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Nelson 1

Catherine Nelson
Professor Raymond
10 April 2017
UWRT 1104
Writing Prompt 10
The main focus and idea of the semester long project is to talk about Adderall abuse on

college campuses. The main overall topic of this project remains the abuse of Adderall on college

campuses but incorporating some information such as personal accounts of Adderall abusers, the

statistics of Adderall abusers, demographics of Adderall abusers and also the effects Adderall has

on one that is not prescribed. In the beginning of the research project my partner and I had more

of a broad perspective of what the topic of our project would be. From the start of the project, my

partner and I agreed to talk about Adderall abuse on college campuses but we did not have

specifics on the topic that we wanted to talk about.

One aspect that my partner and I definitely want to incorporate into our overall project is

having personal accounts of people on Adderall. We decided to input interviews of people that

abuse Adderall and also people that have been medically prescribed Adderall. With having

interviews of people that take Adderall when not prescribed and also having interviews of people

medically prescribed Adderall we hope to have a comparison between the two groups. We will

compare the effects the drugs have on both groups, how the drug makes each of groups feel and

finally the different reasons that the two groups take the drugs. Given the fact that many people

take Adderall for many different reasons, we will incorporate multiple interviews that show

different perspectives of Adderall abusers. Also, we decided it would be interesting to have a

medical account and viewpoint on how the drug affects the two groups and why the drug affects

the two group differently. By setting up these comparisons in our project we hope to send a

message to our audience. First off, we think it is important for our audience to understand how

detrimental the drug can be on the mind and body when not prescribed in hopes that many
Nelson 2

Adderall sellers will stop selling Adderall. Also, we hope to reach the audience of those college

students that abuse Adderall in college and throughout their life for whatever reason.
While researching the topic of Adderall abusers I came across some demographics of an

Adderall abuser/user. Not all articles mentioned a stereotypical Adderall user, but those that

did mention information about Adderall abuser/user they all had the same common

characteristics. The common characteristics of a college student that abuses non prescribed

Adderall is usually being white, a part of a fraternity or sorority and having a grade point average

of a B or lower. Furthermore, some articles mention the stereotype of a common child that is

prescribed medicine, such as Adderall, for the ADHD. ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in

white boys as opposed to any other group of children. Up to one third of white males will be

diagnosed with ADHD before they graduate from high school. This topic was not originally

something that my partner and I decided to incorporate into our overall project, but I believe that

having this information could be a great addition into the statistics of our project.
The information that I found about the demographics of an Adderall abuser and what the

common stereotype of a child being prescribed ADHD surprised me the most out of all the

information I learned throughout my research. A lot of the information I found about what

Adderall does to the body was fairly common in majority of the articles that I read. Of the five

SLOs for the semester, the SLO that I believe I have done the most growth with is critical

reflection. Having to reflect on majority of the assignments we have written, I learned how to

personally criticize my own work. When reading back on my own work various times before

submitting, I learned to look at my assignments at a different angle in order to view how another

reader would see my understand my assignment.

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