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This Agreement is made and entered into by and between:

, and referred to herein as the CLIENT;

Atty.______., of legal age, married, Filipino and resident of

__________________________, and referred to herein as the LAWYER;


That the Client is in the business of cooperative,

specifically in the area of cable TV business, cattle relending and

That in the course of its business operation, CLIENT often

encounters problems involving serious legal issues which have
the tendency of complicating the business of the cooperative;

That the client has decided to retain the services of

counsel, who shall render services as will enhance the business
prospects of the client while protecting their interest by way of
adequate legal opinion as may be ask from time to time;

That the lawyer is willing to be retained as counsel at an

agreed compensation;

WHEREFORE, by these presents, the client hereby retains the

services of the lawyer, and the latter accepts such undertaking,
subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. That the lawyer shall be paid An acceptance fee of P ;

2. That the services shall consist of consultations regarding the
case filed by the client, preparation of required briefs in court;
3. That the lawyer shall be entitled to an appearance fee of P for
every hearing of cases ;
4. That the docket fee/filing fee shall be to the account of the
client, which cost can be recovered as damages to be paid by
the defendant;
5. That the client shall reimburse to the lawyer actual expenses
of mailing/postage;

This agreement shall start on December 5, 2016 until the case

is terminated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their

hands this 5th day of Decemebr, 2016 at ____________________.

Client Lawyer

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