Edtpa Lesson Plan 2 - Stanfield

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Catherine Stanfield Date: 4/30/17

Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade Social Studies Length of Lesson: 45 minutes for 2 days

Mentor Teacher: Marcia Phillips School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on Geography in North America.

Given a map, the students will be able to label all fifty states in the United States with 100% accuracy.
Given a computer with internet access, the students will research the internet for maps in order to locate and
label each state on a blank map with 100% accuracy.
Given a link to an interactive website and word processing software, the students will practice locating all fifty
states on a map and listing one fact on the word document about each state out of the information that pops up
when you locate the state on the website with 100% accuracy.
Given a computer with access to toondoo.com, the students will create a comic demonstrating what they have
learned about one of the fifty states to present to the class with a score of 2 out of 3 on a rubric scale.


State/District- Common Core Standards

TN Social Studies -3.18 Identify and locate on a map: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Cuba and the 50 states
of the U.S. (G)

ISTE Standards

1. Creativity and innovation

3. Research and information fluency
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology operations and concepts

Blank map of all fifty states
MS Word
Internet Access to: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm
and other maps of the U.S.
Quiz on the map
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the locations of each of the fifty states in the U.S. by correctly
labeling a blank map. On a separate document, they will list one fact about each of the states.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN Social Studies Standard 3- Geography
I plan to build upon this lesson when I begin to teach them about locating major cities and physical features on a
map. The students will need to know where their states are to locate cities and different physical features in the
U.S.s fifty states.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular


Introduction: I will talk to my students about traveling in the United States while I have a map of the fifty
states out where they can see it. I will ask them questions likeWhere are we located on the map? Where
should travel to on our adventure? How do we get there? How will we find it? Why do we need a map? Why do
we need to know where the all the states are?

Day 1:
Before Computer (5-10 min)

Teacher Procedures:
1. After the introduction, pass out the blank maps for the students to label and a small piece of paper
with the two websites needed for the interactive activity and the comic.
2. Talk to the students about the assignment and answer any questions they may have.

At the Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Direct the students to open a MS word document and internet browser.
2. Instruct the students to research maps of the U.S. to complete their maps.
3. Instruct the students that when they are done labeling, to go to the interactive site to practice their

Student Procedures:
1. Open MS word document and internet browser.
2. Search for maps of the U.S. on the internet and fill in the name of each state in the correct place.
3. Go to the interactive activity website and complete the activity practicing the states locations.
4. Type one fact about each state in the MS word document as you place each state on the map.
5. Save MS word document.

Day 2:

At the Computer (20 min)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Have the students open up their MS word document with the facts about the states and take out their
2. Direct the students to the Toondoo website.
3. Instruct the students to pick one state to make a comic out of to teach the class about the state using
their location and the fact they discovered.
Student Procedures:
1. Take out map, open MS word document and open internet browser to Toondoo website.
2. Create a comic about one of the fifty states using facts on word document and pictures on Toondoo.
3. Perform Spell Check
4. Save Toondoo.

After Computer (10 min)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Have the students present their Toondoo to the class.
2. When students are finished presenting, hand out the quizzes for students to complete.

Student Procedures:
1. Present Toondoo to the class.
2. Take the quiz.

Closure: To close the lesson, I want to review the quiz with the students and allow them to check their quizzes
themselves and reflect on what theyve learned or missed. I will pull up a map and review the states with the
class. I want them to tell me out loud which state it is that I point to on the map. I want them to raise their hand
and tell me an interesting fact about the state I point to.

I will assess the students based on their class discussion and participation. I will also assess them on their
completion of the map and using a rubric to grade their Toondoo.

Rubric for Toondoo

Criteria Yes or No
The comic has a picture of the state.
The comic has at least one fact and is descriptive.
The comic is creative.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those that are
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular
Use for Worksheet and Quiz:

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