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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Name: Sammantha Hall

Subject/Grade Lesson Title: Food Webs/ Unit: Living Systems Date or Lesson #: 4/27/17
Level: Science/ 4th Food Chains (Thursday)

Virginia SOL/National Standard:

4.5 The student will investigate and understand how plants and animals, including humans, in an
ecosystem interact with one another and with the nonliving components in the ecosystem. Key
concepts include
a) plant and animal adaptations;
b) organization of populations, communities, and ecosystems and how they interrelate;
c) flow of energy through food webs;
d) habitats and niches;
e) changes in an organisms niche at various stages in its life cycle; and
f) influences of human activity on ecosystems.

Students will illustrate the food webs in a local area.

Measurable Lesson Objective(s): SWBAT investigate the flow of energy through food webs in an ecosystem.

Materials/Technologies/Resources Needed:
1. Food Chain Cards- one per student
2. Paper Plates- one per student
3. One pencil per student
4. Food Chain Sentence Frames- one per student
5. Food Chain Flocabulary-
6. One pair of scissors per student
7. One gluestick per student
8. Colored Pencils
9. Yarn- cut up to create food web
10. Food Web Activity Cards (closure activity)
11. Tape
12. Projector

Assessment (Formative and/or Summative): Students will correctly order food chains to demonstrate an
understanding of the flow of energy through food webs.

Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda): Today we are going to continue talking about food chains and food webs.
Can anyone remind me what our main energy source is?

Teacher will: Let a student Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

answer the question. Raise hand, and if Time:
chosen, share answer. 1 minute
Access /Review Prior Knowledge: I want you to watch this short clip and see if you can remind me of the
parts to our food chain. What were some of the examples given?

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Let students answer each Share ideas. Time: 7
question. minutes

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed or built)

Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding
Independent Practice

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Teaching Process and Teaching Process and Time:
Modeling/ Guided Practice Modeling/ Guided Practice
1. Use sentence starters 1. Complete food
and food chain cards chain activity
to make a food chain along with 40 minutes
on the paper plate. teacher.
Independent Practice
1. Let students create Independent Practice Help Students 1, 2, 3, 4,5, and 6
their own food chain 1. Create own food brainstorm ideas.
on the back of their chain on the back
plate. of their paper

Closure: Today we are going to create a food web using animals and plants in our area. We are going to
use yarn to connect each person to the animals/plants that they eat. This will help us create our food chains
to make a giant food web.

Teacher will: Tape an Students will: Work as a Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

animal/plant/sun card to class to complete food Let Students 2 and 3 be the Time:
each student. Help web. sun or a plant. 10 minutes
students connect the
strings to create the food

Declarative Summary Statement: Today we learned how to investigate the flow of energy through food webs
in an ecosystem.

Activity If Extra Time Remains or Technology Fails:

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Verbally go over material. Listen. Time:
Same amount
Give students more time to Complete Food Web Activity. of time
complete Food Web Activity.

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