U.S.P.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested: Won't Son

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February 2, 2017

President Donald J. Trump

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20050

U.S.P.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested

Mr. President:

As Sir. Edmund Burke could explain, where baseless compliments flow, there is corruption of giver and
receiver, alike. This document is not a letter of praise, although we are thankful to our heavenly maker
for having freed the executive branch from the recent unlawful usurpation, but a demand for action:

You must refer this matter, under penalty of Law, to the Attorney General of the United States.

Attached, please find the Tacit Admission of Ineligibility (CONFESSION IN OPEN COURT) which was duly
filed in the Pinellas County Courthouse, a true and correct copy of which is attached, certified January
20, 2017 by the Town Clerk. It is incumbent upon you, sir, to render aid in adjudication. Think for a
moment: If two Supreme Court occupants were seated without having been nominated by one with
lawful authority to nominate, their departure from the high bench is warranted. Our friend from
Chatham County, 'Cousin Clarence' Thomas agrees. You have met this remarkable man, have you not?
See his letter to me dated August 1, 2011, also attached, acknowledging receipt of the T.A.O.I. and
extending well-wishes in my attempt to bring the "usurper most vile, injuring not with the sword, but
with the slogan and smile" to Justice. "All the AJAX in the world won't clean his dirty laundry."

Our son, Joseph Habersham Connerat, turns one year of age on Saturday. He received his passport,
today! Thankfully, the Department of State is no longer under a faux-Secretary whose legacy is the
dwarfing of a promising political career into feckless pawn status ... yet another appointment made by
on.e without lawful nominative power, having never held the Office of the President due to his lack of
eligibility under the Constitution. Col. Joseph Habersham, who was part of the Continental Army, served
in the Washington, Adams, and Jefferson cabinets, as Postmaster General. Permit me to hint, whether it
would not be wise and seasonable, that the failing Postal Service be restored to prominence, as the
United States Post Office, reporting to you, as part of an historically robust cabinet. Many loyal and
hard-working agents of the federal government do good work, as evidenced by delivery of this letter
from a humble Citizen. Likewise, they ensured that the squatter (skulking in the executive mansion
before you reclaimed it for the American people) received my letter of November 11, 2008. A copy of
the proof of delivery, via Return Receipt stamped by 'THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE' also is attached.
Joseph needs to learn to read and write, to understand the power of the letter, as he sees me now type.

FOX News broadcast your dances with lovely wife, Melania. Don't ever let her go. I remember as a kid,
listening to "My Way" as sung by the 'Chairman of the Board,' playing on the record player at 33 1/3
~. -;:.
revolutions per minute. Citizens of this country revolted on November 8, 2016 by electing Donald J.
Trump, with whom.l was fortunate to share a sample ballot, in the Florida Presidential Preference
Primary of March 15, 2016. See attached election results. There was an election in our Town of Belleair
on that day, too. Perhaps you'd be kind in reply to give some advice on winning, as I prepare to battle
our octogenarian Mayor next year, in 2018. He is doing quite well, by the way. Nevertheless, my
verbatim reading of the Tacit Admission of Ineligibility at the Town Meeting held on January 21, 2014
stands, without rebuttal, on file with our Town as documentary evidence of treason.

There is no statute of limitations for this alleged crime, so time is on our side, t o paraphrase a successful
British rock-and-roll band, whose music you used en route to victory. Forget not this simple man, an
American who na"ively believed that the judicial or the legislative branch of government could right this
wrong. In fact, on November 26, 2012, I wrote a letter to the Supervisor of Elections for the State of
Florida, mailing you a copy at that time, as I had seen it reported that you had some legitimate concerns
about the usurper's birth certificate, or lack thereof, and therefore his eligibility to serve as President.
That letter is attached, also as a reminder. Finally, see the attached letter of November 14, 2016 from
me to your Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Senator Jeff Sessions, among others licensed attorneys, in
which I brought certified documentary evidence of treason to their attention and warned of misprision
of felony. See the receipts showing delivery of Certified Mail. With law and order comes the unpleasant
task of handling crime and punishment. The President executes the law as his duty, and the Attorney
General has the means to prosecute a man who has committed treason, via unlawful usurpation of the
Office of President of the United States, an office you have reclaimed for all Americans.

During my time at The University, no professor could be called 'Doctor' (even if he held such degree).
because we referred to the esteemed founder of our academic village as 'Mister' Jefferson.

Thank you, Mr. Trump, for your prompt attention to this matter.

Spencer Connerat
336 Carl Ave.
Belleair, Fl 33756
(727) 512-2571

c.c. Master Joseph Habersham Connerat

Justice Clarence Thomas

WHEREAS Defendant Barack Hussein Obama II received a

Certified Letter of Redress dated 2/26/2009 from Plaintiff
William Spencer Connerat III, on 3/25/2009, and numbered
7008 1830 0000 2749 6597 by United States PostaLServic~ /\ ;::; .;.
l \
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The fmal paragraph reading: I

w ... . -
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... \ I
"If and when a second rebuke of this Citizen's humble requ[!s(ti$ -
manifested, then I shall seek to record a true and correct c{J.py_of . w -
such tacit admission of ineligibility to the Office ofPresident ofthe
United States ofAmerica in the Pinellas County Courthouse.,

WHEREAS aforementioned Letter was met with ignorance and

capitulation, the Defendant neither responding, nor appearing in

And WHEREAS the Plaintiff seeks to fulfill his promise to record,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that this document represents

a recorded ADMISSION OF INELIGIBILITY by the Defendant,
.ACTION OF TREASON, in this State and in any other jurisdiction
which may deem such tacit admission as fact.

RE: 522009SC005522:XXSCSC
Connerat vs. Obama
Filed March 18, 2010
Pinellas county, Florida
~f.tmt QJ.ou:ri ltf tlf.t ~~ .jtatt.s
Jlultin\lhm.). QJ. 2D.;t~~


August 1, 2011

Mr. W. Spencer Connerat, Ill

13584 Feather Sound Cir., W.
Apt. 2009
Clearwater, FL 33762

Dear Mr. Connerat:

Thank you for your letter of June 15, 2011. I sincerely appreciate your taking

the time to write. Best wishes to you.


Clarence Thomas

-t JAfrUI
~r . .
Case 3:13-cv-00662-JRS Document 66 Filed 03/23/15 Page 5 of 15 PageiD~NO~M:I ot:ld

,, e~< ~ ,~ (-r Au "' .

November 11, 2008


Seriator Barack Obama
tEL l5 2llll8
713 Hart Senate Office l3uilding
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator Obama:

Congratulations on your g~ering of over :fi.fcy percent of the pt>pular vote

in the re~t election for ,Presiden~ I watched your. speecli (it was.midnight, .
here in the East) and 1 app~d you for ~e hope, inspiratio~ and kindri~
you ~v~ given to many folks. Nonetheless; as.a U.S. ci1;izen, who didvote
in the election, albeit the Republican D.omin~e, I ~ concerned about
your qualifications to be elected President of the Unit~ States of America.
Therefore, please return to me, forthwith, proof QfyoQl" natural. brim" status
as required wtder our Const.ifution.

I resp~ctfully ask for a written respoll$e to be in my ha.tid before Deeember

l, 2008. Otherwise, I may seek to enjoin 1he ElectOral College vote. My
feeling is tb.at you truly ~eiieve in concepts like ~ess, and '':fair play."
Humour this Citi2'.en and temove tmy doubt.

The State ofHawaii is also being summoned. 1 a "tangible interest" is not

.this case, of a Citizen ~that the Constitution .i3 upheld,_then th~ is
,no SJ.~ch concept under Law. 1t is in our co~ecti'V'~ best ~terests that you"
p.rod.uce the sought docl.Ul).el).~ without b~4c:min.8 the <;;ourt. . .

LQ<>king folWard to y~m. prompt response, I r~m:am,

In patriotism; ...
William Spencer CoD;I,lerat 111 - citizen
13S84 Feather S.olnl.d Circle, W.
Apt. 2009
Clearwater, FL 33762-5559
cc) Mr. Thol:zj.asJ.Do.Qnelly;Esq. ';foo'6 l g3o .ooo:Z .S~i-f':i 7~o9..
s.e nator,fobn. S~ey ;Lv.[cCaitim 16 6 <t l S3o 0'00 2. ;- G,L-/'-t ~ 5 rt
Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete
Item 41f Restricted Delvery is desired. item 4 if Restricted Delivety is desired.
Print your name and address on the~ Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we c:an return the card to you. so that we can return the card to you.
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
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7008 1830 0000 2749 6597
'S Form 3811, February 2004 Domestlc Reb.m Receipt 102595-02-M-1640 i PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 10259&C2M1540

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21312017 Pinellas - Election RestJts

Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections

PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY Active Registered Voters: 496,130 Precincts Reported: 299 of 299
AND MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Ballots Cast: 248,31 0
MARCH 15, 2016 VoterTumout: 50.05%
Website last updated 3/25/2016
4:08:42 PM EDT
Official Results
Includes Early Voting
Includes Mail Ballots
Includes Provisional Ballots
Includes 10-Day Overseas Ballots

Search Contests
(27 of27)
Check Map for Precincts
~ ma
Reportin ~

Go To Page 1 '" Display 5 '"

PRESIDENT (Vote for 1)

299 of 299 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Jeb Bush (REP) 3.76% 4,950

Ben Carson (REP) 1.14% 1,502
Chris Christie (REP) 0.18% 236
Ted Cruz (REP) 16.70% 21,997
early Fiorina (REP) 0.13% 173
Jim Gilmore (REP) 0.02% 22
Lindsey Graham (REP) 0.04% 55

Mike Huckabee (REP) 0.12% 1"54
John R. Kasich (REP) 8.33% 10,978
Rand Paul (REP) 0.31% 409
Marco Rubio (REP) 22.76% 29,984
Rick Santorum (REP) 0.06% 84
Donald J. Trump (REP) 46.44% 61,174

PRISIDENT (Vote for 1)

299.of 299 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Hillary Clinton (OEM) I 60.31% 63,722

Martin O'Malley (OEM)
Bernie Sanders (OEM)


1 of 1 Precincts Reporting

http:l/enr.votepinellas.com/FUPinellas/593881163770/en/summary.html 1/2
21312017 Pinellas - Election Resuts

Percent Votes

Spencer Connerat 7.35% 222

Tom Kurey 47.53% 1,435
Tom Shelly 45.11% 1,362


40 of 40 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Bob Cundiff I 52.84% 12,071

Jay Edwin Polglaze I 47.16% 10,772


7 of 7 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Barbara Banno I 40.63% 1,848

Sam Henderson I 59.37% 2,700
Copyright 2017 Powered by- ~

hltp://enr.votepinellas.com/FUPinellas/593881163770/en/summary.html 212
November 26, 2012
2012 NDV 27 PM 12: 05
!Ja U.S.P.S. Certified Mail ELECTION SERV/r.' CENTER

Deborah Clark
Supervisor of Elections, PineHas County
Election Service Center
Starkey Lakes Corporate Center
13001 Starkey Rd.
Largo, FL 33773

Mrs. Clark:

I fmd it troubling that your office's lack of attention to detail and poor
customer service forced me to write this letter of reprimand. Twenty days
ago, on (Election Day) November 6, 2012, I expressed concern to a poll
worker before voting at my Precinct location (Belleair Town Hall) that there
was an ineligible candidate on the ballot. She heard my complaint and
agreed to accept and convey a Cettified Copy of the Tacit Admission of
Ineligibility (Confession in Open Court) to you.

Later that day, before the polls closed, I called your office to ensure that
such documentary evidence was, indeed, properly conveyed. I was told that
your personal assistant, Kim, would be swnmoned to respond to this
citizen's humble, proper, and respectful request. Kim never called.

Likewise, the following week, on November 13,2012, I spoke with two of

your employees about the matter, again to ensure that you had received such
document. Nancy Whitlock promised me that she would either get back in
touch with me, regarding this matter of conveyance, or someone else would
do so. I gave her my address and telephone number, There has been no
return call.

I called and left voice messages for Nancy on Wednesday and Thursday,
November 14 and 15. There was no reply. This is very unacceptable
service, and I trust that you agree,

Please see attached another Certified Copy of the Tacit Admission of

Ineligibility, a document which is prima facie evidence of not only an
ineligible candidate, but also documentary proof of an unlawful usurpation.
Over 200,000 votes were erroneously cast for the ineligible candidate, in our
county. This is enough of a margin for lawful-minded citizens to challenge
the certification of the popular vote, perhaps awarding the State of Florida's
Electors to Mitt Romney, or to another eligible candidate.

The Governor and Secretary of State are copied. A Certified Copy of the
Tacit Admission of Ineligibility was mailed to Gov. Scott under separate
cover, as is required by Law. I patiently await your response, as my elected
official, who ought to have responded promptly. Now, I am forced to send
you another Certified Copy, Return Receipt Requested, to prove that you are
in receipt of such disqualifying notice, AT MY ADDITIONAL EXPENSE.

Time is of the essence. We, including aJl honorable parties copied, reserve
the right to use this letter as well as your written reply to me (or lack thereof)
as part of any future prose filing or other proceeding against such ineligible,
specifically in the Florida Supreme Court or in the Supreme Court of the
United States .


- - --------
William S. Connerat, ill, Registered Voter, Pinellas

cc) Ron. Rick Scott, Governor

Ken Detzner, Secretary of State
Ron. C. W. "Bill" Young, U.S. Rep.
Hon. Joe Biden, Acting President
Justice Clarence Thomas, Chatham
Sheiiff Joe Atpaio, Maticopa
Hon. Rob Schilling, WINA D.J.
Lt. William "Jack" Harris, WFLA D.J.
Lt. WilliamS. Connerat, Jr., Wal-Mart
Cluistopher M. Giblin, CEO Ogilvy
Donald J. Trump, Manhattan Golfer
Donald 0. MacFarland, Florida Attorney
Richard D. Green, Florida Attorney
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