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BA027IU E-commerce

Summer 2015

School of Business
International University, Vietnam National University

Instructor: Dr. Hoang Phan

Class Schedule
08 Jun 2015 18 Jul 2015
8:00 12:00, Wed, Fri
Room: A2.410 (Wed), A2.312 (Fri)

Office location: Room 610, IU Building, Quarter 6, Linh Trung, Thu Duc District, HCMC
Office hours: by appointment
Office phone: 08 3724 4270 x 3232


This introductory course provides third-year students the fundamentals of electronic commerce and how it affects
business enterprises, governments, consumers and people. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

Identify and describe the unique features of e-commerce technology and discuss their business significance.
Identify the key components of e-commerce business models.
Describe the key technology concepts behind the Internet.
Understand how consumers behave online.
Recognize the main ethical, social, and political issues raised by e-commerce.
Explain the difference between a traditional social network and an online social network.

The course heavily emphasizes on concept understanding and hand-on experience. Students are asked to work in a
team to build an e-commerce web site where various aspects of e-commerce (retailing, marketing, etc.) are
incorporated. This exercise will help turn students theoretical knowledge into real-life practical experience.


Even though it does not require any specific knowledge; this course recommends students should possess some
marketing knowledge and computing skills. Completion of course BA003IU (Principles of Marketing) and BA120IU
(Business Computing Skills) should be sufficient. Since the course involves technical writing, students should also
possess an above-average English proficiency skill.

Textbook and companion website (required)

E-Commerce 2014: Business, Technology, Society, Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol G. Traver, 10th Edition,
Pearson, 2014, ISBN: 1-292-00909-8


Course work

The student course load includes:

Mid-term exam
Final exam

Warning: You should be prepared to spend at least 6 (or more) extra hours a week (besides the lecture hours) for this
course. If you are not prepared for such a workload, you will get bad grades!
Grading policy

Grade percentage (total 100%) is divided as:

Quizzes: 30% (online, in-class)
Mid-term: 30%
Final: 40%

Corresponding scores based on grade percentage are (Grades criteria, Students Handbook):
90% - 100% = A+ - Excellent
80% - 89% =A - Good
70% - 79% = B+ - Fairly good
60% - 69% =B - Fair
50% - 59% =C - Average
30% - 49% = D+ - Weak
10% - 29% = D- - Too weak
0% - 9% =F - Failure

Scores are evaluated in comparison with your classmate's scores, but I reserve the right to evaluate the final grade.
Curve-up policy is endorsed here.

Academic honesty

The course observes the Academic Honesty Policy: Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of
the university. It is the foundation upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of
personal behavior.

Because honesty and integrity are such important factors, you should be aware that failure to perform within the bounds
of these ethical standards is sufficient grounds to receive a grade F and be recommended for suspension.

Please read Section: Discipline to students, university cadres violating regulation on testing and examination, Article 8,
Chapter 3, Students Handbook, Academic Year 2007-2008)

Class format

The format for a typical session is, chronologically:

In-class or online quiz for already-studied but not-tested chapters is carried out (in random)
The highlights of assigned reading materials are reviewed.
Class discussions on special topics relating to assigned materials. Students are expected to participate and
propose answers from own experiences. With discretions, partial credits are counted toward final grades for
active students.
New reading materials is assigned
Team project discussion is carried out.

Class rules

On-time attendance is highly recommended; otherwise you MAY MISS the quiz.
All mobile phones, tablets and computers must be PUT AWAY before the class begins.
NO drinking or eating.
NO private discussions during sessions.

Quiz/Exam rules

Open book Open note: you are allowed to bring text book and notes. Mobile phone or tablet and laptop
computer are not allowed.
NO late entry is accepted.
Make-up quiz is possible only by email request with GOOD REASON before the scheduled quiz.

Course schedule

There are 12 4-hour sessions which compose of 1 orientation, 8 lectures, 1 course and final exam review, 1 mid-term
exam and 1 final exam.
Session Discussion Topics Reading Assignments Notes

1 (10/06) Orientation Ch 1 Introduction to E-commerce Student Survey

2 (12/06) Ch 1 Introduction to E-commerce Ch 2 E-commerce infrastructure Last day to drop/add

3 (17/06) Ch 2 E-commerce infrastructure Ch 3 Building an E-commerce


4 (19/06) Ch 3 Building an E-commerce presence Ch 5 E-commerce business models Quiz 1 (Ch 1,2)

5 (24/06) Ch 5 E-commerce business models Ch 6 E-commerce marketing and


6 (26/06) Ch 6 E-commerce marketing and advertising Ch 7 Social, mobile and local Quiz 2 (Ch 3,5)

7 (01/07) Ch 7 Social, mobile and local marketing

8 (03/07) Mid-term Exam Ch 10 - Social networks and Ch 1,2,3,5,6,7


9 (08/07) Ch 10 - Social networks and communities Ch 11 E-commerce retailing and


10 (10/07) Ch 11 E-commerce retailing and services Ch 8 Ethics, law and E-commerce

11 (15/07) Ch 8 Ethics, law and E-commerce Quiz 3 (Ch 10,11)

12 (17/07) Course and final exam review

(27/07) Final exam Ch 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11

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