some
answers! Clicking on the calculator picture in the toolbar will solve the code.
Figure 4 shows exactly what the Solution window should look like.

There could be times where the user has not defined enough variables. Figure 5
shows the resulting message.

Figure 5: Error message prompted by some mistake within the code. Debug
steps follow up if the user clicks Yes.

EES does a great job letting users know if there is something wrong with the
code. In addition, a guided debug solution can help resolve any issues that can
discourage engineers with very long strings of code.

Applying and Retrieving Material Properties

One of the greatest assets of EES is its library of material and fluid properties.
Many engineers will have to solve and estimate real application problems. EES
has built in properties of almost all metals and fluids that can be called out within
the Equations Window. Figure 6 shows the endless possibilities that EES has to

Figure 6: An immense list of structural and thermodynamic related properties is

available at the click of a button.

Specific functions can be called out, such as the density function in Figure 7.
Many of these functions require three inputs: a material and two thermodynamic
properties. Users are encouraged to browse through all of the functions within
the built-in library. Users should also remember the system and type of units that
EES is solving under. It is not advised to mix units within the code.

Figure 7: A sample function from the built-in EES library. The function can be
identified as Density and the inputs include water, temperature, and pressure.

Creating Tables
A lot of the time, engineers need to pull values from a table. A table is a list of
solutions of an equation that were found by changing the value of an input value.
In other words, a range of numbers was entered in for a particular variable and a
corresponding range of values resulted for the unknown variable. EES makes
creating tables a very simple process. The official name of a tale in EES is a
Parametric Table. It is very easy to add variables for which you would like to
make a range of values for. Figure 8 shows what users should see when creating
a parametric table. The layout is very user-friendly and adding variables to create
a table is very straightforward. The task of adding more variables to an existing
parametric table is just as easy for users to complete.

Figure 8: Parametric Tables are very useful in EES. Add variables to get a range
of solutions, not just a single answer.

Creating Plots
There is nothing better than being able to visualize an engineers data. Plots
allow users to plot there equations and functions for a better representation
(instead of just looking at numbers).

EES gives users the option to use a multitude of plot styles, such as a typical X-Y
Plot or a Bar Plot. For plotting to occur, the user MUST make a parametric table
of the relation they are trying to see. Once a parametric table is complete, the
graphing can begin! Assigning a variable to an axis takes only seconds.
Changing the color, thickness, and point shape can be achieved by right-clicking
on the curve once it has been plotted. EES makes customizing plots a very
simple process that showcases effective results. The options of adding a legend
or displaying the equation are also available. Figure 9 shows a simple plot for the
equation y=2 x 2+ x .

Figure 9: A simple plot of the function y=2 x 2+ x .


Formatting Equations
Engineers mainly use EES for homework and projects. Professors are not going
to want to take the time to go through the equations if they are not presented
neatly. Thankfully, EES has incorporated a formatted view to help aid in equation
visualization. In the Windows tab, users will find the option to view their code in
a formatted fashion. Figure 10 shows the comparison between Equations
Window Code and the Formatted Equations Code.

Figure 10: Comparison of the Equations Window and the Formatted Equations
window. The latter is much easier to read.

One of the drawbacks is that this option is only for viewing purposes. To make
changes to code, users must go back to the Equations Window. Changes cannot
be made in the Formatted Equations, however, reopening the window is not
difficult at all.

Conclusion and Recommendations

EES is such an important tool for all engineers alike. It can handle multivariable
systems of equations and allow users to incorporate structural and
thermodynamic properties. Although you get a large white equation window from
the start, EES is very user-friendly overall. It is more capable than other equation
solvers, such as TK Solver, and the software helps with debugging and
troubleshooting user code. I would highly recommend all engineers to learn how
to use this software. It beats looking up values from tables and completing
problems by hand. It would be a great idea to allow users to enter in code in a
formatted view. Once one becomes sufficient with the program, formatting
viewing isnt a huge concern. However, the option should be available for first
time users wanting to learn the software. It would make a better initial experience
and speed up the learning curve. EES scored a 165/200 when it came to
experiencing EES for a first-time user (See Appendix A.). I highly encourage
students to learn this software even though there are a couple of things that will
take time to get used to.


Appendix A: Raw Usability Data


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