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Modals of obligation (present time):

We use have to to talk about rules and things that are necessary.
We use dont have to to say that something is not necessary.
We use can to say that something is possible or allowed.
We use cant to say when something is not allowed.

Read the following workplace rules and choose the correct meaning
1 Employees cant bring their personal items.
a) You need to leave your personal items at home.
b) You can bring your favourite magazines to read.

2) Employees dont have to work fixed hours.

a) You need to work at the same time every day.
b) You choose when you work.

3) Employees have to follow the dress code.

a) You can wear what you want.
b) There are some clothes that you cant wear.

4) Employees can take breaks when they need them.

a) You take a break when you want to.
b) You need to tell the manager when you take a break.

5) Employees have to arrive on time

a) It is necessary to arrive on time.
b) It isnt necessary to arrive on time.

(Turn page for answers)

Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without to.

subject + modal + main verb

Have to
Have to is a semi-modal verb.

Positive form: Subject + have to + infinitive

She has to work on Saturday.

Negative form: Subject + auxiliary verb + have to + infinitive

I dont have to wear a jacket and tie.

Question form: Auxiliary verb + subject + have to + infinitive?

Do I have to wear a uniform?


Positive form: Subject + can + bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

You can take next Saturday off.

Negative form: Subject + cant + bare infinitive

You cant wear jeans to work.

Question form: Can + subject + bare infinitive?

Can I leave early today?

Answer Key:
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 5) a

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