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By Claire Lee

1. A bone to pick
= To have a reason to argue or quarrel
Eg: Janes father has a bone to pick with her about the way she

2. A change of heart
= A change in the way you feel about something, someone
Eg: Daisy refused to speak to John after the incident. Then she
had a change of heart, and now they are friends again.

3. Babe in arms
= Someone with very little experience, especially in business.
Eg: Ella is just a babe in arms in this industry. She will have to
catch up quickly if she wants to succeed.

4. Back and forth

= Moving from one place to another and back again.
Eg: The ferry sails back and forth, taking tourists to the island
and bringing others back.

5. Bad egg
= A person who cannot be trusted.
Eg: Linda thinks that Jim is a bad egg as he mixes with bad

6. Call for (someone)

= Pick up someone.
Eg: I will call for you at 7.00 p.m., and then we will go for dinner

7. Call it a day
= Stop work for the day
Eg: I am tired; lets call it a day.

8. Daylight robbery
= Overcharged or underpaid.
Eg: This is daylight robbery! cried Steve when the vendor
asked for RM100 for the designer T-shirt

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