Math Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

MAED 3224
Subject: 5th grade Math Central Focus: Convert between metric and
standard measurements.

Common Core Objective: Date taught: 3/22

5.MD.1 Convert among different-sized

standard measurement units within a given
measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to
0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving
multi-step, real world problems.

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- Students should be able to convert between standard and metric


Conditions- Students will work with partners.

Criteria- Students will need to receive 8/10 points on the exit ticket.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: The students should know how to use a ruler.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Engage The teacher will create a conversion chart for

students to write down in their math

1 12
foot inche
1 3
yard feet

1 100
mete centi
r mete

1 5,
mile 280

1 1000
kilom mete
eter rs

The teacher will then tell students to get a

whiteboard and a marker. The teacher will put
a few problems on the board for the students
to practice the conversions.

Problems: Convert 36 inches to feet. (3 feet)

Convert 450 centimeters to meters. (4.5


Convert 2 yards to inches. (72 inches)

2. Explore The teacher will pass out sticky notes to

groups of partners. The teacher will tell them
(including solutions of major to measure the height of their desks in terms
tasks) of sticky notes. The teacher will call on a few
groups to share their answer. She will then
ask students why they think it is important to
have standard units of measurement.

The teacher will pass out the Measure it

worksheet to students. They will do the first
problem together as a class. She will ask
students to first estimate how long they think
their desk is in inches. The teacher will ask a
few students to share their estimate with the
class. Then the teacher will pass out rulers to
the students and they will measure their desk
in inches. The teacher will ask what they got
for their answer. She will ask if anyone was
close to their estimate or far off. The teacher
will show how to convert the inches into feet,
remembering that 12 inches are in on foot.
The teacher will then allow students to work
with a partner or independently. The teacher
will walk around and help if any students have

3. Explain I will first tell students to compare their

answers with a partner in class. Then I will call
on students to share their answers with the

How did they decide how to estimate a

certain object? Was their estimate close? Did
it get easier to estimate each time? What
were your conversions?

4. Elaborate/Extend For struggling students I will only make them

work with simple conversions like inches to

For students who need a challenge I will ask

them to make more than one conversion per

5. Evaluate Measure your arm in inches. Explain your

(assessment methods)
Estimate: _____ in.

Actual: _____ in.

Convert to feet. _____ft.

4 points- correct answer

3 points- for estimate, actual measurement,

and conversion
3 points- explanation

Materials/Technology: Whiteboards, markers, worksheet, pencil, paper, ruler, yardstick

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