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NAME: ............................................................ CLASS:.....



SECTION A: Questions 01 to 06 are based on the following passage.

1 It was a lovely summers day and after a challenging semester at college, the
prospect of being home filled Arvind with excitement. Within an hour of leaving his
hostel, he was at the train station ready to begin his long, tedious journey.

2 Arvind joined the impatient passengers elbowing their way onto the train. The
coach was packed with people trying to get to their seats. If any similarity was to be 5
found between ants and human beings, this was the place!. He closed his eyes
and started thinking of home; the food he would relish, the friends he would meet
and the hours he would spend watching television.

3 After about fifteen minutes, the train hooted and pulled out of the station. Arvind
noticed that the seat opposite him remained vacant. Expecting the long journey to 10
be very boring, Arivind took off his glasses and tried to sleep. Some time later, the
train stopped at a station before moving on again. Suddenly, his rest was disturbed
by a movement. He could vaquely see the shape of a suitcase, followed by a
human silhouette. His eyesight was very poor so he put on his glasses and what he
saw took his breath away. There, in the opposite seat, was a girl of about his age 15
with all the features that a teenage boy would look for in his dream girl.

4 Of course, she did not notice Arvind, but other passengers glanced at him
curiously what was a teenager doing sleeping with his glasses on? He may have
looked as if he was asleep but Arvind slept very little that night.

5 The next day, he was very energetic, or as teenagers often say, hyperactive one 20
of the chief symptoms of trying to impress a girl. It was the first time in his life that
hed ever gone to the bathroom on a train to freshen up and make himself look
more presentable. Funnily enough, the person opposite did the same. Minutes
later, she was back in her seat.

6 There was no eye contact yet. His mind was racing fast, planning his next move 25
while the train thundered along. A line from his favourite song popped into his
head, Its Now ort Never... Plucking up courage, Arvind asked her, Tea? Short
and sweet to begin with. First, silence, then a nod. That was the start that Arvind
had been hoping for. He behaved like a perfect gentleman. Then he began to tell
about himself. She , on the other hand, was somewhat shy and said very little. 30
Lunch and dinner were at his invitation and, eventually, it was time to sleep. Just
because she had said goodnight did not mean that Arvind was to have a good
nights sleep. He spent the whole night planning how he would impress her further.
7 It was shortly after dawn when they arrived at their destination. Arvind saw his
parents waiting on the platform. Waving happily, they came towards him and 35
hugged him. Arvinds mother said, We are so..... Before she could finish her
sentence, she noticed the girl who was standing behind him.

8 Hello Madam Saraswathy, how are you? Remember me? Im Sneha, your ex-
student from Class 2007.

9 Yes, of course! You were my favourite student. Youve grown into a beautiful 40
young lady! Were you two in the same coach? Arvind turned and saw Sneha
nodding with a faint blushing smile. Arvind, remember Sneha? You used to play
with her when she came over for tuition, his mother said. Arvind was so
embarrassed that he could hardly speak. His heart was beating fast and he wished
the ground beneath him would swallow him up. 45

01. From paragraph 1, what was Arvind looking forward to ?


02. From paragraph 2,

(a) why do you think the passengers were compared to ants?


(b) state one reason why Arvind was eager to get home.


03. (a) From paragraph 3,

(i) why did Arvind find it difficult to see the suitcase?


(ii) which phrase tells the reader that Arvind was very surprised ?


(b) From paragraph 4, why did people on the train look at Arvind?


04. (a) From paragraph 6, lines 30-31,

That was the start that Arvind had been hoping for.
What does the expression the start refer to?


(b) From paragraph 9, why was Arvind embarrassed?

05. What do you think Arvind and Sneha did after leaving the train station?
Give a reason for your answer.

Action : ...............................................................................................................................


Reason : .............................................................................................................................


06. Arvind had an interesting encounter with Sneha during the train journey.

Based on the passage, write a summary on :

why Arvind was attracted to Sneha, and
what he did as a result of meeting her

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must:
be in continuous writing form (not note form)
use materials from line 15 line 33.
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

During the journey, Arvind was attracted to a girl who........







































SECTION B: Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

What Has Happened to Lulu?

What has happened to Lulu, mother? I woke to voices late last night,
What has happened to Lu? I heard an engine roar.
Theres nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll Why do you tell me the things I heard
And by its side a shoe. Were a dream and nothing more?

Why is her window wide, mother, I heard somebody cry, mother,

The curtain flapping free, In anger or in pain,
And only a circle on a dusty shelf But now I ask you why, mother,
Where her money-box used to be? You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you turn your head, mother, Why do you wander about as though
And why do the tear drops fall? You dont know what to do?
And why do you crumple the note on the fire What has happened to Lulu, mother?
And say it is nothing at all? What has happened to Lu?
07. From stansa 1, which line shows that Lulu is missing.


08. Name two things that the persona notices in Lulus bedroom.



09. In your opinion, why didnt Lulu take the rag-doll with her when she left?



Language Specialists

In todays world, a solid grasp of a second or third

language is essential for day-to-day communication,
further studies and future job prospects.

At Fitrah Language Enterprise, we teach languages for

communication and writing purposes. We offer
personalised language classes for children and adults on a
one-to-one basis in the comfort of your own home.

SECTION C : Using the information from the poster

LANGUAGE given, complete the table below.

We also welcome applications from candidates interested

to join our organization as language tutors. Eligible
candidates must possess a language degree and have a
minimum of three years experience in language teaching.

For further information, please call: Encik Rahim (016-

6606677) or
Miss Aida (017-2233888) or log on to
Questions 10 -19.

Using the information given, complete the graphic organizer below.


The learning of another language is 10.

useful for : ____________________________________________


Custom-made language classes 13.
offered for : ____________________________________________


Venue : 15.

Positions vacant : 16.


Requirements : 17.


For enquiries, contact : 19.


[ 10mark}

Prepared by, Verified by,

.......................................... .............................................

(Puan Che Mah bt Kader)

English Panel




1 1. (Being ) home The prospect of being It was a lovely......with
Idea of home home.....excitement.= 1 excitement.= 0
1 2a. The coach was packed (the idea of The coach was If any similarity was to
being crowded) packed ....seats= 1 be found....the place = 0

1 2b.(the)food/friends/ television The impatient passengers

elbowing... seats. = 1
b. if more than 1 reason,
all reasons Must be
1 3a. (i) He did not have his glasses on./ Arvind took off.... his The inclusion of His
his eyesight was poor glasses. eyesight was...his
glasses = 0
1 (ii) took his breath away And what he saw took his There,in the opposite
breath away. seat... dream girl.= 0

1 3b. (he was) sleeping with glasses on What was a teenager ...
with his glasses on.= 1
1 4a. The girls nod./ a nod (idea of the The inclusion of
girls first response/ acknowledgement) First,silence denies the
4b. He used to play with the girl./ He
1 had not recognised her before./She
knew his mother/he had been caught
with a girl by his mother.

5. Possible answers:
(1,1) -went separate ways they were to embarfassed./ They wanted to spend time with their
(1, 0) families.
( 0,0) -exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch.
-They went for coffee They were hungry.

(Any other plausible action with logical reason)

Sample answer for summary.

During the journey, Arvind was attracted to a girl who // had amazing features(2). He was enthusiastic
about impressing Sneha the next day(6). For the first time, he went to the bathroom on a train to freshen
up(7) and make himself more presentable.(8)He was nervous about making his next move.(9) He plucked
up his courage after remembering a line from a song and asked Sneha out for tea.(10) Sneha nodded.
Arvind started with some talk, acted very politely(11) and talked about himself.(12) He invited Sneha for
lunch and dinner(13). Soon it was lights out. He could not sleep well and made further plans to impress
Sneha.(14) (95 words)


1. of about his age

2. with all the features that a teenage boy would look for in his dream girl
3. had his glasses on
4. he may have looked as if he was asleep.
5. Arvind slept very little that night
6. trying to impress the girl
7. gone to the bathroom on a train to freshen up.
8. make himself look more presentable.
9. planning his next move
10. Plucking up courage, Arvind asked her, Tea?
11. behaved like a perfect gentleman
12. he began to tell her about himself
13. Lunch and dinner were at his invitation
14. He spent the whole night planning how he would impress her

Content points given above are direct quotes


7. Line 3 Theres nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll

8. (i) An old rag-doll in her bed. (ii) A shoe by her bedside

9. She didnt need the doll anymore. / She was in a rush./ She was leaving her childhood behind.

She felt that she was an adult./ She was travelling light. (Any other plausible answers.)

NOTES: Relevant plausible response = 2m

Partial or unclear response = 1m
e.g. She didnt need./ Grow up
Irrelevant /implausible response = 0

SECTION C (10 marks)

10. Day-today communication

11. Further studies INTERCHANGABLE

12. Future job prospects


14. Adults

15. The students own home

16. Language tutors

17. Three years teaching experience INTERCHANGABLE

18. A language degree

19. En. Rahim / Miss Aida / log on to

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