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Lawwill, Pruette 1

Tyler Lawwill and HIllary Pruette

Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1104

27 February 2017

Multimodal Project Proposal

Four to five million concussions occur annually with rising numbers among

middle school and high school athletes. One in five high school athletes will obtain a

sports related concussion during the season, 47%, almost half, of those concussions will

come from high school football. 33% of high school athletes who have sports

concussions report two or more in the same year. That being said it is clear that football is

a dangerous sport for concussions and steps need to be taken to improve safety of the

players. If concussions occur too often or go undetected they can result in long term brain

damage or even fatalities. In order to protect young athletes coaches, players, and their

parents should be aware of how to detect a concussion and how to evaluate one. They

should also be familiar of how dangerous they can be. This document proposes a review

of how to monitor and prevent concussions more efficiently in order to protect youth

athletes. We will certainly use the linguistic mode by using speech and writing to present

our project. Being specific in word choice will also fall under the linguistic category. We

plan to just put basic ideas on our slides and then go into more depth through speaking

when we present. We doubt we will use many if any pictures in our presentation but it is

very likely that charts will show up for the visual mode. Incorporation of the spatial mode

is important to create an organized look to the project, being careful not to overcrowd the
Lawwill, Pruette 2

slides. Included in this proposal are a project plan, justification, roles and responsibilities,

and a timeline of each stage of the project.

For our project we plan on using PowerPoint because that is what both of us are

the most comfortable with. We will talk about the past of concussions including statistics

and how to improve those in the future i.e. the safety of youth athletes. As for the media

assets we will use charts to show different statistics of concussions in kids and young

adults. We might also include a short video about how concussions affect kids and the

side effects that they cause.

We can assume the majority of the people in the class will have children one day,

we can then expect that some of those kids will engage in youth sports particularly

football. In that event it is important for the audience to take in our information about

youth concussions in order to preserve our kids head health. Our proposed plan is

appropriate and effective because we are using a tool that we are familiar with therefore

we can focus our attention on the actual project and the project research instead of

spending our time trying to figure out how to put the information together.

Since there are only two of us Tyler and Hillary will work together on every part

of the project. It is important to make sure the project flows and to ensure that happens

we will do it all together. We do not feel the need to split up the work in order to get it all

done. We will both take part in the research for the project as well as putting it together

for the final product. It is important that we include both of our thoughts and opinions

when raising awareness of youth concussions.

First we will complete the project proposal that is due on February 27th. We then

will continue the research for our project so that we can sort through our information and
Lawwill, Pruette 3

put it together on our slide show. We then can put our thoughts together and put them into

the slides. Once our presentation is complete it will be beneficial for us to go through and

present it multiple times so that we can present it to the class and feel comfortable with

our information.

To end our presentation we will talk about different ways that we can reduce the

number of concussions in kids and young adults. The takeaway message will be that

having multiple concussions can cause many different psychological problems later in

life and we need to protect our kids from head trauma while they are playing different


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