WP 9

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My professor, Amanda Stone, had a great deal of inspiration on my desire to research the topic I

chose. Professor Stone was my geography teacher, and educated the class of many extremities

that make up climate change. I decided to interview her because of her expertise but also because

she is one of the reasons the topic is so thrilling for me. We meet in her office in McEniry at

12:30 pm on Thursday, March 30.

What is climate change?

Climate change is the actual long term difference between historic temperature,

precipitation, wind, and humidity and what it is now.

What is Global Warming, and how is it an example of climate change?

Global warming refers to the increase in average temperature. Our atmosphere is made up

of constant and variable gases. Variable gases include carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and

ozone; all of which absorb the suns radiation and this process is called the greenhouse effect.

Although natural, anthropogenic activity has increased the parts per million of these greenhouse

gases in the atmosphere. Without these greenhouse gases Earth would have an average

temperature of fifty degrees Fahrenheit, with too much it would be too hot. Venus for example is

932 degrees Fahrenheit hot because of the mass amount of carbon dioxide and proximity to the


What role do humans play in the current global warming?

Carbon dioxide, for example, is released when humans burn fossil fuels for many daily

activities produce electricity, heating in homes with oil, coal or gas, drive cars, gas stoves for

cooking. Landfills release methane through the decomposition of food.

My meeting with professor Stone was very short, and will continue tomorrow on April 4. I am

excited to learn more through this interview process, it is a very helpful a productive insight into

my project. I cannot wait to learn more and possibly gather more research opportunities through

this question process.

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