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MVSC 201: BC1 & 2.

Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection

Name _Matthew Hurd___________________ Target Behavior Track the amount of sleep I get
each night.


For 4 days record activity related to your Target Behavior. Track what you are currently doing with your
Target Behavior, as well as how you spend your time, effort, and/or money barriers, benefits, and/or how
you can make time for your change. See example of one day below. Please use the attached 4 charts for
your 4 days.

Reflect on your 4 days of Baseline Data

1. What does your data tell you about what you are currently doing with your Target Behavior (amount,
when, where, how long, quality, etc.)? (~1 paragraph)

From my baseline data, I can collect that during the week, I am averaging around 6 hours of sleep per night. All of these are in my bed, I did
not fall asleep anywhere else. These nights of sleep range from very quality to extremely poor. Also, because I workout at least once a day, often
twice, I find myself having to nap to make up for the lack of sleep I get during the night. Out of the four days of baseline data, I napped twice, with
mixed quality levels.

2. What does your data tell you about what you are currently doing with your time, effort, $
distractions you may face, where you may have time to work on your Target Behavior, etc.? (1
My baseline data tells me that the biggest consumers of my time are working out, ROTC time conflicts, and napping in the afternoons. Because of
this, I have to stay up later working on homework than I would like, making me wake up groggy the next morning, leading me to nap in the
afternoons, thus creating a viscous cycle. There wasnt too much distractions involved, and there was absolutely no money involved. The biggest
reform I can make is to eliminate napping from my afternoons and utilize that time to study. This afternoon time slot is the best possible time slot to
work on my target behavior.

3. What else stood out to you from your data that will help your Target Behavior, motivation,
maximizing your chance of success, etc.? (1 paragraph)
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection
The thing that stood out to me the most is the erratic toll that ROTC takes on my schedule. On just the 4 days of my baseline data, I had to wake
up at 0500 for three of them, spent all of Thursday driving to pick up my date for the naval ball, and spent all of Friday afternoon setting up and
participating in the naval ball. The only thing that I can take away from this is that there will be weeks where it will be almost impossible to get my
goal of 7 hours of sleep a night. Instead of looking at this like an obstacle, however, I will use this as motivation. If I fall back 7 times, I will get back
up 8 times. That is the only way that I can be successful in this behavior change project.

Day Time Activity Target Behavior Time Wasters, Thoughts & Feelings
amount, duration, Distractions, Effort,
content, where, quality $ Spent, & Barriers
Fri 7:30 Up, shower, breakfast Good. Tired.

8:30am Walk to class. Walk to class 15mins low Felt good walking. Awake in
9- Class. intensity class.
11:30am End of class. Home. Raining so caught a ride Ate too much at lunch = Tired.
Lunch. Nap. home Got talking with friends. Nap
was good but could have been
Nap doing something else.

2:30-6pm Study, chat Not really studying. Tired. Wasted time. Thought about
6-9pm Dinner and hanging out Hung out with friends. FB Fun. FB was a bit of waste of
for 2hours. time could have been active.
9pm 30 sit ups. 10 push ups Did not enjoy it. Prefer being
outdoors to exercise.
10pm3a Out with friends. Walked a little. Stayed out later than I Perhaps bed earlier and up in
m needed. am for workout?
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection

Day 1 Time Activity Target Behavior Time Wasters, Thoughts & Feelings
amount, duration, Distractions, Effort,
content, where, quality $ Spent, & Barriers
Groggy. Really didnt want to
WED 0500 Woke up 6.5 hours of deep sleep, in my get up.

Good effort throughout the

0600- PT whole session. Tired at end.

Nap was a time waster, After my shower I was too tired

0730- Shower, Breakfast, Nap 1 hour of very poor sleep, in bed. could have studied or done to do anything other than eat
0930 homework. before I had to sleep.

1030- Class, Lunch, Class Good. A little sleepy

1330 sometimes.

1430- Lift weights, Eat, Shower Very tired after shower. Too tired to stay awake after
1600 my shower, had to nap.

1630- Nap 1 hour of deep sleep in my bed. I was so tired I wouldnt Groggy or an hour or two after I
1730 have been able to do woke up.
anything productive
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection

2300 In bed for the night. I have to be up in less than 6

hours. I should really get more
sleep at night,

Day 2 Time Activity Target Behavior Time Wasters, Thoughts & Feelings
amount, duration, Distractions, Effort,
content, where, quality $ Spent, & Barriers
THURS 0430 Woke up. 5.5 hours of bad sleep in my bed. Groggy. Bad way to start my
Very Groggy. day, especially because I have
to drive all day.

0530- Color Guard practice for Short tempered throughout this

0830 Naval Ball, Naval time.
Science class.

0915- Driving to hometown to Sitting for a long period of It took real effort to stay awake
1415 pick up my girlfriend for time made me sleepy, during the drive. Not sleeping
the Naval Ball. needed caffeine to stay enough is almost dangerous in
this situation.

1415- Nap, eat. Nap on my Parents couch while This nap was necessary, I The nap definitely helped me
1530 waiting for my girlfriends flight still had a few hours of stay awake during the drive
to come in, 1 hour of broken driving to do. afterwards.

1630- Driving to pick up Had some more caffeine. Wasnt as tired on the way back
1900 girlfriend and back. because my girlfriend was with
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection

1930 Dinner. Sleepy after dinner.

2330 Bedtime. Very tired, was able to fall

asleep very easily.

Day 3 Time Activity Target Behavior Time Wasters, Thoughts & Feelings
amount, duration, Distractions, Effort,
content, where, quality $ Spent, & Barriers
FRI 0500- Wake up, pack up, and 5.5 hours of deep sleep in my Not groggy, still sleepy when I
0530 start driving. parents spare bed. woke up.

0530- Drive to Moscow Needed a lot of Caffeine. Clouded mind, pulled over to
0930 wake myself up once or twice.

1030- Help setup for Naval Tired by the time I got to Wasnt able to concentrate in
1330 Ball, Class class. class. Too much driving.

1530- Practice for Naval Ball. Frustrated with people, I was a

1700 little short tempered by the end
of it.

1800- Naval Ball. Had a great time. Adrenaline

2300 kept me going, but by the end
of the dance I was very tired.

2345 Shower, Sleep. In Bed. Very Good. Dragged myself into bed.
Happy, but very tired.
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection

Day 4 Time Activity Target Behavior Time Wasters, Thoughts & Feelings
amount, duration, Distractions, Effort,
content, where, quality $ Spent, & Barriers
SAT 0700 Woke up, Breakfast. 7.25 Hours of deep sleep in bed. Not surprising that I overslept.
Very good sleep, but was
groggy for a few hours.

1100- Lift weights, shower, Lifted Weights. Good Workout, little tired after
1300 and eat. shower.

1400- Lay in bed, didnt sleep. Lying in bed made me tired, That was a bad idea. It made
1445 no productivity. me tired for a few hours.

1530- Laser Tag with friends. Lots of running. Very Fun, also tired by the end.

1830- Dinner with friends. Good dinner, but I ate too much
2030 and it made me sleepy.

2300 Bedtime. Tired. Have to be up at 0530 to

drive my girlfriend back to
MVSC 201: BC1 & 2. Target Behavior & Baseline Data Collection
Boise. This weekend is hard.

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