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Espaol 1

Meghan Garland

Welcome to my Spanish 1 class! I am very excited to introduce you to the Spanish language and
culture. This year we will focus on learning how to speak the language and on learning about the
different cultures around the world that use the Spanish language. I hope I can create a learning
environment in which you can truly understand why the Spanish language is a wonderful and
important language to learn. But most importantly, I want you to speak and understand Spanish!

Class Rules
1. Be prepared and ready to work when the bell rings for class to start
2. Listen carefully when the teacher is talking
3. Use Spanish whenever you can
4. Treat everyone (teacher, classroom) and everything (classroom, class materials) how you
want to be treated
**** School rules will be enforced at all times in this classroom (ie. phone, dress code,

Consequences for your actions

1. Verbal warning and a brief conversation with the teacher after class
2. Parent/guardian will be notified
3. You will serve Saturday detention
4. Administration will be notified

Class Materials
Notebook/ paper- to take notes
Folder/binder- to keep track of homework and other assignments
Pen or pencil- the more the better
A good attitude- you cant learn if you have a bad attitude

Attendance and participation are essential to success in this class. You are responsible for
any material and homework you miss when you are not in class. If your absence is excused, you
will have one day per days absent to turn in any missing work in accordance with the school
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Any assignments turned in after the
assigned due date will not receive any credit. If you fail to turn in 2 or more homework
assignments on time you will receive a Saturday detention as per the schools policies.
I will update grades at least once a week. It is your responsibility to keep track of your
grades through the class webpage. Official grading will be based on participation, homework
assignments, class projects, and tests and quizzes.
Grading Scale:
Semester Grade:
Your semester grade will be based on 35% the quarter 1 grade, 35% the quarter 2 grade,
10% the final project, and 20% the final exam.
Participation is essential to your success in this classroom. I will do my best to provide as many
opportunities for participation as possible. However, if you do not put forth the same amount of
effort, it will be very difficult to keep up with the course material.

Academic Honesty
When you cheat off of someone elses work you are cheating yourself. Not only will such
behavior not be tolerated, your ability to learn and succeed in this class will decrease
tremendously. Any evidence of academic dishonesty will be immediately reported to the school
administration and you will receive no credit for the assignment

Communication with Students and Family

I am available before and after school every day if you would like to discuss anything related to
the class or if you just need someone to talk to. In addition, I invite Parents and Guardians to stay
in touch with me via email at if you have anything to discuss or if
you would like to set up an appointment.
Thank you for reading my classroom policies. Now that the serious part is over and you
are aware of my expectations, I hope you are ready to begin the wonderful adventure that is
learning Spanish. If you follow these guidelines and are open to new ideas and experiences, it is
going to be a great year for everyone!
--- Senorita Garland

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