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Induction Year ePortfolio

An ePortfolio is a web-based, curated collection of work that reveals insight about the
teachers personality, reflections about professional skills and concepts, understanding
of their learning, and growth as an effective facilitator of learning.

During your induction year, not only will you read Rick Smiths Conscious Classroom
Management: Unlocking the Secrets of Great Teach (CCM), but you will also meet with
your cluster to discuss the content covered in the book and dig deeper into the ADEPT
Professional Performance Standards. At the end of the year, as your final project, you
will present your ePortfolio to your cluster. You will work on your ePortfolio throughout
this school year.

Learning Goals
You will:
Use Weebly to create an ePortfolio.
Gather and curate artifacts for your ePortfolio which exhibit understanding of the
ADEPT Performance Standards and the principles in Rick Smiths Conscious
Classroom Management: Unlocking the Secrets of Great Teaching:
Who you are as an educator by
assuming the best.
exhibiting your inner authority.
dealing with stress.
What you do proactively as an educator by
holding your ground.
making positive connections.
establishing procedures.
exhibiting consistency.
getting ready or preparing for your students.
What you do as an educator in response to
establishing rules and consequences.
stopping student misbehavior.
putting it all together.
Reflect on your and your peers practices as educators.

After completing this module, you will be able to:
Use ePortfolios to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and
demonstrating competency of learning goals.
Critically curate a variety of resources for an ePortfolio using digital tools to
construct knowledge and produce creative artifacts.
Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways for an ePortfolio.
Use an ePortfolio and comments to cultivate and manage digital identity and
reputation while being aware of the permanence of online content in the digital
Communicate clearly and express ideas creatively for a variety of purposes using
the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate for an

1. Go to site to register and to create an account.
2. Choose an appropriate theme.
3. Create biographical homepage and pages for each section of the book. On each
section page, you should devote space for each chapter of the book
EXCLUDING CHAPTER 11. Also create a blog page. Here is an example:
4. Each page (not including your blog page) should include three components:
artifacts, narration, and reflection.
a. Artifacts can be pictures, videos, presentations, documents, embedded
features, etc.--whatever you think best exhibits the your knowledge and
skill gained from CCM, your cluster sessions, and your connections to the
ADEPT Performance Standards.
b. Reflection must illustrate your connection between CCM and the ADEPT
Performance Standards.
c. Narration should include your understanding of the chapter, concepts
incorporated in your class, and how you will continue incorporate the
specific principles, etc. You should reference CCM.
5. On your blog page, copy and paste the journal prompt provided and make it your
heading for that blog post. Then, go to at least TWO of your peers blog posts
and respond. Responses should should be posted at least TWO days prior to the
cluster meeting.
6. At the final cluster meeting in May 2017, you will present your ePortfolios to your
cluster colleagues.

NOTE: If you are new to Weebly, use this site,,

to help you as you create your ePotfolio. Though the information is geared
toward teachers and how to use Weebly in their classes, it still contains the
basic information that you need.

Induction Teacher: create, maintain, and present ePortfolio
Mentor: Offer feedback and suggestions
Cluster Leader: routinely review ePortfolios, offer feedback and suggestions, review

After you create the url for your ePortfolio, complete the Google Form provided
by your cluster leader so that he or she share the list of urls with the group.
Keep up with your ePortfolio regularly, completing sections as you participate in
your monthly clusters sessions so that your group and cluster leader can offer
constructive feedback.
You will present you final website to you cluster during the May 2017 meeting.

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