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Morgan Lahasky
About Sophia

Sofia is 7 years old and in

2nd grade
Lives in Zachary, Louisiana.
She lives in a two-parent
home with her siblings
Has no IEPs
Running Records
DRA Levels

In September, it is evident
that Sophia is not
subconsciously starting
sentences with capital letters;
however, it is clear that she is
able to do that in January.

It is also very clear that even

in January, she is still in need
of more phonics lessons and
learning how to spell. She also is
not using punctuation correctly
in January, such as a question

Writing Standards: Text Type 5. With Sophia was able to write a narrative
guidance and support from adults and with help from the teacher in September.
peers, focus on a topic and strengthen After given a prompt, she was able to
writing as needed by revising and write on that topic and expand on it
editing. with the help of her teacher.
Language Standards: Conventions of Sophias writing can still use a lot of
Standard English 2. Demonstrate improvement. Her ability to spell is very
command of the conventions of obviously in need of work. She also needs
standard English capitalization, more work on her punctuation.
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Running Record/DRA Levels

In October, Sophia was

reading at a DRA Level of
18, and improved to 24 in
February. She is more able
to fluently read through a
book while comprehending
what she is reading.
Running Record/DRA Levels

Reading Standards for Foundational Sophia is able to know and apply grade-
Skills: Phonics and Word Recognition 3. level phonics, such as distinguishing
Know and apply grade-level phonics between long and short vowels, decoding
and word analysis skills in decoding regularly spelled two-syllable words with
words. long vowels, and recognize and read
Reading Standards for Foundational grade-appropriate irregularly spelled
Skills: Fluency 4. Read with sufficient words.
accuracy and fluency to support She is steadily improving and increasing
comprehension. DRA Levels. To further improve, she should
continue practicing reading aloud while
carefully focusing on the words presented
in front of her.

Sophia takes weekly spelling tests

where she has to not only spell the
words correctly, but also classify them
into the correct category. After being
assessed in the beginning of the year,
she was placed in the orange group of
words, which is the on-level group.
Looking through her spelling tests, she
has not scored lower than an 8/10,
showing that she is learning the
words each week.

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills: While Sophia is getting good scores
Phonics and Word Recognition 3. on her spelling tests, she needs to be
able to carry over these skills into
B. Know spelling-sound correspondences her writings.
for additional common vowel teams During writing conferences, her
E. Identify words with inconsistent teacher should address spelling and
but common spelling-sound discuss the words that she should
correspondences. know so that she is aware that
one relates to the other.
Science Experiment

Sophia is able to complete a science experiment on her own with little prompting from the teacher.
Prior to this, they completed three experiments together as a class, and then this one was on their
own. She was able to complete all of the steps besides creating the scientific question and hypothesis.
Science Experiment

Science as Inquiry: T he Abilities to Sophia is able to complete the aspects

do Scientific Inquiry of an experiment while using the
scientific method with the help of a
2. Pose questions that can be teacher.
answered by using students
own observations, scientific To be able to completely master these
knowledge, and testable standards, Sophia should be able to
create the scientific question and
hypothesis on her own, rather than
4. Predict and anticipate with the class.
possible outcomes.
Social Studies

After reading a
passage about a
major historical
event, Sophia is
able to answer
pertaining to it.
Social Studies

History: Standard 1- Historical T hinking Skills Sophia does very well with
2.1.4. Explain reasons for local, state, comprehension tests, which is
and national celebrations, cultural basically what these are.
events, and traditions and their To ensure that she better
significance. grasps these events, her teacher
2.1.5. Describe how the achievements of should do other activities that
famous Americans, of the past and focus on them, rather than just
present, changed society these activities.
In September, Sophia was
working on just breaking
down tens and ensuring
that she grasps the
concept of place value
before moving on to
something more difficult.
In March, she had
advanced to two- and
three-digit addition.

Operations and Algebraic T hinking: B. 2. Fluently add

and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. After seeing Sophias progress, I
would think that she is ready for
Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understanding the next step, such as getting rid
place value 1. Understand that the three digits of a of the grids or teaching the
three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, traditional way of carrying and
tens, and ones addition.
Number and Operations in Base Ten: Use Place value After this, she would be ready to
understanding and properties of operations to add and move on to multi-digit subtraction.
subtract 5. Fluently add and subtract within 100 using
strategies based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between addition
and subtraction.

In Art class, the students were told

to draw a self-portrait. It is very
clear that this is what it is.

Visual Arts After seeing her drawing, the

VA.CE.E1 Explore and identify teacher should have Sophia discuss
imagery from a variety of sources exactly what she drew to ensure
and create visual representations. that she has grasped the art
vocabulary and principles of design.
VA.CE. E3. Use art vocabulary and
the elements and principles of design
to convey the language of art
(create and discuss own artwork).

T his is a conduct sheet

from January, where
I observed Sophia helping out a
any teacher in the
student who is developmentally
school at any times can
delayed. She often had to help the
give marks for student get organized and prepared
different types of for different activities. T his shows
misbehavior. Parents are compassion and caring for her peers.
required to sign this
sheet daily, as well as at
the end of each week
when the final score is

2.1 Understanding emotions I would continue to model good

2.1. EU. 6. Refrains from aggressive behavior and praise her more when
she does things like this so that her
behaviors toward peers good behavior continues and the
2.1.EU.7. Refrains from aggressive other classmates can follow suit.
behaviors toward self
7-E-1.1 Demonstrate ways to show
respect, consideration and caring for

T his is a checklist that was

used on a writing assignment
so that students can check
over their work and self-
regulate themselves.
On the right is a poem Sophia
wrote about her dog named
Angel. Her emotions toward
Angel are very clearly

2.2 Self Regulation To further emotional dimensions, I

would have her discuss how people
T H-CE-E3 Exhibit physical felt during different parts of
and emotional dimensions of literature to make her more
characterization through aware of others emotions.
experimentation and role

I observed Sophia during P.E. one day, which is

something that they have every morning at
school. I saw her walk, run, jump, and skip. She
also followed all rules, directions, and procedures
from the instructor.
During an observation at Recess, I observed
her jumping from different elevations.
In both of these observations, she was very
respectful of the equipment and those around
her while playing.

1-P-1.1 Demonstrate mature form for To further Sophias physical

locomotor skills (walk, run, jog, leap, jump, hop, development, her teacher should
slide, gallop, and skip). have her alternate between
1-P-2.3 Jump from a variety of elevations different forms of locomotor
and land using mature form (balanced knees skills to become even more
and ankles flexed, absorbing force). aware and in-control.
5-P-1.1 Follow rules, directions, and procedures
from the instructor while participating in
physical education.
7-P-2.1 Demonstrate respect for self, others,
and equipment during physical activity
T his is a comprehension test about poetry. T he students are instructed to read the passage twice before
answering any questions. T hey are also advised to go back in the passage and underline the answer that
they find. Sophia does a good job at following all of these directions and doing well on the test.

Reading Standards for Literature: Key Ideas and To further enhance Sophias cognitive
Details development in this aspect, the
1. Ask and answer such questions as who, teacher should give her less directions
what, where, when, why, and how to so that she is challenged more to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a think on her own.
text. She should no longer give sentence
2. Recount stories, including fables and starters and constant reminders of
folktales from diverse cultures, and determine punctuation and capitalization.
their central message, lesson, or moral.
3. Describe how characters in a story
respond to major events and challenges.

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