Civil Rights Lesson Plan 5

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Name: Megan Ryan

Unit: The Civil Rights Movement

Title of Lesson: What is Segregation?
Grade: 3rd Grade
Subject: Social Studies

Integration of Learning Outcomes

SWBAT define segregation as setting a person apart from another person
SWBAT understand the concept of the Jim Crow laws that were set up throughout the country
SWBAT will be able to comprehend the themes presented in the picture book, Ruth and the Green Book

Social Studies Standards

5.3.3.F Explain how an action may be just or unjust
8.3.3.D Identify and describe how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have
impacted the history and development of the U.S.

Language Arts Standards

CC.1.2.3.A Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the
main idea
CC.1.2.3.B Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to
support responses

NCSS Themes
Explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies,
and cultures address similar human needs and concerns
Give examples of how experiences may be interpreted differently by people from
diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference
Individuals, Groups, Institutions
Identify and describe examples of tensions between and among individuals,
groups, or institutions and how belonging to more than one group can cause internal
Identify and describe examples of tension between an individual's beliefs and
government policies and laws
Power, Authority, & Governance
Give examples of how government does or does not provide for needs and wants
of people, establish order and security, and manage conflict
Identify and describe factors that contribute to cooperation and cause disputes
within and among groups and nations
Recognize and give examples of the tensions between the wants and needs of
individuals and groups, and concepts such as fairness, equity, and justice
Anticipatory Set
Teacher will randomly distribute red and blue shirts (pinnies) to every student and separate them into two
distinct groups: students with red shirts and students with blue shirts
Teacher says that everyone with a blue shirt must sit in the back of the classroom and that everyone with a
red shirt will sit in the front of the classroom
Teacher says that everyone with a blue shirt will have to take a pop quiz, but everyone with a red shirt
will automatically get As
Teacher puts a line of tape along the floor and says that everyone with red shirts can wander anywhere
they want in the classroom, but everyone with a blue shirt cannot go past the line of tape, if they do, they
will lose their recess for the day
Teacher says that this exercise was just a simulation and that none of those events will actually happen
Teacher asks everyone how they felt (whether they were wearing a blue or red shirt) when they were
given certain rules

Teacher will ask students to take notes on key facts throughout the lesson, teacher will write the highlights
of the lesson on the chalk board as he/she touches upon each topic (items with bold print in the
procedures section will be written on the board for students)
Teacher displays Jim Crow sign on the projection screen (see appendix A)
Teacher describes where the name Jim Crow came from
Explain that this name was dates back to the pre Civil War era
A white actor portrayed a clumsy and uncivilized African American character named Jim Crow,
portraying the African American race as stupid and inferior
In the 19th century, Jim Crow became a term to describe anti-black laws
Teacher explains that the Jim Crow laws were the basis for segregation. Teacher asks the class what they
think the word segregation means through classroom discussion; teacher will then read the actual
definition of the word
Segregation: the action of setting someone apart from other people
Teacher will describe how African Americans were treated even though they had rights listed within the
Teacher will review the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments:
13th Amendment- the abolishment of slavery
14th Amendment- everyone born or naturalized in the United States are American citizens
including African Americans
15th Amendment- prohibits the government from denying citizens the right to vote based on race,
color, or previous condition of servitude
Teacher will explain how these specific amendments build off of one another
Example: You cannot be a citizen until you are free and you
cannot vote until you are a citizen
Teacher will explain that these Amendments did not guarantee a good life for African Americans and that
many states tried to find ways around these constitutional laws (especially the 15th Amendment)
Many southern states used taxes and literacy tests to turn away African American voters
Teacher will explain that although racism and segregation happened all around the United States, it
happened primarily in the south, especially in former slave states
Teacher gathers the class in a group on the floor and introduces the picture book Ruth and the Green Book
by Calvin Alexander Ramsey
Teacher performs a picture walk through with the class and asks them to make predictions about the story
by looking at the illustrations- Teacher will project this on the projector screen
Look at the scenery, where do you think Ruth and her family are traveling from and to?... What is the
difference between the picture of the white man on page 8 and the African American man and woman on
pages 15 and 18?...What do you think is in the Green Book?
Teacher will supply students with a story map that they will be able to fill out following the discussion of
the storybook to use for future reference
Teacher reads Ruth and the Green Book
After reading Ruth and the Green Book, the teacher begins a discussion about the story
Where were Ruth and her family traveling to during the story? Is that state in the north or the south?
Why did the attendant at the gas station tell Ruth and her mother that they were not allowed to use the
bathroom? Where did he tell them they had to go if they wanted to go to the bathroom?
How would you feel if you were treated the way Ruth and her mother were treated?
What did Ruth receive when she and her family stopped at one of the Esso stations that her fathers friend
Eddy told them about?
What was in the Green Book that Ruth received?
How do you think Ruth and her familys trip would have been different if they did not have the Green

Teacher will meet the needs of visual and auditory learners
The teacher will provide a projection of the storybook Ruth and the Green Book on the big screen to
guarantee that all students will be able to follow along with the story (see appendix B)
Teacher will meet the needs of reading and writing learners
The teacher will provide a story map for students, that will supply room for note taking about important
characters, vocabulary, settings, and important events (see appendix C)

Teacher will review how the class felt when certain groups (red shirts or blue shirts) were being treated
differently just because of the color of the shirt they were wearing
Teacher will review the term segregation and how it applied to African Americans
What were some of the rules for African Americans, especially in the South?
Teacher will close the discussion by asking students why it is important to include everyone, regardless of
who they are or what they look like

Formative Assessment
Teacher will assess the students understanding of what segregation is through observations during class
Teacher will also check the story map students have filled out about Ruth and the Green Book to make
sure the students understood the important aspects of the story

Red and Blue Shirts (pinnies) to distribute to the class to initiate a simulation of segregation
Tape to divide the room, in respect to the simulation
Pictures of Jim Crow signs (posted on projector)
Ruth and the Green Book by Calvin Alexander Ramsey
Citation: Ramsey, C.A., Strauss, G., & Cooper, F. (2013). Ruth and the Green
Book. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Projected onto projector screen
Story Map Worksheet

Computer to access images of Jim Crow signs and enlarged images of Ruth and the Green Book by
Calvin Alexander Ramsey
Projector/Projection Screen


Name: ____________________________________________________

What did Eddy tell Ruth's mom and dad about driving further south? Why would things get worse the
farther south Ruth and her family traveled?

What was the Negro Motorist Green Book? Who started this book?

How would Ruth and her family's trip have been different if they did not come across the Green Book?

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