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Multi Modal Project Graphics

Football and Hockey are both

considered to be tough sports that

often have injuries. This graph

shows just how many more injuries

football has between the ages of 5-

18. While this chart isnt on just

football it shows us how rough it is.

Also in some way the graphs

Fig. 1 Number of Injuries Related to Sports for
correlate all injuries and individual
Ages 5-18

Data Source: Helix: Connecting Science to You

This table shows us what the

impact of the concussion was

from. Most are from other kids

helmets. Hitting someone in the

head directly with your head is

against the rules. These rules are

a result of all the concussions

from head to head contact in

Fig. 2 Concussions by Impact Source- Regular

Season, 20
This picture shows the process of a

concussion and how it happens. It

then explains the levels of severity;

grade 1 is confusion lasting less than

15 minutes. Grade 2 is confusion and

amnesia lasting more than 15

minutes. Grade 3 consists of brief

unconsciousness and more serious

amnesia. I think all concussions

Fig. 3 Concussions should be taken serious no matter

Data Source: Silive: Scary Statistics About


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