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Name: Clae Sensenig

School/Mentor Name: Excel Charter Academy, Matt Sicilia
Grade/Subject: 7th and 8th Grade
General Topic: Basketball


Physical education helps students realize the importance of living healthy and
active lives. Without a good physical education program, students would not
be able to create good healthy habits at a young age. I believe that my job as
a physical education teacher is to allow students to be able to participate in
as much physical activity in a safe and positive environment. Measuring
success of students for me is seeing how far they have come, and measuring
their growth. It will not be the same for everyone, because everyone is at
different levels, but seeing positive change is what I will be looking for.
Overall I want my students to learn the importance of teamwork, and
sharing/cooperating with others. I want to teach students basic motor skills
that will help them in various activities for the future and prepare them for
what is ahead. I want students to know the importance of practicing to
become more accurate and consistent with a certain skill as well as know the
rules of the games. I want students to play fair and know the importance of
following rules and the consequences of cheating as well as not being a good
teammate. I believe that encouragement is key to growth, and no one is
going to get better if they are constantly being told what they did was wrong,
rather praising the little things. On the other hand, I believe that it is
necessary to discipline and contact parents if the students consistently
misbehave. My goal as a teacher is to guide students in a positive direction
where knowledge and skills improve, and students can have fun while doing

Having a basketball unit fits into my overall curriculum of team sports. I

believe team sports are very important in helping students learn to work with
others. Working with others is a part of everyday life, even as one gets older
and has a job someday they need to have good leadership and teamwork
sills. Basketball is a sport that offers various skill development, in skills that
can also be used in other sports. Throwing and catching is used in other
sports such as soft ball and baseball as well. Basketball has an endurance
aspect to it, as students will learn to be able to run up and down the court for
longer periods of time, as well as sprint when necessary. Movements such as
shuffles on defense allow muscles to get stronger. Knowing the basic rules
and strategies of basketball fits into my overall cognitive goals of learning
where being able to process different strategies and see the whole court, and
correctly follow the rules given to have an effective game play.

Shooting the basketball and having correct form, and also knowing the
different types of shots; three point shot, jump shot, layup is something that I
will spend a large portion of time on. Dribbling and ball movement are key
skills needed to play the game of basketball and will be a main focus as well.
Being able to have fun and for students to be confident in their ability to
shoot and dribble is a goal I have. I want students to be able to leave the gym
class and be able to play pick up games in the park, or in the back yard with
friends and family. The strategies and plans needed to teach this unit
effectively is not to rush through drills. I want to spend time on all of
these different skills so students know that they improved. Individual skill
work as well as team work will be incorporated.

I would hope that basic knowledge of catching, throwing, bouncing a ball

and shooting would have been taught by this point, so that I could work on
accuracy and consistency with this specific middle school group. Depending
on how big the class sizes are depends on how many teams I can
have play . As a teacher one of my goals is to give student as much physical
activity and less standing around, so I dont want there to be many
substitutes just standing around on the sideline waiting.


Cognitive Objectives
(What concepts do you want students to remember, understand, apply,
analyze, evaluate, [create]?)
I want students to be able to remember the basic rules of the game of
I want students to be apply different strategies when on offense versus when
on defense
I want students to be able to recognize the correct form of shooting and if
they make a bad shot to be able to know why it was bad, or what they could
do differently
Knowing the differences of a chest pass, over head pass, and bounce pass
and the appropriate times to use those different passes.

Psychomotor Objectives
(What physical skills and processes will students develop?)
Students will be able to display the correct form of shooting a basketball with
one hand underneath the ball, one hand to the side, elbow in, and follow
Students will be able to dribble with their right and left hand up and down the
Students will be able to dribble keeping their head up and eyes on the court
in front of them and not at the ball.
Students will be able to do a crossover dribble
Students will be able to make an effective bounce, chest, and over head pass
Students will be able to make right and left hand layups
Students will be able to make free-throws
Students will know how to shuffle and slide their feet while playing defense
Students will know how to make a jump shot

Socio-Emotional Objectives
(What values and commitments and attitudes will students acquire or wrestle
Students will be able to work together with different classmates and acquire
teamwork skills
Students will be able to communicate effectively on and off the basketball
Students will have a positive attitude win or lose
Students will wrestle with learning to cooperate with students with various
backgrounds and skills in the game of basketball.

Content Standards (common core, GLCE, etc.):

(include at least 3)

1. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning

words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word
parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as

2. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks,

demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or

3. Know appropriate scoring how to operate basic addition skills

(what evidence will you collect to demonstrate that students met your
Students will be assessed on participation, effort, teamwork sills, listening
skills, following directions mainly by teacher observation, as well as some skill
level assessment using peer observation. Quizzes will be used to determine
how well students understand the rules of the game.

5 Lesson Plan Topics:

(bullet list)
- Ball handling skills- dribbling
- Passing- chest, bounce and overhand
- Shooting- short shots, mid range, long shots
- Rules of the game, offense and defense
- Game play/scrimmage

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