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This course was the culminations of knowledge I acquired during my non-
biosystems classes like Chemistry and Biology. It gave me a hands on feel for how
Biosystems ties other sciences together. This course took concepts like Reactors a step
further than discussed in previous environmental courses. This look on environmental
impact of what we do as Biosystems engineers equipt me with the knowledge to step
into my career. Understanding these impacts will make me better equipt to make
knowledgeable decisions in my field. As an engineer, much of our jobs will be hands on.
The labs that we performed as part of this course helped me understand what will be
expected of me and taught me how to convey data and numbers into actual reports of
my findings, a skill that will play a crucial role in my success in my future career. The
fisherys unit study gave me a real world glimpse at just one of the many applications of
Biosystems engineering.

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