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Usability Testing:

Applying to Graduate


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................... 3
TASKS ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
EQUIPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................. 3
METRICS...................................................................................................................................................... 3
RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
TASK 1: PERFORM A GENERAL SEARCH ...................................................................................................... 4
TASK 2: FIND A LIST OF PROGRAMS OFFERED............................................................................................. 5
TASK 3: FIND A PROGRAM IN MY FIELD ..................................................................................................... 6
TASK 4: FIND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 6
TASK 5: FIND LIST OF FACULTY IN MY DEPARTMENT................................................................................. 7
TASK 6: FIND EACH FACULTY MEMBERS RESEARCH PROGRAM ................................................................ 8
TASK 7: FIND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 8
TASK 8: FIND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 9
TASK 9: FILL OUT APPLICATION FORM ....................................................................................................... 9
TASK 10: SUBMIT ADDITIONAL MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 9
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 11
APPENDICE ............................................................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX A: RAW DATA ......................................................................................................................... 12

University websites have become the go-to tool for searching for and applying to graduate
programs. The University of Exeter and the University of Oregon both have excellent Masters
programs in the field of Biology. This white paper presents the results of a usability test that
compared the ease of finding and applying to a Masters program at each of these schools.

Ten tasks were chosen that are typical of the average student searching for and
applying to a graduate program.
1. Perform a general search.
2. Find a list of programs offered.
3. Find a program in a specific field.
4. Find program requirements.
5. Find list of faculty for a specific department.
6. Find a description of the research program for each faculty member.
7. Find application requirements.
8. Find entry requirements.
9. Fill out online application.
10. Submit additional materials.
Equipment and Environment
The equipment used for this test included an Asus laptop with Windows 8 OS and
equipped with Microsoft Excel for recording data. This test was conducted within
two sessions while sitting in a quiet corner of the library at the University of
Each task was evaluated using a fixed-response Likert scale with the following
qualifying statements.
1. I was able to complete the task.
2. I was able to quickly complete the task.
3. The websites layout made it easy to find what I was looking for.
4. When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
5. It was easy to learn how to complete the task.
Each of these statements were scored 1-5 based upon the following scale.
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Somewhat Disagree

3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 = Somewhat Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

Task 1: Perform a general search

Both universities had a clearly visible search bar on their homepage that made
conducting a search very easy.

When a poor query was made, the University of Exeter returned an error page that
lists the common sources of errors. The University of Oregon provided no
guidance for correcting mistakes.

The scores for each website for task 1 are listed in the table below.
Task: Perform a general search Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what
I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 5 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task 2: Find a list of programs offered

Finding a list of offered programs on the University of Exeter website was really
simple. There is a clearly distinguished button at the top of their homepage that
says Studying. This link takes the user to the prospective students page where
they can choose postgraduate study (the UK equivalent of a graduate program),
and then select the link for a list of programs. Important links are made easily
visible by their position on the page and the use of high contrast.

The University of Oregon was also relatively simple. However, their website
combines both graduate and undergraduate programs even though not all
programs have graduate options.
The scores for each website for task 2 are listed below. Both universities received
low scores in error tolerance for several categories simply because the system has
no means of detecting errors during the attempt to find particular information.
Task: Find a list of programs offered Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 5 4
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task 3: Find a program in my field

For each university, this was an incredibly simple task once the list of programs
was found as each list was organized by field. The University of Exeter also listed
programs by campus as they have a campus in Exeter and another in Penryn.
The scores for each website for task 3 are listed below.

Task: Find a program in my field Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 4
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task 4: Find program requirements

From the selected programs homepage, the user must select structure to find
the program requirements for the University of Exeter. This is not as clear as it
could be, though this may be due to cultural differences.

For the University of Oregon, the user only needed to select Masters or PhD
program and the requirements were listed.
The scores for each website for task 4 are listed below.
Task: Find program requirements Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 4 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 4 3
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 4 5

Task 5: Find list of faculty in specific department

The University of Exeter has a link to staff profiles off to the side of the program
homepage. The link is fairly small and so easy to miss. The website makes it easy
to narrow the faculty list to only the professors at the campus the user is interested
in by searching for either Exeter or Cornwall.
The University of Oregon was a little less straightforward. The user needed to
select a degree focus before the option to view faculty became available.
The scores for each website for task 5 are listed below.

Task: Find faculty in my department Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5

Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 4

Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was

looking for. 3 2
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful
feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 3

Task 6: Find each faculty members research program

Both universities made this task really simple once the faculty list was located.
The University of Exeter has each name as a link that takes the user to a profile
page that includes a full research description. The University of Oregon has a link
to each faculty members research webpage next to their photograph.
The scores for each website for task 6 are listed below.
Task: Discover the research that each faculty member does Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was
looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful
feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task 7: Find application requirements

It was a little difficult to find the application requirements for the University of
Exeter, though this may have been due to user error. There is a link at the top of
the homepage that says apply and includes all of the pertinent information for
applying. The University of Oregon had a link from the programs homepage.
The scores for each website for task 7 are listed below.
Task: Find application requirements Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 3 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was
looking for. 3 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful
feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 3 5

Task 8: Find entry requirements

The University of Exeter has entry requirements listed directly on the program
homepage. The University of Oregon does not have a clear location for finding
this information. I was only able to find it under FAQs.
The scores for each website for task 8 are listed below.
Task: Find entry requirements Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 2
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 5 1
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 2

Task 9: Fill out application form

Both universities make it relatively simple to fill out the application. Both require
the user to create a login. The website for the University of Exeter required too
much of my computer at this stage and so I had to switch to a PC at the library at
the University of Idaho. The application for the University of Oregon opened on
my laptop without a problem. Both applications walk the user stepwise through
the application process and make it clear where errors have been made using
bright colored highlighting. Both websites have clear instructions for correcting
The scores for each website for task 9 are listed below.

Task: Fill out application form Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 3 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 5 5
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task 10: Submit additional application materials

The University of Exeter has a built in function on their website for most
application materials, but requires the user to e-mail letters of recommendation.
The University of Oregons website is all inclusive.
The scores for each website for task 10 are listed below.

Task: Submit additional materials Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I
was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided
useful feedback for correcting them. 5 5
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Both the University of Exeter and the University of Oregon have websites that make it relatively
simple for the user to find and apply to a graduate program. The University of Exeter makes
finding information much easier by placing important information near the top of the page and
highlighting it with bright high contrast colors. The University of Oregon makes the application
process much easier by having an all-inclusive application process. Each of these websites would
do well to learn from the other.

University of Exeter. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2017. <>.
"University of Oregon." University of Oregon | University of Oregon. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr.
2017. <>.

Appendix A: Raw Data

Task: Perform a general search Exeter Oregon
Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 5 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task: Find a list of programs offered Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 4
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task: Find a program in my field Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 4
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task: Find program requirements Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 4 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 4 3
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 4 5

Task: Find faculty in my department Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 4
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 3 2
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 3

Task: Discover the research that each faculty member does Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5

Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task: Find application requirements Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 3 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 3 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 3 5

Task: Find entry requirements Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 2
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 1
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 1 1
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 2

Task: Fill out application form Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 3 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 5 5
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

Task: Submit additional materials Exeter Oregon

Effectiveness: I was able to complete the task. 5 5
Efficiency: I was able to quickly complete the task. 5 5
Engagement: The website's layout made it easy to find what I was looking for. 5 5
Error Tolerance: When I made errors, the website provided useful feedback for correcting
them. 5 5
Easy to learn: It was easy to learn how to complete the task. 5 5

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