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Writing in this class has given me a research outlet.

While in UWRT 1104 I have been

given the opportunity to explore my ideas and work on my writing, as well as develop my

research methods. The writing prompts have given me a reason to put my feelings and struggles

into a written form, this has allowed for some closure of my past. The daily writings promote an

inquisitive mindset, questioning and refining my work as I go. Class discussions and

presentations have allowed for a comfortable classroom environment. This collection of

assignments and in-class activates makes for a more influential use of learning in relation to the

semester long multi-model project.

These factors make me and my peers improve our abilities to produce a better semester

long multi-model project. I have been given the skills and opportunity to expand on a research

topic that interests me and my partner. I will be constructing meaning through my writing,

recognizing the history and resources I have. Acknowledging the constraints, I will have due to

the time and limited knowledge. Throughout the future presentation, I will be an active leaner,

and am provided the opportunity to question the presenter. Rhetorically we have partaken in

presentations as well as class-wide discussions to improve our verbal skills. Personally, the daily

writings pushed me to investigate further into my life. For example, I researched the west house

near my neighborhood for the first time, with Mrs. Raymond in mind. The west house is an

undeveloped park that was previously owned by the cone brothers. Until my research, I referred

to it as the Pumphouse, because there is an electrical pump in Lake Jeanette for Duke Energy.

About the semester long multi-model project my partner and I decided to research the

effects of pollution in America. After the exercise in class of writing down three prompts that

would interest us we had a commonality of pollution. I took a geography course last semester

and was intrigued by the alternative methods we learned about for natural resources, whereas
Angela had recently watched a Netflix documentary about the poisons we consume on a regular

basis. If it had not been for the activity in class I would never had suggested this topic, it has

allowed me to learn more about a topic that I truly respect. The most challenging part is our lack

of knowledge, although I took a course my understanding is limited. Being able to cohesively

present a research project is going to be tricky, because of my wide range of related however

irrelevant knowledge on geography. My position in the project as Angela told me is that I

provide a very interesting and creative perspective to the project.

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