WP 10

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My partner and Is original topic effects of pollution on America I think would be more

suitable if it were the effects of climate change on Americans. The reason for the alteration is the

realization of the interconnectedness of pollution in regard to the indirect effects on the

environment, all being summed up with climate change. More specifically the overall rise in

temperature do to the increase in anthropogenic variable gases, or greenhouse gases,

strengthening the insolation of the Earth. This is known as the Greenhouse effect, something we

will talk heavily about. Throughout my interview with Professor Stone I learned about many

current events and perspectives of environmental injustices that are going on in the world

because of ignorance. Hopefully our classroom will take something, like I learned from doing

this project as well as taken geography last semester. Having a passionate professor like Ms.

Stone really made the absorption of the information easier, so maybe my whimsical personality

will make the ignorant more aware.

One shocking factor that Professor Stone brought up is that the only remaining argument

against most sustainable energy sources is the aesthetic appeal of them. The fact that looks goes

under consideration for the betterment of my life is appalling. The fact that people are willing to

risk their health and their ancestors to sustain some preconceived notion of beauty is inhuman.

The ignorance that sustainable energy sources are deemed as ugly is a predetermined mindset.

That global warming is something to be undermined into something as trivial as appearance.

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