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Chapter 1:

If one is old enough to bear a child, one is old enough to endure in silence.
I think this quote shows kinship because it shows how a woman is supposed
to be strong and that having a child is a great thing in the eyes of everyone.
Chapter 2:
Women came running out of their tipis to add their gifts, such as items as
clothing and food. Pg11
This quote shows that even though they were not from the same family,
people were caring and would take in someone and clam them as their kin no
matter their situation.
Chapter 3:
When a mother from the opposite side of the circle heard of the symptoms,
she came hurrying across
I think this shows kinship because everyone cared for everyone as if they
were their own child or mother. They were all very nurturing.
Chapter 4:
Any family could maintain itself adequately as long as the father was a good
hunter and the mother an industrious woman.
Pg 20
This shows the gender roles in kinship of every man and woman. Gender
roles were a big thing for the Native Americans, this was because if someone
did not do as they should everyone else had to pick up for them.
Chapter 5:
It was the custom to put children first in all things.
Pg 33
Kinship goes both ways, for children to respect elders, and for the elders to
teach the young and help them learn and mature.
Chapter 6:
Men and women worked, children played, old men sat dreaming of their
youth and their past glories in war, and old women fussed over their
Pg 49
I think this again, shows the gender roles of the society of the Native
American. Everyone has a role and they all need each other to live.
Chapter 7:
The sisters could not help it; it was the way they were trained: brothers and
sisters must always place one another above all else.
Pg 59
This just shows how much each person cared for one another. Kinship is all
about family and how they interact with each other.
Chapter 8:
Rainbow gave some horses away I Waterlilys name and provided much of
the food, allowing the other relatives to share in giving it, for that was the
way of the people
Pg 78
This quote shows that the way of the people was to help one another, and to
care for each other. If that is not kinship I dont know what is.
Chapter 9:
Little Chief felt his prestige soaring as he heard the mens praises.
Pg 90
I think this has to do with kinship as the elders would praise the young when
they did something good. This would promote the children to keep doing the
good things that had just been done.
Chapter 10:
Of Rainbow, people said, To be sure, and excellent choice. He is just the
type- quick, agile, ready to serve whenever necessary, as a Kit Fox must be.
Pg 97
People would talk highly of their camp circle members. This showed the
greatness of a person when others would boast about them. Kinship was
about also praising each other, and this showed how much they respected
each other.
Chapter 11:
When her turn came turn came, the man in charge taught her what to do
and she followed his instruction mechanically.
Pg 117
I think this quote represents kinship because, it shows just how people would
help anyone and everyone. It did not matter if you were a cousin or a brother,
or even a complete stranger. Everyone was always willing to help unless
given a reason not to.
Chapter 12:
I am of all men most fortunate, for I have married a virgin.
Pg 136
I picked this quote because it shows just how much men respected women,
and how they praised them and wanted them. Men usually picked their wife,
and ultimately it was most likely up to the woman. So men and women would
work well together to make families and to teach each other.
Chapter 13:
Daughter, it is in the nature of things that women marry And some men,
who seemed so appealing before marriage, turn out badly, and some whose
fine traits do not show up before marriage, turn out well It is like guessing
in the moccasin game.
Pg 152
Here is a quote from Blue Bird to Waterlily about marriage. Mothers were to
teach the children and now Blue Bird is teaching a lesson to Waterlily about
getting married. In kinship the mother was to teach the lessons to the
children, and particularly to girls. Blue Bird is showing concern for her
daughter and that is also a part of kinship.
Chapter 14:
They hoped Waterlily would joke back when she knew who they were.
Pg 164
This part of the book Waterlily is starting to find her way and her spot in her
new camp circle. I choose this quote because it shows how she could interact
with her cousins because they are now relatives.
Chapter 15:
A woman who acted important because she was married was something of a
fool and incurred ridicule rather than aroused admiration or envy.
Pg 180
I think this shows kinship, in the sense of everyone has their place. Even
though everyone looked out for each other they also helped them to know
their place.
Chapter 16:
This is a real man you have married, do you know!
Pg 202
This quote stuck out to me, in the sense that Sacred Horse is strong and does
not Waterlily to worry about him. In kinship the woman does as the husband
asks. Waterlily does just as any wife would and cares and worries about her
very ill husband.
Chapter 17:
His going makes no difference. You belong here
Pg 210
This is a perfect example of kinship. Even though Sacred Horse has died his
relatives are still very open and wanting of Waterlily to stay apart of their
family. Kinship is about welcoming people in and being hospitable to those
who are a part of their camp circle.

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