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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Catherine Stanfield Date: 2/5/17

Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade Science Length of Lesson: 45min for 2 days

Mentor Teacher: Marcia Phillips School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on plant and animal cells.

Given a diagram, students will be able to label a plant cell with 100% accuracy.
Given a computer and word processing software, the student will construct a table with names, pictures, and
descriptions of each part of the plant cell with a score of 3 out of 4 on rubric scale.


State/ District- Common Core Standards

TN Science- 0307.1.1 Identify specific parts of a plant and describe their function.

ISTE Standards

Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art for use in digital presentation.
1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
6. Technology Operations and Concepts


Diagram worksheet
Science Textbook
MS Word
Internet Access to: Google Images-


Students will demonstrate their understanding of the function of each part of the plant cell by correctly
labeling the diagram worksheet and filling in a table with the name, description, and a picture of each
part of the plant cell.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600
This lesson is a continuation of TN Science Standard 0307
I plan to build on this lesson by referring back to it when we talk about photosynthesis. I also plan on
referring back to it when teaching the animal cell so the students can compare/contrast the two cells.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.


-I will have a diagram posted on the wall of a flower and plant cell.
- I will also have a vase of flowers on my desk and will talk to the students to find out what they already know
about a flower/plant.
- I will talk to them about what is inside a plant cell, the characteristics of a plant cell, and how it affects the plant.
- I can continue to refer to plants and plant cells when the students are outside and could even have them bring in
a leaf on their way back inside the building.


Before Computer (10 min)

Teacher Procedures:
1. After the introduction, pass out handouts of the diagram for the students to label.
2. Ask the students how many plant cells do they think a single flower has.

Student Procedures:
1. Complete the handout by labeling every part of the plant cell on the diagram worksheet.

At the Computer (30 min)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Instruct the students to open their textbook to plant cells.
2. Direct them to open both MS Word document and internet browser.
3. Direct them to the Google images website.
4. Show the students how to insert a table with three columns and enough rows to fit all of the plant
parts on the chart.
5. Monitor and assist as needed.

Student Procedures:
1. Open textbook to plant cells.
2. Open MS Word document and internet browser.
3. Go to google images website in internet browser.
4. Click insert table in MS Word and choose the correct amount of columns and rows needed.
5. Type in the name of the plant cell part in google images and find the correct image.
6. Right click copy on the image.
7. Right click in the picture column and choose paste to put the picture in the box.
8. Repeat process until all of the plant cell parts are included in the table.
9. Save work after each cell part.
10. Perform Spell Check to proof for errors
11. Save completed work to the class dropbox folder
12. Print 1 copy.

Closure: I plan to have the students write a reflection of 2-3 paragraphs about which part of the plant
cell they think is the most important and why. At the end, the teacher will collect the charts and

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Plant Cell Parts Missing plant cell 3 or more spelling 2 spelling errors All plant cell parts are
parts or too many errors listed and spelled
spelling errors correctly
Images 4 or more images 3 images were 2 images were Images were matched
were incorrectly incorrectly placed incorrectly placed correctly to the plant
placed cell part
Descriptions Descriptions did not 3 or more descriptions Descriptions do not Descriptions use
match plant cell part did not match plant use enough descriptive words and
and were not cell part descriptive words are accurate


I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those that are
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular

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