Data in Numbers Data Through: Quantitative Qualitative

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What is research?

A systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to find an answer to a
question or a solution to a problem, to validate or test an existing theory
(Portillo, 2014).
Careful, systematic study in the field of knowledge that is undertaken to
discover or establish facts or principles (Doromal, 2011).

It helps us answer question, solve problems and make decisions.
It enables us to see and understand how and why a situation or a problem
It helps us discover new things or ideas
It allows us to validate existing theories or generate new one.
It helps us identify and understand the causes and effects of a situation or a

What is Educational Research?

encompasses many different studies all of which attempt to better understand
and improve the learning and educational process. These studies include
research on topics such as Teaching, Classroom Management, Psychology,
Testing, Child Development, and Cognitive Science. (Faculty Development,

Nature of Educational Research

- knowledge derived from research is based on data collected by the

- Validity is used to determine whether research measures what it intended to
measure and to approximate the truthfulness of the results.

- Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable
if we get the same result repeatedly.

- Identify the problem/topic (and relevant related knowledge)
- Review the information (via literature search)
- Collect data (in an organized and controlled manner)
- Draw conclusions (make generalizations based on results of analysis)


Qualitative Quantitative

Data through Data in numbers

Classification of Research:
Qualitative Research
collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and
research refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics,
metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things

Quantitative Research
by definition, measurement must be objective, quantitative and statistically
simply put, its about numbers, objective hard data.

Qualitative Research
Narrative: This approach to inquiry retells someones story across time. It
explores what the story means and the lessons to be learned.

Phenomenology: The goal of phenomenological research is to describe

participants experiences in a specific context and understand a phenomenon.
For example, what is it like to be homeless in Los Angeles?

Grounded theory: This type of qualitative approach investigates a process,

action, or interaction with the goal of developing a theory.
Ethnography: The mainstay of early cultural anthropologists, ethnography is
an in-depth description of a people group done through immersed participant
observation and recorded in the vernacular of the host society.
Case study: The most common type of qualitative research, case study looks
at episodic events in a definable framework bounded by time and setting. The
overall purpose is generally to explain how.

General Types of Research

Descriptive Research
- Type of study finds answer to the question who, what, when, where and how.
- Describes a situation o a given state of affairs in terms of specified aspects or

Examples of Descriptive Research

Example #1:
Computer Utilization of High School Students
How frequent do students utilize the computer?
Always (6 or more)
Often (5-6)
Sometimes (3-4)
Seldom (1-2)
Never (0)

Example #2:
The Management Style of School Administrator in Kabankalan City
Teaching Style of Teachers in Fellowship Baptist College .

Correlation Research
- Attempts to explain the possible factors related to a problem which has been
observed in a descriptive study.
- Investigates relationships between factors or variables.
- Certain factors assumed to explain or contribute to the existence of a
problem or a certain condition or the variation in a given situation.

Examples of Correlation Research

Gender Grades
Smoking Cancer
English Skills Mathematical Skills

Example Research Topics of Correlation Research

Example #1
Relationship Between Socioeconomic Factors and Absenteeism Among High
School students of Jaro, Iloilo
Middle Absenteeism

Example #2

Vocabulary Building its Correlation to Internet User

Vocabulary Internet Usage

Intervention or Experimental Research

Evaluates the effect or outcome of a particular intervention or treatment.
Studies the cause and effect relationship between certain factors on a certain
phenomenon under controlled conditions.

Research topic of Experimental

The Effects of Cooperative Learning approach on the Performance of
Mathematics of Junior High School of Central Philippine University.

Cooperative Learning
Pre- Post-
Lesso in Math
Lecture Group performanc

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