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The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare- Vocabulary Stations

Name: Hallie Utter Date: 3/31/17
Curriculum/Course: English Language Arts Grade level: 3rd Grade
- Imagine it! Books
- Earthquake! PowerPoint
- Written Activity Directions
- Vocabulary Word List
- Large Letters
- Tape
- Paint Samples
Time/Period: 50 Minutes - Pencil
- Thesaurus
- Legos
- Beach ball
- Vocabulary Charades Word List
- Lined Paper
- Timer
- Clipboards
- Exit Ticket
-CCSS.ELA.RL.3.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing
literal from nonliteral language.
-CCSS.ELA.L.3.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in
word meanings.

A) Using the vocabulary from Earthquake! The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare, students will determine an
unknown word using context cues with 75% accuracy.
B) Using the vocabulary from Earthquake! The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare, students will distinguish
synonyms, antonyms, and the spelling of each vocabulary word with 75% accuracy.
C) Using the vocabulary from Earthquake! The 1906 San Francisco Nightmare, students will write a
narrative using a different vocabulary word for each sentence with 75% accuracy.

Outcome Statement
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to determine an unknown word using context cues with 75%
accuracy, distinguish synonyms, antonyms, and the spelling of each vocabulary word with 75% accuracy and
write a narrative using a different vocabulary word for each sentence with 75% accuracy.
Assessment (Formative, Summative)

Formative Assessment: I will observe students as they tell me what each word means based off the context
clues in the story. I will model context clues to those students who are having a hard time determining the
word. I will also observe students as they complete the charades activity to see if they can guess what
vocabulary word their group member is trying to act out.
Formative Assessment: Students will complete an exit slip that allows me to check to see if they understand
synonyms and antonyms of the vocabulary words.
Formative Assessment: I will collect the students narratives to see how well they were able to use the
vocabulary words. I will use these papers to determine where the students are at in their writing and see what
we need to improve on as a class.
Introduction/Hook (15 Minutes)
Prior to the lesson, I will have the vocabulary PowerPoint projected on the screen. Each of the five stations
will be set up and spread out around the room (Vocabulary Charades, Six Synonyms, Antonym Architecture,
Leaping for Letters, Wordy Writing). I will begin the lesson by having all the students sit in their seats. I will
ask the students, Using what you know about earthquakes, what do you think are some safety tips? (Seek
cover, get away from windows/tall, heavy furniture, duck/cover, practice drills beforehand). Then, I will ask
students to open their Imagine It! books to page 165 and look at the top of the page where it states vocabulary
warm up. I will explain that this warm up is explaining some helpful safety tips for earthquakes, however there
are a few words that I might have some trouble with. I will read through the first safety tip (slide 2) with the
students and ask, Im not sure what the word shattered means, how could we figure that out? (Context cues,
broken). I will go through each safety tip and have students use context cues to determine the vocabulary word.
After we decide what the vocabulary word means, we will read the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. After
each word, we will go through the PowerPoint and review each of the eight vocabulary words.
Steps in the lesson (25 Minutes)
1. I will explain to the students that today we will be completing five stations to work on these eight
vocabulary words.
-Leaping for Letters: Students will choose a vocabulary word from their list and choose the correct
letters from the pile to spell that word. They will then spell the word on the board using the letters and
sticky tac. Students will then spell the word by jumping and hitting each letter, as the student touches
the letter they must say the letter. Once the student has spelled out the word, move onto another word.
-Six Synonyms: For each vocabulary word, students will choose a paint sample and write the word in
bold on the first color. They will then write five synonyms for the word on the following colors
underneath. Once students complete one word they will move onto the next. Students may use a
thesaurus to help them identify synonyms for the word if they get stuck.
-Antonym Architecture: Students will build a tower of Legos that matches antonyms for the
vocabulary word they choose. Students will choose a vocabulary word which is label in red, and then
add on Legos that are antonyms for that word. Students may use a thesaurus to help them identify
synonyms for the word if they get stuck.
-Vocabulary Charades: Students will begin by having one group member toss the beach ball to another
member. Whatever color their right thumb lands on, matches a vocabulary word on the Vocabulary
Charades Word Sheet. This student will act out the word while his or her group members try to guess it.
The process then repeats. I will emphasis that students need to take turns at this station.
-Wordy Writing: Each student will grab a piece of lined paper and a pencil. Each member will have a
minute to write a sentence using a vocabulary word of their choice. After a minute, students will switch
seats with the person to their right. They will then get a minute to read their classmates sentence and
write another sentence adding onto their story. However, their sentence must use a different vocabulary
word then what was already used. This process will continue until time is up.
2. I will explain to the class that they will have five minutes to complete each activity. They will not be able to
complete every vocabulary word at each activity, so they need to change their vocabulary words as they go. I
will ask if there are any questions and I will answer any questions students have. I will then group students into
five and allow them to begin. I will monitor the time and rotate each group every five minutes.
Closure Activity/Wrap up (10 Min.)
I will have students pick up their station, put the synonym paint samples in their mailboxes and return to their
seats. I will then pass out an exit ticket containing synonyms, antonyms, and determining what the vocabulary
word means based on context cues. I will display the exit ticket on the document camera and explain the
directions to the students. When they have completed the exit ticket, they will turn it into the In-Box and then
silently read.

What will I differentiate? Content Process Product

How will I differentiate? For readiness By interest Learning profiles Ability level Affect
Specific Student / Group:

Kinesthetic: Students will be jumping during the vocabulary activity. They will also be acting out the
vocabulary word while completing charades.
Visual: Students will be spelling out the word during the vocabulary activity. They will be creating a visual
representation of both synonyms and antonyms. They also will have a visual representation of the definition of
the vocabulary word during charades.
Auditory: Students will be spelling the word out loud during the vocabulary activity. They will also be
allowed to make sound during the charades activity when acting out the word.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: This student will sit close to the teacher and has his back to the
window. The directions for each activity will be provided both written and verbal. I will check in with this
student constantly to make sure that he is completing each activity and has a positive mood.

Auditory Impairment: During these activities, the classroom door will be shut to prevent auditory
distractions. I will also use several types of visual supplements (PowerPoint presentation, document camera,
whiteboard etc.) While reviewing the vocabulary words from the reading, the word, definition, synonyms and
antonyms will be captioned.

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