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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It is Melgita Andreta
I just cant handle it, this is too real for me, I hope this writing will store all the feelings for me

Her name is Melgita Andreta, the first is the acronym of her full name and the second one is the
acronym of a writer that she likes, pretty famous, the author of Laskar Pelangi tetralogy. We met
in a debate match, she is from senior high school (SMA) and me the VHS (SMK). That was my
first victory over the competition, yes I beat her, I always yell it at her tho. But she get the runner
up and I got the second runner up, things get complicated in that kind of level of competition.

Her favorite song was Back to December, by taylor swift. I barely known that singer and I thought
it was an egg. We then become friends and get along the way, tho I had serious issue about
confidence, especially with my status and background back then which I thought my dream
would be simple and covered in a small track, but she unpredictably make the gates open to the
world, let me think that there is another edge which we can jump to. She tells me some about
SHS which she said not as that great as I think, which pumps up my confidence.

We shared common things, back then it was all about English, she has that favorite English
teacher and all the dreams that she has. Then, she also introduced me to novel, she let me know
about her inspiration from the tetralogy of Rainbow Troop. Believe it or not, for me who thought
that reading is a boring thing and that all text must be short and simple, read all the tetralogy
done plus one that about football, I learn about ikal and aling, lintang and the whole groups over
the book. That was my first time I hate movies which does not cover up the whole story in novel.
And we both know about Sorbonne University, its a metaphor that I use to describe my other
world which I want to end up.

So much things that you might think we are freak, but you can watch an Anime Yu-Gi-Oh GX
which pretty sum up our journey in friendship. and I introduced it to her, ya know it is really weird
to see a girl with that kind of book just accepting to watch anime from the person who only try to
stay near wifi and download much cartoon. And she likes it even more, she takes the learning
point from most characters than what I think about all anime, entertainment.

She tells me about her plan to study in UIN Jakarta all the time, and yet she is in UNSOED
because her parents dont allow her to go out of the town. Then, back in high school I also
introduced her to SEF, the organization that she likes, English. Then we were selected.
It was 10% of all story that I can tell. It was mean for me leave her alone back then. I thought for
sure, I leave her for her goodness. You know, our belief was getting stronger, and her belief much
stronger than me, with that going on and I was standing over there dragging her down, I feel all
wrong. I just thought that she must not be the person that I hate always in my mind, the one that
his/her body wont react to the Gods order (the munafiqeen). I thought that it was for her good
sake, and now I thought that it was me who cant handle much feelings. I failed her though she
never failed to cheer me up.
And now that she passed away, it is me staying, the meanest. She and I might take the same
lesson, but we turn out and grow to be different. She is the good one, in star wars, she is luke,
and I the Anakin. I think that she deserves a lot better life, a longer lifetime which could benefit so
many people. I thought for a second, if I could then I just share my age for her. Insane tho.

Overall, thanks Melia, Asuka, and all the names Ive been calling you. I cant drag you in this
world with all the mourning power I could possess. I am sorry for all the bad things that I did, I
hope you could pass anything well in the afterlife. Thanks for mentioning me in your blog for quite
lots of time. It was great to know you, I hope I wont forget about all. Thanks for visiting my life,

~be safe, my twins

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