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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Mallory Ham Date: April 30, 2017

Grade and Topic: 4th grade Science Length of Lesson: 2 days for 40 min

Mentor Teacher: Peggy Murdock School: University of Memphis


The phases of the moon lesson is part of the solar system unit which covers all of the major components of the
solar system. This lesson requires knowing the correct order of the phases of the moon described in the TN
science standard 0407.61.

Given black construction paper and white chalk, the students will be able to draw and color what the four main
phases of the moons look like, with 100% accuracy.
Given a laptop or computer, the students will be able to access the Internet and locate the websites listed to find
information about the phases of the moon, with 100% accuracy.
Given a laptop or computer, the students will be able to create a Prezi presentation incorporating the information
they found on the other websites, with 100% accuracy.

SPI 0407.61 Organize the phases of the moon in the correct sequence.
ISTE Standard
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information.
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
variety of sources and media.

Four pieces of black construction paper
One single piece of white chalk
Pre-assessment sheet
and sign-out sheet
Notebook paper or scratch paper
Internet access:

Technology Integration

Students will use the websites listed above to access information and pictures of the phases of the moons. They
will use the one of the websites listed as a resource as an interactive game. They will create a Prezi to present
the information that they learned and email it to the teacher to be graded. An example is shown here:


Students will show a clear understanding of their knowledge on the phases of the moons by researching facts,
playing an interactive game, and creating a Prezi presentation.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN Science Standard 0407.61.
We will refer back to this lesson and this information as we continue to explore the major components of the
solar system.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did master the objectives and/or for those
ready for enrichment.


1. Introduce the phases of the moons by showing pictures on the overhead, projector, whiteboard, etc.
2. Tell the students that the moon phases are caused by the revolution of the moon and earth around the
3. Hand the students each four Oreos to see if they can create the four main moon phases using each of
the four Oreos. The teacher will show pictures on the projector and they will use white part of the
Oreo to create the look of the phase. The students will use the pictures on the overhead as a
4. The students will then be handed a pre-assessment worksheet to see if they can remember what the
phases look like. This will not be graded but the teacher will take it up to look for completion.
Day One:
Prior to the Computer- 5-10 minutes
1. The student will fill out the pre-assessment worksheet and turn into teacher.
2. The student will listen to the teacher to be assigned a computer.
3. The student will sign their name on the sign-on sheet.
At Your Computer- 30 minutes
1. The students will login on to the Internet.
2. Go to
3. Write two facts about the four main moon phases: new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and
third quarter moon on a notebook piece of paper or scratch paper. The student will keep up with
these facts because they will refer back to them.
4. Go to
5. The student will get out their four black pieces of constructive paper and chalk. The student will
refer to this website to illustrate the images of the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and
third quarter moon. The student will not turn these in but will show to the teacher for accuracy.
The student will hold onto these after the teacher checks them.
6. If the students have any questions, they will raise their hand and the teacher will assist them.
7. They will log off of the Internet and sign the sign-out sheet.
8. The students will return to their seats.
Day 2:
Prior to the Computer- 5 minutes
1. The student will listen for instructions from the teacher.
2. The student will be assigned to the same computer as the previous day.
3. The student will sign their name on the sign-in sheet.
At Your Computer- 30 minutes
1. The students will log on to the Internet.
2. Go to
3. The students will play this interactive game over the phases of the moon as a refresher for their
4. The students will be asked to go to
5. The students will be asked to create a free account and to create their own presentation.
6. The teacher will show how to do this on the overhead screen so the students can follow. The
teacher and student will go through this process together. If any of the students have questions,
they will raise their hand and the teacher will assist them.
7. After setting up a free Prezi account, the student will create a presentation on the four main moon
phases. The student will make the title of each slide the name of the phase. The student will list
the two facts that wrote down about each phase. The student will do this for all of the four phases.
The student will be asked to be creative as they want with size, font, and color.
8. After the student has completed their Prezi presentation, the student will raise their hand and the
teacher will show them how to share their Prezi and email it to the teacher.
9. The students will log off of the Internet and return their computer and sign the sign-out sheet.
10. The teacher will make sure all computers are put back correctly and everyone has signed their

Closure: The teacher will make sure he or she has taken up all of the students pre-assessment sheets, checked
all of the students illustrations, and received all of the students presentations. The class can have an open
discussions for questions or comments. This will take about five minutes.



Criteria 1 2 3
Completed the pre- Did not complete the pre- Completed some of the pre- All of pre-assessment was
assessment assessment assessment completed
Use of technology and Abused the use of Handled the use of Outstanding job with the use
websites technology, did not stay on technology well, had to be of technology, stayed on
task at all reminded to stay on task task with no reminders
Drawing of the moon phases None of the moon phases Two of the four moon All moon phases were
were illustrated correctly phases were illustrated illustrated correctly
Prezi presentation No Prezi presentation was Prezi presentation was Prezi presentation was
completed completed but with few completed with no mistakes

Students who did not master the objectives will be given the opportunity to do more research at home and
another chance to create a Prezi with the correct information to email to the teacher.
Students who are ready for enrichment activities will be given another assignment if completed to early or if it
is too easy for them. Example, there will be more websites given to them for more detailed facts. Therefore,
they will have to include more detailed information to their Prezi.

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