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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Erica Bratcher Date: April 30, 2017

Grade and Topic: 2nd Grade Social studies Length of Lesson: One hour each day for two days

Mentor Teacher: Professor Marla C. Phillips School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on geography.

Given access to Google Maps Website, the learners will research and find images of the exact locations of their
home, street, neighborhood, city, state, country, and continent on maps.
With prompting, the learners will provide the correct answers to the fill in the blank handout.
Given access to ToonDoo, the learners will create a comic and/or image that depicts the direct location on a map,
according to one of their following images found on Google Maps as well as indicate how that area relates to them.

2.15 Create a map depicting the current boundaries of the United States, Canada, and Mexico and recognize they are part
of the North American continent.
2.17 Locate major cities, bodies of water, mountain ranges and rivers in the United States
Cities: Chattanooga, Knoxville, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami, Nashville, New Orleans, New York City,
Seattle, St. Louis, Washington D.C.
Bodies of Water: Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Rivers: Colorado, Cumberland, Mississippi, Tennessee and Ohio
Mountain Ranges: Alaska Range, Appalachian, Rockies
-ISTE Standard(s):
3. Research and Information Fluency:
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources
and media

Internet Access to:
Map of The United States of America
Map of Earth
Picture of Globe


Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of basic background on the purpose of maps by revealing this
through observation, symbolization, and description. The students should have the ability to locate their home,
neighborhood, school, city, state, country, and continent on a map.
Academic language will be addressed in methods courses and is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN social standards 2.9.
We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore historical geography of the Earth.
The lesson or technology use will be modified to meet the needs of diverse learners.


Introduction: Begin by displaying an image of the solar system on a large screen display, overhead, or map
image along with several different ToonDoo creations. Provide some brief information about our solar system
being the sun and has objects that orbits it called planets and other things, in which we are currently located on
planet Earth.
Next, I will pass out the fill in the blank handouts.
Finally, I will explain to the students, for the next two days, they will be using maps to understand how to locate
important areas that surrounds us on Earth.

Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)
Teacher Procedures: Prior to the Computer (15 Minutes)
After the introduction, distribute how to use Student Procedures:
Google Maps and ask the students to Students complete Fill in the Blank Handouts by
momentarily prepare to research a picture or correctly answering each Geographical area
image that would illustrate each maps question, discussing with a classmate if
geographical location and save them to the necessary.
computer or print off images.
At the Computer (45 minutes)
At the Computer (45 minutes) Student Procedures:
Teacher Procedures: Open Internet browser
Have students open Internet browser Go to ToonDoo website, maneuver through site
Direct students to the Google Map website to create comic and/or image.
Direct students on how to save images Go to ToonDoo start here button, create title, and
Monitor and assist as needed save the image to the computer
*If there are not enough computers for all Go to saved images on the computer desktop
students, at once, the teachers introduction and print comic.
should be cut down to 10 minutes and each *For students with different learning needs, the
student will be notified that the computer time is students will be working closely with the
cut down to 25 minutes to rotate with instructor to complete the assignment and to
classmates ensure complete understanding of the lesson.
When a student isnt on the computer, they will
be familiarizing themselves with landmarks and
working on handout.
Students will have the opportunity to share their perspectives on how helpful this lesson was in
furthering their understandings of geographical areas. Learners will also share with the class a place they
would love to visit one day and explain where that place is located by stating what landmarks surrounds
that area. At the end of class, the teacher will check for assignment submissions and polls the class for

Geographic Rubric
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Map image on each Very few or none of Only a few of the Almost all of the All of the chosen
Geographic location the chosen graphics chosen graphics chosen graphics graphics very clearly
of the area chosen. represent the concepts clearly or somewhat clearly represent the represent the concepts
of landmarks. clearly represent the concepts of their of their associated
concepts of their associated landmarks. landmarks.
associated landmarks.
Handout answers One to two questions Two to three Three to four Four to all questions
answered correctly. questions answered questions answered answered correctly
correctly. correctly.
Comic Students perspective Students perspective Students perspective Students perspective
does not demonstrate demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a clear
an understanding of somewhat vague somewhat clear understanding of the
major Geographical understanding of the understanding of the Geographical
locations and/or what Geographical Geographical locations and what is
is near the specific locations and what is locations and what is near the specific area.
area. near the specific area. near the specific area.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for
enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

A Fill In The Blank Handout

1. My address is ______________________________.

2. The neighborhood I live in is called _________________________.

3. The name of my city is ________________.

4. _______________________ is the name of my state.

5. The name of my country is called ____________________.

6. ________________________is the name of continent I live in.


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