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EDU 542 Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Title (Size 16)

Vocabulary Acquisition Model

Grade 2 English Language Arts
Lesson plan@ 50 and Reflection @ 50
Materials Vocabulary cards, Graphic organizer, Wonders Story
- Across
- Borrow
- Countryside
- Idea
- Insists
- Lonely
- Solution
- Villages
Literature Wonders Story

Students in grade 2 will demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Blooms Taxonomy: Apply DOK: Knowledge
L.2.5, Identify real life connection betweens between words and their use.
RI 2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to grade 2 topic or subject area.

3. ASSESSMENT Perfect Assessment Tool Rationale:

Informal: Pre-Assess students on their knowledge of the An informal pre-assessment gathers information on
words. Oral Discussion what students know about the vocabulary being
Formal: Posttest. Haiku Learning Quiz. introduced. The teacher can take the students
knowledge of the word and deepen their level of
A formal posttest allows the teacher to evaluate learner
growth as students have practiced and gained familiarity
with the vocabulary.

4. CENTRAL FOCUS/ PURPOSE (2 parts to include)

1. Students in grade 2 will develop a familiarity and working definition of the vocabulary.
2. Class, today we are going to discuss 8 new vocabulary words. We will explore their meanings and new ways to use these
within our speaking and writing! It is important for us to learn these words so that we can understand what they mean when
we read or hear about them and we can also use these when expressing our ideas or sharing information.


Motivation for learning involves intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Dino Dollars, a 2nd grade currency, will be awarded to
students who are engaged and participate. This is because the second grade students have not had a consistent teacher
until now.
Intrinsic rewards will be positive reinforcement as students are recognized for correctly using the words in sentences both
orally and in writing.
I will award students with Dino Dollars for staying on task. I will reinforce engagement and participating with positive
I am teaching students about the power of their brain. All of my learners know that they can achieve anything they put their
mind to. In order for them to successfully learn these words, they must really work to train their brain to stay on task. If they
continue to work to engage in the lesson, their brain will gain even more knowledge.
6. PRE-LESSON - Just before teaching the new lesson do the following:
Children have discussed how people can help their community. They have naturally used some of these vocabulary words in
their answers and have a vague understanding and familiarity with these words. I will connect these words to the essential
question: How can people help out their community?
Objective: Students in grade 2 will demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Boys and girls, today you will show me that you understand the meanings of these vocabulary words.

6. LESSON BODY: Provide text page # 235 - 237 for your lesson. Follow the exact steps provided in the text for the
lesson you are teaching. Clarity is the key.

Step 1 Pre test knowledge of words critical to content:

Teacher asks students to spell and define the vocabulary words.

Teacher gives students a written pre-test with their pencils.

Step 2 Elaborate and discuss invented spellings and hypothesized meaning

Using the projector, the teacher will ask students to spell and explain their invented spelling and hypothesized meanings
for the words.
Teacher uses a white board and writes the different spelling of the word and talks about the different definitions with the studetns
in a whole group conversation.

Step 3 Explore patterns and meanings

Teacher asks students to examine the patterns and meanings inherent in the vocabulary. Teacher asks students to
determine the etymology of the vocabulary and related words, such as antonyms and synonyms.
Teacher reveals the correct spelling of the word and explains why the letters are used within the word. Teacher talks about each
word and asks students to identify the synonym and antonym of each word.

Step 4 Read and Study

Teacher designs and scaffolds opportunities for students to read and study the vocabulary in meaningful and as varied
contexts as possible.
Students will discuss the words in a whole group setting. Students will write the word and the definition in their own words.
Teacher and students will close read a story using these words. Students will shout out every time they identify the
word in the story. With a partner, students will practice writing a story using the words. Students will present the
story and teacher will offer feedback.

Step 5 Evaluate and Posttest

Teacher designs assessment to evaluate students mastery of the vocabulary.
Teacher will assess student knowledge of vocabulary using a haiku learning quiz. This is an online quiz where students read and
respond using their chromebooks.

Design a brain compatible Perfect Assignment to support this lesson.
Students work with a partner to write their own story using the vocabulary words and the definitions that they
created. Students have already learned about the words and definitions. Students have discussed these
words and wrote definitions in their own words. Students have also read a story in which the vocabulary is
Explain why it is the perfect assignment based on how the brain learns.
The brain learns through practice within the working memory. Students practice the information by working
with a partner and using information being processed within their working memory. Students perform this for
the class and receive feedback from the teacher. Students see other learners performing the same
vocabulary too.

8. Student Work Examples/Technology Support

This lesson is set for the week of March 27th and therefore no student work samples have been created yet.

Technology support includes a posttest on haiku learning.

Reflective Thinking/Curriculum Evaluation @50 Points

9. Reflective Thinking/Curriculum Evaluation

Relevance: Explain how this lesson demonstrates your competence with one of the Graduate SLOs below? Delete unused
SLO 2: Evaluate and conduct research to improve instructional practices and institutional cultures.
This lesson demonstrates SLO 2 because it evaluates and conducts research to improve instructional practice and institutional
cultures. This lesson evaluates students by collecting data during a pretest and a posttest. The data collected provides information
about the students learning and if the lesson was successful in aiding students in acquiring new knowledge. This lesson also uses
strategies that seek to improve instructional practices. Instead of asking students to study their vocabulary within a traditional sense,
they read it, discuss it, write it, perform it and receive feedback on it before being tested on it.

Significance/competence: Using careful analysis and evaluative thought, address the points listed below. Add other
pertinent information that supports our competence by using this lesson model.

Explain how this lesson supports helping students reach levels of deeper learning.
Students must engage with the vocabulary words in order to complete each portion of the lesson. Instead of passively
ignoring the words, students are expected to participate in the discussion, write their own correct definition of the word, read it within a
story, create their own story and perform the story. This allows students to analyze the meaning of the word and ways that they can
use the word. Students also listen to other students use the words in different ways.

How does this model make learning stick in long term memory?

The Vocabulary Acquisition Model allows students to practice the vocabulary within their working memory through oral and
written practice. The vocabulary acquisition model makes learning stick because students practice using the vocabulary
within a story and then performing this for others and receiving feedback before listening to their peers perform. This allows
them to make associations and process the information as meaningful, storing it into their long term memory.

Provide examples and rationale for appropriate use of this teaching model and where it is suitable throughout your
curriculum. Indicate/discuss strengths/weaknesses based on theology/theory.
This teaching model is appropriate for the curriculum that I implement within my second/third grade combination class.
Because my students experience new vocabulary words each week, I have chosen to implement this lesson model in order
to help them develop a deeper understanding of the vocabulary and implement this within their oral and written language.

How will you support advanced/ELD/Special needs learners through using this model?
I am planning to use differentiation to support my learners. I have three low level second graders who need additional
support in reading comprehension and writing. Because of this, I plan to offer small group intervention at the kidney table
while students close read the story independently. I will also front load vocabulary for these three students before the lesson
so that they gain background knowledge and familiarity with the words.

Provide links to the Common Core State Standards and explain how this lesson could support the CCSS.
This lesson supports the CCSS framework by allowing students to ask and answer questions about the vocabulary words.

Link to Theory:

Explain the links between this lesson model and the supporting theory (i.e., behaviorism, info processing, social learning or
This lesson supports the information processing theory as students use their working memory to make meaningful connections
between the words and their own experiences. Students also use oral and written language to practice the words before performing
and receiving feedback. This allows students to store the information into their long term memory.

Link this lesson to one or more of the Big Ideas and provide a rationale.
A big idea within this theory is that the brain is like a computer and can store an unlimited amount of information.
Students may struggle with the vocabulary but if they understand that their brain can store the information without being overloaded,

they will gain the confidence needed to learn the vocabulary.

Link this lesson to the New Learning Sciences and provide rationale for your selection and descriptive examples.
This lesson links to the New Learning Sciences in the fact that it prepares learners for the demands of the 21st century. By
allowing students to master the content within the core subject of Language Arts through 21st century interdisciplinary
themes, students are able to practice learning and innovation skills. The Inductive model allows students to think creatively
and implement innovations. The Inductive model also allows students to reason inductively and effectively during each
segment of the lesson. Collaborative discussion and relating information into ones own words helps learners develop the
ability to understand new information presented to them. This also helps learners develop an appreciation for creativity as
they are able to enjoy the creativity of creating their own story.

Describe technological resources you have found useful.

Haiku Learning
Wonders Web Resource

Growth Mindset

How does this lesson help a student develop a stronger positive growth mindset? Provide specific examples. Include ideas on how
you might reward learning according to the Growth Mindset research.

Within the Inductive Model, students are able to develop a stronger positive growth mindset. Students are able to participate in
divergent conversation that allows them to explore without being inhibited by right or wrong answers. After students have explored the
concepts they are able to implement this knowledge into their own definition of each form of poetry. Because students can create their
own definitions, they can choose to implement aspects that are important to them. Growth mindset also occurs during teacher
feedback by recommending that students incorporate a specific characteristic in order to continue to develop their definition. They are
able to listen to other definitions and rewrite theirs.

Learning is rewarded throughout positive feedback. When students participate in the divergent discussion, the teacher encourages
their thinking and sharing. When students participate in the convergent discussion, the teacher gently guides them toward the right
answer, allowing them to find the correct answer through a series of guided questions. Positive feedback and encouragement act as
an intrinsic reward for students practicing growth mindset.

Dino Dollars are classroom currency that encourages participation and engagement. Because students have not had a permanent
teacher until this past Tuesday (me) they need routine and extrinsic rewards to motivate them to stay on task.

Professional Actions/Areas for growth: What are your next professional steps in this area to keep moving forward as a

Discuss what went well and what changes you have made for improving learning.
During the story writing, I realized that while my third grade students can use all of the vocabulary within their stories, my
second grade students need to choose four words and focus on those as there is not enough time for them to try to
incorporate all eight vocabulary words. Students will gain knowledge of the other four words by listening to others perform.
What have you learned about how learning happens?
During this process, I have learned that students need to be motivated in order for learning to occur. Students need to be
engaged and also need to practice the concept. Allowing my students to practice the learned concepts reinforced their
understanding of the vocabulary.
What more do you need to read or learn?
I believe that I need to continue researching the major theories of thought as I have a strong understanding of information
processing theory but would like to develop and understanding of other theories and how these can be implemented to
support learning. I would also like to continue developing growth mindset within my classroom in order to teach students how
to utilize growth mindset during learning. I also need to continue researching combination classes and how I can effectively
teach both grade levels at one time.
How does this add to your credibility to supervise student teachers?
Building a foundation of knowledge through research and experience adds to my credibility to supervise student teachers.
Implementing the Vocabulary Acquisition Model supports learner success as it meets the needs of differentiated learners and
can be relayed to a student teacher for success within their own classroom. I also implement current research including
growth mindset and the P21 standards for practice. This allows my teaching to maintain a relevance within the classroom
and prepare learners for real world expectations. Placing a student teacher into my classroom will allow the student teacher
to equip their practice with current research and effective lesson models.

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