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Survey Results
Total Number of Partcipants 15
Question Responses or Summary of Responses
Did you do any research
about FACS or our majors
before arriving today? If so,
where did you find the 8% selected 'FACS
information? 66% replied 'No' 26% selected 'Website' Student'
After today's session, do you
have a clear understanding of
what students within FACS
study? 100% replied 'Yes'
Do you have internal What is your success Do you offer
scholarships? rate with getting jobs? networking events?
Can a student have How will you prepare
What questions do you still two majors within students for graduate
want answered? different colleges? school?
Of the following choices,
which would you most like to 10% selected 'Financial
learn more about? 86% selected 'Careers in FACS'

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